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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Shoop showing signs of life.
  2. I have watched Gausman enough to be dazzled and befuddled, and there was way too many befuddled times for me.
  3. Of course Oriole fans thought Gausman was better, but they didnt get the same respect around the league. The rest of the league was wrong too? I think its great he is doing well there, but I would not be betting the mortgage that he will continue this success rate there for the rest of his career.
  4. Not very well. MLBTR had this today:
  5. Classic National League manager move.
  6. I thought only the Orioles screwed up trades????
  7. ball hit to the OF shallow and drops as the OF leaps for it, misses, and the ball rolls slowly to the fence, and the hitter is flying around the bases.
  8. No disrespect to the Blade, but after Cal, Hardy was my favorite SS, and yes Tejeda was very good, but to me, JJ was a true blue collar, play the game the right way, and I enjoyed his time here.
  9. Wish I could read that. Its good to hear encouraging things from the MIL system for 3rd, since there isn't anybody else there.
  10. He didn't my brain lost me on that. https://www.fangraphs.com/statss.aspx?playerid=2646&position=P#pitchtype
  11. He was a 2 pitch pitcher that the league adjusted to him. He had a decent career as a Lefties out guy, more than most guys do, when all they can do, is dream about playing pro ball.
  12. Yes, another hyped pitcher that didnt amount to what he was supposed to be.
  13. Russ Grimsely has said repeatedly on MASN radio, that they need to take the gloves off and let these guy pitch through their little aches and pains and even go back to the 4 man rotation.
  14. Buck must be reading OH Davis gets the day off today. Mancini at 1st.
  15. I still dust off the ole Cakes jersey and wear it too.
  16. I think is funny how worked up people are over this. The season is toast, so who gives a fork.
  17. Your hilarious. You realize that his other options were Peterson or Gentry. Seriously? Either of those, would have made that much of a difference in the game?
  18. I think they mostly did, looking at the box score. 4 guys were not on OD lineup, and just two AJ and Davis were "old" veterans.
  19. Does it really matter if Buck play Davis or not? This season is totally lost.
  20. So we have 3 young arms, all hyped to be future stud TORs. Gausman, Bundy and then they added Harvey. The new Calvary was coming to carrying the pitcher burden for the next decade. Gausman never achieved it, and ended up getting a plane ticket out of town. Bundy has teased up with flashes of greatness and the ability to cough up the long ball. Harvey is back to the DL, and some doubt if he will ever stay healthy. Bad luck, or what?
  21. Damn, starting to look more and more like Hobgood.
  22. The Senators had a great glove at SS and no bat, which was pretty typical in those low ERA pitcher eras. As great as the Blade was, I sometimes, think he would not be an everyday player on contending teams.
  23. To me, 10m is a very very big chunk. But, to an organization worth over a billion. Its all relative.
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