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Everything posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. Burns me up that Owings & Odor still on this team. I saw Gutierrez had 2 hits tonight. I wish the Os had played him more consistently. Gutierrez, Matteo & Urias best defensive infield. I am fine taking a hit on offense for a great fielding infield.
  2. My apologies, Aberdeen is higher now, keep forgetting that.
  3. Was he an international signing? Looks bound for Bowie if he continues this pace.
  4. Challenges Odor lol He shouldn’t be on the team! Urias at 2nd, Mateo at SS and Gutierrez at 3b
  5. Exactly. Man, I miss Buck. Just not his Davis & Ubaldo love.
  6. That would be a battery that might get people to the park though…
  7. Elias is frustrating. Odor & Owings shouldn’t be on the team. At least maybe Cano gets hit and might get you a low level prospect but why? What’s the point. I miss Dan Duquette, never thought I’d say that, but he found some good players via many different avenues.
  8. Hindsight. But both were worthwhile low risk gambles. Many more like this that would va e helped move us forward, albeit incrementally.
  9. Becausing winning & trying are important in sports. Fans feel disrespected. He gave Lyles 7 million! To eat innings! Archer & similar much less. Cueto signed a mil deal. Both would have helped mentor our staff instead of a guy sharing pain killers. If money is so important, why is Odor here? He stinks and will never have trade value. I’d rather Have a solid defensive infield with Gutierrez, Mateo & Urias. Odor has how many errors? He does t even play every day! The decisions being made make little sense. As we witnessed from Bucks, setting a winning culture is important, that’s why.
  10. Get this guy off the team!!!Astute signing Elias, take your boy Owings with him.
  11. Odor doing his best to make sure we don’t turn the corner. Astute signing Elias. Great job with Owings too. We could have signed Chris Archer? Zach Greinke. Anyone with some value.
  12. Odor shouldn’t be here. Nobody defends Owings, useless. Laskins? Sure gets lots of chances… Elias’ roster management is his awful. Maybe he should have actually signed some meaningful players (not necessarily top tier, say Chris Archer?) in the off-season, just a thought.
  13. Woohoo! Go Bowie! Great to see!
  14. Edit: Morgan McSweney finished the 7th (and almost gave up a double that missed by inches) in last at bat.
  15. 7 inning variety. 11th in club history (5th against Senators). Garrett Stallings! Congrats!
  16. Bowie did it! 11th no hitter! (5th against Senators)!
  17. He is 3 outs away from a no-no in Bowie.
  18. Thank you both. It makes sense that all teams play roughly the same schedule. I think Buck was in support of this. But this is def an improvement!
  19. Wow. I know most baseball purists don’t like changes but I’d like to see a balanced schedule for both leagues. Pardon my ignorance, but what changes can we expect next year?
  20. Sounds like good guesses, hoping all remain healthy & sharp!
  21. Thank you for posting, great info!
  22. He cleared waivers. Surprised & disappointed for him actually, wanted to see him play more. Stewart cleared too. Top farm system in baseball, shocked more aren’t biting (at least with Stewart).
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