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Everything posted by Legend_Of_Joey

  1. I mean...Can’t we get SOMETHING atleast?
  2. I thought Blach was already removed from the 60 man roster?
  3. It was acting up for me too. Couldn’t post, would say I needed to log in then suddenly I wasn’t. I’m blaming Manfred.
  4. With the 30 man, yes I think they will. Once it drops to 28 and then 26, I don’t think they will, barring injury/illness. But even if one goes to Bowie, that’s 3 catchers in Bowie. Not really enough to get Davis fired, as they might want him there also incase of injury/illness. Look at what happened in Kansas City, with Perez and his backup getting the virus.
  5. I’m curious as to McKenna being omitted. Seems strange, especially since they were needing depth earlier with Santander and Smith out. I don’t think Holoday and/or Wynns is going to Bowie. Hyde has mentioned keeping 3 catchers on the 30 man roster and then 1 of the Taxi Squad players who travel HAVE to be a catcher. If they need room on the 40, I think Urias is the first cut.
  6. Well, he wouldn’t go to Toronto because he doesn’t want to pay those taxes.
  7. Tommy Milone and Wade LeBlanc had their contracts purchased.
  8. Hey, I’m half like Zobrist then!
  9. Rules require a catcher on the Taxi Squad.
  10. It could be either Wynns or Holoday as the 3rd catcher, with the other being with the team as the “Taxi Squad” guy the whole season. I won’t put much stock in the pitching. I see them rotating them around a bit as I think the bullpen will be used a lot with starters going shorter. Wilkerson will make the team. Williams is probably a Taxi Squad Player.
  11. Well, we know Joe West wasn’t one of them.
  12. I would rather keep an eye on the bullpen. I don’t see starters going deep into games because of the lay-off and think bullpens will be used more.
  13. I’m confused about Smith and Santander. Dan Connolly wrote an Athletic article using the words “no show” about them.
  14. I just figured they used this angle to honor Caleb Joseph.
  15. “Catcher Cup” view, or as one of my friends said, “Testicle TV.”
  16. After his heart condition, I wonder if that makes him “high risk?”
  17. Depends: Is Miggy going downhill too?
  18. So, he’s in the best shape of his life?
  19. He went from a fingernail injury on his left hand to a broken bone in his right wrist... That...Seems strange.
  20. Chapman and Royals back up catcher Cam Gallagher tested positive. The concern with Gallagher is that he caught the game last night and was throwing the ball around with everyone.
  21. It’s similar to Posey. Both have stuff outside of baseball they are dealing with and taking this time off to deal with it is a better decision.
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