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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. So what you’re saying is, even opposing pitchers don’t like him?
  2. Well, with 1 game to go in the Spring, Sisco hasn’t shown any life while Severino has atleast looked like he has cared at the plate (not so much when he is behind it.) Yolmer Sanchez was a surprising DFA. Could another one be coming?
  3. Agreed. The other aspect is, Akin struggled with command in AAA in 2019. He had a lot of “high pitch count” innings because he wasn’t able to put people away quickly and also issued a good amount of walks. So it’s not like he suddenly lost his touch.
  4. “Assigned to alternate site” is if they aren’t on the 40.
  5. Per Roch, it was a MLB contract and the 40 is full.
  6. No wonder he’s my second favorite “Austin” in the Orioles organization. He looks like Casey Neistat in that picture..
  7. Great player, great person. Really enjoyed watching him play in Bowie and liked the fact he didn’t change he his game from AA to the MLB in terms of going all out. He puts full effort into every aspect and it shows. Plus, the rest of the league needs to be on notice. He is rocking that “New Dad” strength.
  8. If I had a choice between Chance throwing a ball at me or getting hit by a Nerf Blaster, I’d pick Sisco. Would hurt less.
  9. No harm in seeing if anyone else gets an injury or two and needs him before coming back.
  10. Full for now. Davis to 60 would clear 1 spot, but that move hasn’t been made yet.
  11. The last day of the season, unless on the IL.
  12. Wait, it never said it had to be pitchers. Well, if Nick Cuiffo opts out tomorrow, more power to him.
  13. Fair warning: I do not have a subscription to The Athletic. If anyone does, that would be awesome. It might explain how certain pitchers have been used.
  14. Didn’t he send them out pretty early last year?
  15. Here is my question: Do you really want their defense and pitch calling with the younger pitchers? Do you trust them to guide them pitcher through the game and through a jam? Have confidence in their breaking ball not being sent to the backdrop? Severino couldn’t even keep a fastball from getting away today and decided a game of long toss with Hays was more important.
  16. Maybe he was just practicing for when Manfred moves 2nd base to the warning track.
  17. Also how “Yastrzemski” turned into “Little Yaz.” ?
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