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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I hate using the word cheap. I think they are not going to just waste money on a team of youth they are building up. I suspect as the team improves over the next year or two, you will see them spend money again, for now, unless you have a stud with more than 3 years of life left in them.
  2. If Elias and the org was really going cheap, why spend money and worry about the Dominican facilities and the players there??????
  3. Wow and I pulled .118 out of my tail in an earlier post.
  4. Amazing how much baseball history you know. Salute
  5. Brumgarner leads active pitchers with 17 Home Runs hit. And in my best Drungo voice:
  6. Pitchers dont even hit in college these days, and not in the minors. I think with the amount of money spent on pitchers, and how fragile they can be. Not sure, I want a pitcher batting and running the bases.
  7. When Davis was an all-star, he was far from a one trick pony. He played plus defense at first and could really stretch out to catch the incoming throw.
  8. So you are okay with great pitchers that can only pitch and field, and bat something like .118 at the plate?
  9. I remember all that, and even the 3 shot was going to ruin the game. Yet, there is talk of a 4 point shot line. While Football is constantly changing the rules, I not always in favor of their changes. Ok, so I admit, your side of this discussion has merits.
  10. The SS is not assigned yet. Yes, they invited a rule 5 to ST, and it sounds a bit promising, but at this point, who knows? Its not unusual at this stage of the off season, to not have a clear idea of who would be in the 4th and 5th slot. You dont even need the 5th slot until week 3 of the regular season. They do not want to lose, they said expect to be competitive and play ball. So continue to mock the team and complain. The sun will continue to rise and set and the sky is not falling.
  11. I agree boring. But, I am more against adding legislation to govern the action of the game.
  12. I think its ludicrous to have the DH in only the AL.
  13. Im not a fan of it. I am even less a fan of MLB trying to manage the game through stupid rules.
  14. I agree, I thought Susac should have been DFA last season, not impressed with him behind the plate.
  15. And if it didnt work out, you would be complaining about that, over and over and over. News flash, DD is gone, new team in charge and IMO 14.3 for Cruz and one year is too much.
  16. i know some on OH didn't like Flaherty. I think he deserves a bit more credit than some do, he played a good role for 5 years as bench and super utility guy and even saw playoff duty full time, and wasn't terrible.
  17. For a guy with a weak bat. I think #55 is a huge honor on the all-time list of catchers, going back to Druno days of baseball. He still caught roughly 400 games after he turned 35.
  18. Sorry, I had just posted this a couple of posts before. http://baseballegg.com/how-we-ranked-baseballs-greatest-players/baseballs-greatest-catchers-of-all-time/ Yes, its based on opinion, and not the authority on the subject. But, interesting to see their viewpoint.
  19. It is. Dempsey didnt get too many awards other than MVP of the WS. I dont think he ended up #55 on the top 100 list, based on his bat, or playing 22 seasons. Starter for 7 90 game winners and two titles, probably means as catcher, he had to have a role in their success.
  20. Dempsey was for sure. Wieters had a 1 really good year, but several others decent years behind the plate, that I would grade above a C, but thats just me. I think Caleb was above average and ranks out a B most of the time, that nasty injury hurt and set him back some. I think if you look at the stats, which IMO doesn't do the catcher enough justice: Buster for SF has been pretty solid, his whole career. Actually gets ranked #13 in the top 100 Catcher's list. Which is graded combined offensive and defense. http://baseballegg.com/how-we-ranked-baseballs-greatest-players/baseballs-greatest-catchers-of-all-time/
  21. Not too many, there are several in the bigs, not every team has one. So do you disagree with my opinion about Sisco being C- last year?
  22. I am more worried about this lack of skills behind the plate. According to my baseman according to Rick's manual. I want my catcher to be A+ defense first, and if he can bat, that is gravy. Sadly, Sisco looked C- at best. Of course, he is still young and teachable, we shall see how he does in ST.
  23. I was hopefully optimistic when he was signed, based on my limited knowledge of the rest of the league and the candidates. It sure appears that he understands this game, and is trying to build the org for the long run, and this is very encouraging.
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