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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. An update! We https://twitter.com/eric_birdland/status/1530211157239336960?s=21&t=0ctxnBHa2MLCVraHtclunw
  2. Dru Hill & Spinderella! Ha! That would be cool. Ha! Smash Mouth & Sisauo are awful though lol.
  3. Wow, how crazy would it be to see a pitcher catch? Has that ever happened in the last 30 years or so? Who is the emergency catcher?Again, Owings. But reliever Logan Gillaspie caught in the independent Pecos League. I’d pay to watch him go from the mound to behind the plate in the same game. https://www.masnsports.com/orioles-rss/because-you-asked-baby-geniuses-2
  4. Yeah he’s farther off to me on the command front but we can bring him up to close for the playoff run later in the season:)
  5. Man, spot on. I’d give Kremer more time, agreed. It is time. Dude’s filthy, sends a message to players and overall org top imo. I would really like to see Elias add a piece at the deadline, nothing costly but again, sends a message.
  6. Thanks for the thoughtful post. I’ll try to complain about Elias less but strongly believe he has lots of areas to improve in including taking the bpa in the first round. We all want to see the org return to glory!
  7. He has 6 k’s! Struck out everyone he has faced!
  8. Sorry, odd start time, so wanted to let people know. Up to 4 k’s already. Live on milb.tv app.
  9. He IS dominating. I think Rodriguez might be more ready than AR! The time is now.
  10. Hopefully Rodriquez but could be Kremer, but he’s only had one rehab start (looked sharp).
  11. So happy about this. Was Rom removed due to pitch count or performance (guessing the latter but not sure).
  12. Lopez has struggled until this year urias huge step back Wells agreed. Sulser seemed better at first but agreed a piece, not super noteworthy, Pedro better grab imo I love me some Alberto so agree there, still miss him! No home runs. I don’t have an agenda, just think Elias is overrated and people aren’t as critical as they should be. plus he slept with my wife. Joking…joking.
  13. Thanks for posting all this!!! Is his velocity supposedly to increase a bit more from TJ or no?
  14. LOL You will fit right in on this board then. I saw someone the other day had no idea he wasn’t a GM before.
  15. A 7-8 era in AA and we choose him to claim? Couldn’t have gotten better? Likely to fill Velez is throwing batting practice (part of Marlins trade). For a guy with a scouting background…don’t see much from his trades/projects.
  16. Another awful outing. Again, not a nugget it seems.
  17. Any precisions one our moves? Some of these bp guys coming back for sure.
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