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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. I believe most MLB clubs operate this way. Attendance is not what makes them profitable.
  2. There are rampant rumors about the Orioles selling. I have yet to see any real evidence of this actually having any fruit to it.
  3. I agree, it came together very fast, considering DD had been busy elsewhere too. DD is not acting like a lame duck GM thats for sure. I also agree, he is out of here and telling the world he still has it, or he will be here.
  4. We wont know, until MLB declares VVM a free agent and available to sign. It does give the team, the best chance to sign VVM, having that extra money, they could still get some of the other prospects.
  5. Maybe the main goal, was obtaining international money and shredding payroll?????? Unless, you know the main objection/goal of the trade, then things aren't clear.
  6. Instead of Peter, than Ownership. You must admit, it was a complete turnaround to get to this place, and it surely wasn't DD magically walking up in the shower, and started making phone calls.
  7. You are also assuming the worse, instead of waiting to see how it plays out. I agree with Tony-OH this is a head scratcher and not one of his best deals. It could still work out.
  8. If you are ordered by your boss to do something, then you do it the best you can, and if maybe he wasn't allow to say no as an option, if the return wasn't high enough.
  9. reminds me of the Orioles, and when they traded 2 mid-level prospects, who ended up being better than the guys higher on the food chain.
  10. He played very well for Manny when Manny hurt his knee and in the playoffs. in 2014, Sept.Oct, he had an OPS of .804 While he wasn't Manny at 3rd, he was still above average with the glove. Hard to compare any SS to the Blade, which some say was the best glove at SS in the business, ever.
  11. This deal to me, almost looks like a Peter inspired deal, maybe DD was told to dump "XXXX" amount of this year's salary, and this was the best he could come up with?
  12. He played very well for the team, when he had full-time status, due to injuries. He filled an important role for the team, back when they were competing.
  13. So much for that conversation we had yesterday and sitting on the bench and watching the playoffs.
  14. Beats keeping the bench warm for a losing team, wouldn't it?
  15. My crystal ball says they both get lit up tonight.
  16. Hire respectable and responsible reporters.
  17. I think the Orioles gave up on him, achieving what he could be. But, thats just my own opinion.
  18. I agree, when your stuff is hyped to be TOR stuff, then usually you expect that person to have an assortment of pitches they can throw for strikes and be a high strikeout artist.
  19. Lets just play the blame everybody else game,. Whatever, we shall see.
  20. But, he was hyped in the minors and after being drafted as a sure fire blue chip TOR. So sliding all the way to a #4 SP is pretty sad. For now, its too short a sample size, lets wait and see how well he does there. Believe it or not, I wish him well there.
  21. Its more than that, maybe pitching out of the stretch is the difference in how he can better locate his pitches. Zach had his lightblub moment and figured things out, without switching teams, others aren't that lucky. Ed-Rod had his after his left, and he had good days and still has bad outtings. I am sure, KG has not turned into a Stud HOF with this trade, but heck, Ive been wrong before.
  22. My apologies. Ive been slapped by Tony in the past, for being a homer, back in the early days. But, that doesn't change the AL being tougher to pitch in, then NL
  23. Its 50-50. He will either win the Cy Young or blow his elbow and need TJ and be out 18 months,.
  24. Maybe he needed better coaching like Jake did? Maybe its easier to pitch in the NL, then the AL East. We shall see. 2 games, is what most would call a short sample size.
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