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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. Hopefully replaces Watkins. He looks filthy.
  2. No kidding, boo. Dude hasn’t allowed a run at any affiliate. Meanwhile Owings still here lol, but I get it, they need arms and he just pitched.
  3. I am equally as excited about Rodriquez.
  4. And logically he’s the guy to replace in the rotation so….
  5. He’s awesome:) and we need to win!
  6. Bemboom DFA-Ed. No surprise there.
  7. Yeah, completely agree. Love Mullins and need to keep him but this take seems silly.
  8. Rodriquez please. I was hoping both would be recalled together. Rodriquez has been more dominating than AR.
  9. But currently has a 6+ era. I think it’s inevitable he’s our future closer and not a starter.
  10. Agreed. Let’s give AR & Rodriquez another full year in AAA to percolate. https://twitter.com/joetrezz/status/1527863333474512896?s=21&t=QFp8U_BAKFpMOxHO2uHWgA
  11. Kevin Brown is great. Everything is exciting and he’s sharp and clever. Keep up The great work!
  12. It sure would make sense to build on the momentum of tonight’s win by recalling both Adley & Rodriquez….
  13. I love Dan but this is accurate. Elias/Angelos always about money. If you believe otherwise, your naive.
  14. Of course but no urgency to keep or lock up core players or promote prospects deserving, just slow rolling and cost cutting. His plan to win is with his next org or when Angelos passes I guess. No plan to win anytime soon.
  15. Not emulate but Rizzo comes from a scouting background and judging by WAR, might be one of the best ever.
  16. No, I missed it, but good post but you can get an innings eater that doesn’t have this moral overhang. I still believe Hall is a reliever, hope I am wrong.
  17. I am:) I just know he’s going to screw it up and preparing for disappointment now to reduce the impact rage on draft day:)
  18. I do my best Sir. Life is hard and complex. I do agree the ones that present things as black and white are either naive or up to nefarious means As for Harvey, his signing this year not only makes zero sense but salt on the wound when Elias basically sat on his hands this past offseason.
  19. Thanks for the post Sir. I don’t see things like that and your point is a good one. I will reiterate my view: he was beyond awful last year and likely wouldn’t have been in the bigs if not for us. Couple that with this bad look, why sign him? It’s like he is being arrogant about how little he cares about being competitive. I do think what he did was wrong however but agree we all deserve a shot at redemption. Life is short and hard and your post is a thoughtful one. Thank you.
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