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Redskins Rick

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Everything posted by Redskins Rick

  1. Of the starting 8 non pitchers of the 1970 WS, Andy is the only one, not in the Oriole HOF.
  2. The Astros were able to get a steal with Verlander. They saw something in the tapes, they felt could be fixed, and the Tigers were happy to send him packing, along with 20 million. Astros might not have won the WS, if not for a fixed Verlander.
  3. I have a problem with people throwing sticks at DD for not resigning Manny. At least from my keyboard view of the situation, it sure looked at Angelos the owner was not really to come off the money required, he had zero desire to keep Manny in Oriole Orange.
  4. It also helped that he had a veteran defense behind him that was pretty fab.
  5. He was, funny how some posters recall a different dude than the one that was here.
  6. Jake was gone, because of his own doing, he forgot how to pitch and get hitters out. He was Mike Wright bad. People were helping him back his bags, and drive him to the bus station, they were finished with him. Fortunately for himself, he was able to fix his stuff and found it easier to pitch in the NL.
  7. Im totally shocked, I figured the way he talked about his future whenever the Orioles job was finished, sounded like it would not be in a manager role.
  8. I cant remember the manager, maybe even Earl, but the theory at the time, was your #9 batter was your second leadoff hitter.
  9. I agree. Buck left NY because King George wanted all the coaches fired and Buck refused.
  10. they said, fans would not came back after that big strike, and eventfully quite a few of those, did finally come back.
  11. My apologies for saying something incorrect. 4 blocks away, is not quite the same thing.
  12. They wouldn't, it just the negative twits that got their panties in a twist about this team and they beat their righteous drums at every moment. The Dodgers and Giants have not moved, and they have had baseball fans killed in their parking lot.
  13. Hyde is an Elias hire. I doubt replacing him, is hire on his to-do list of problem areas to address on this team.
  14. I think a couple might be playing in the beer leagues, does that count?
  15. Everybody talked giddy about Bundy and Gausman until they showed in the MLB and wasn't able to live up to the hype.
  16. If Akin and Kremer are ready, sure, but guys like Wright and company, enough already.
  17. Sign to a 1 year deal, with option year, and add on obtainable bonuses for pitching well. Low risk and high reward
  18. If this was a playoff contender, I would cringe on Ynoa being on the 25 man roster. But, this team, it doesn't impact too much. He could actually be useful in the swing role next season.
  19. We thought Bud was though too, and he went out and had what 4 or 5 more MLB seasons???
  20. Wade is a head case, he thinks too much. When he was here, one of the ex-oriole pitchers (Think it was Scotty) said he had the best stuff on the entire staff, but thought too much. Too him to go out and trust his stuff and his team, and he went and threw a 12KO gem, and a couple of more good games, and then he would blow up again.
  21. I can understand that to a degree. I am tired of seeing so many minor league pitchers come up here that really have no business at this level. If KG can get back to what he was, which is a big if, then as long as its cheap, then it cant hurt, can it?
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