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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Well its awlful for me, if my catcher is bad. In my world of baseball, the catcher is pretty key to the field of play on the diamond.
  2. I think -.2 WAR for a catcher is bad. IMO
  3. How has his catcher skills look this ST?
  4. I am happy for him, but if we cant be happy for Wright and his production in 4 innings, the same applies to Chance. The question here, is, we know he can bat, but his play behind the plate was below average and thats not going to cut it.
  5. I agree too. But, for every K, we will be subject to the same. ;(
  6. me too, but every HR he hits, there will be 10+ pages, both from the haters and the lovers, not to mention, the ones in between, and just hope he does well.
  7. Good post. But, for me, I think the bigger picture is, how are Elias' hands tied here, if they are or arent?
  8. Good interview with Elias during the 1st grapefruit game
  9. Well, been out of town for several days, and come back and we are still beating up Chris Davis. Going to be a very long season at this rate.
  10. So losing to try and get the top pick is just bloody stupid, IMHO. Win Baby Win.
  11. top pick is not always a guaranteed HOF player.
  12. I dont care what he needs to go to fix the problem. Play with snakes Find Jobu Pick up knitting to relax his nerves, I dont care, just find something to get you back to what you used to be.
  13. I get it, and I agree with you. Its all talk until we see the results.
  14. I totally agree, would rather root for him to do well, then for him to suck and be DFA. Roch had this tidbit:
  15. If I was the opposing GM, I think I would be worried that he would reverse back to the shell that he was for the previous couple of seasons.
  16. Anybody that hits more than 15 home runs in a season gets the steroid issue raised about them.
  17. Davis is not a major league hitter based on his previous 2 seasons and for sure, not work 22 million a year. I agree.
  18. Even on his worse day, Davis is better than any poster in OH at hitting the baseball. Its easy for us to poke at him, it sucks to see him do bad, but he gets to play a game at the major league level, that most of us could only dream about.
  19. Except for some that think they are a legend in their own minds (Certainly not directed at yourself)
  20. Im torn, I like that they want to use analytics to help improve the team and the play of the team. But, it seams like every breath is all about analytics, and at the end of the day, you still have to play the game on the field.
  21. I am in agreement with you about what they plan on doing, just hate the road cheap, thats all,
  22. I know you and others felt that way. I know Buck talked a few times over the years about life after Baltimore and I sure got the impression, that he wanted to spend time with his family and enjoy life, as he missed so much, working.
  23. Kind of a bit shocked by this, even a M-I-L deal:
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