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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. We agree on this subject!!!!! On the whole, MLB has an attendance issue, and adding teams or moving teams, is not going to solve the problem.
  2. They have the absolute worst stadium in MLB and needs to move. Baltimore isn't moving. Teams make their money off Cable TV revenue deals.
  3. They got over 15 prospects in return for the 3 vets, did they not? And you neglect to mention the international slot money for VMM, which surely had to have a part in this trade.
  4. I like to think slot money was the big reason for the trade. Much like Miller staying out of Detroit land. Getting more international slot money, kept it out of other hands.
  5. I suspect Gausman had been on the trading block along with Britton and Schoop for a few weeks, and this was the best deal they was given. We do not know exactly what ownership told DD they wanted done. For you to say, not a single legit prospect was received, could be a bit over the top.
  6. So the season is lost, and the horizon is bleak while you rebuild, why not dump salary, its not like that salary was winning games for the team?
  7. He has pitched outstanding for them, there is no denying that.
  8. Have youve been hanging out with @DrungoHazewood
  9. Gausman had a poor outing Monday. Not that I want the kick the guy. I find it ironic, all those up in arms, everytime he pitched well, remained silent, when he didn't.
  10. The NL, used to be none for running, is slightly behind Boston in SB, this season.
  11. The ball was juiced. Yeah, Buford a bit before my Oriole fandom. But, I did enjoy Roberts, until the last couple of years.
  12. At this point let Villar be aggressive, Buck knows that he is auditing for a job next year. If things were different, then you might want to put a bit of a leash on him, but for now, wth.
  13. Sometimes, the 2nd year too, thats why they call it sophomore jinx.
  14. It must have been the baseball Gods.
  15. Sounds like the pitchers made an adjustment, and he was slow making his adjustment.
  16. Probably watching highlights, like I have been, just not wasting time, to tune into the whole games.
  17. I wouldnt call the Gausman deal fleeced yet, its SSS.
  18. They will not cut bait, when he is finally hitting.
  19. I dont share that opinion. When it comes to providing for your family, you do what you have to do, to collect that pay check. My previous job was changed, and while I am with the same company, I am still more than productive, just not the position that I had enjoyed, thankfully at the same wage scale, but I am keeping my mouth shut and when I can legally retire soon, I will. I do not see the Orioles giving him a 75 cent on the dollar to walk away, its not happening.
  20. People can stand a lot of embarrassment for the right amount of money. And speaking of near mortals, I have seen companies offer significant money to people to encourage them to retire. Wish it would happen to me. LOL
  21. Would you accept a lower amount, if your work offered you this?
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