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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Losing 9-2 is not because of only Davis in the lineup.
  2. Schoop finally hitting, but now on the bench, because they dont like his play at SS. Didn't they scout him before trading for him????????????????
  3. Yes, they was not mathematically eliminated until 29 Sept.
  4. didnt the Yankees play A-rod, until almost the bitter end?
  5. I dont think there is a MLB out there, that would leave Davis on the bench drawing the salary he is drawing. Unless your deep pockets like Boston, Dodgers or the Yankees, you dont DFA him either.
  6. If he plays cheap enough.:) Thats the direction of the 25 man roster for the next 2 years.
  7. Damn, speed reading, I missed that critical word, not:
  8. Veteran leadership on a very young team. But, I get your point.
  9. Hardy says he is finally healed and able to still play. Do we give him a MIL deal, with some incentives, and see if he can still play? What the worse that can happen, he officially retires from the game?
  10. Gary and his battle buddy Brother John brought back many found memories of watching them play ball.
  11. I dont think we will see Trey in the Orioles HOF. He will have a decent career, just nothing to jump up and down over. IMO.
  12. Of course, 4 is better than 8.5, especially if you have a 10 WAR player, then thats 85 million per year which is stupid, then again 40 million is stupid too. IMO I was referring to what I thought Fangraphs had declared as their idea of what what 1 WAR should cost.
  13. Unless somebody has an agenda with the FO, and wants to complain about every thing. [Not yourself] I like the trade, not like this team is going anywhere, we need young prospects to make the future better.
  14. Putting people in the seats does not pay the bills. Cable-TV does that. I dont call 2 to 2.5 million in the good years, embarrassing. MLB average attendance has been dropping over the years. Baseball is losing its popularity as the number 1 sport of American.
  15. 14 years of idiocy at the top of the org and crappy teams will do that to an franchise. I still do not see this team moving, anywhere, period.
  16. To me, its much like the college basketball player, trying to decide to forsake 2-3 years of college and a degree, and enter into the NBA draft. You can cite numerous cases on both sides of the equation where it worked and did not work.
  17. He has been the model citizen here. Buck said either in MASN, or after one of his game reports, that guys like Beckham, you have to respect their love of the game, and coming to the clubhouse, every day, ready to play.
  18. He has played better at first, than the original scouting reports that came out of his college days. But, I agree with you, below average in both positions.
  19. Which I never did understand, what the heck happen there. When he played he, his game was fundamentally flawed.
  20. De Aza had a decent 2nd half with the team, and then the following year, forgot how to play baseball.
  21. Usually, short range 2nd baseman, aren't able to handle the demands of the "hot corner". He has greats hands and glove, but he is not going to be able to overcome the range issue, which decreases with age.
  22. Sorry, Ive seen him play 3rd, and a polite, no thanks.
  23. Here is my problem with this. This team sucks for 2+ seasons and by 3+ season, Schoop will be pushing 30. People have already complained about seeing his range decrease some, granted, he never had the greatest range of a 2nd. He can't play SS or 2nd, so what does that make him, 1st or DH???????
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