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Posts posted by NelsonCruuuuuz

  1. 5 hours ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    Why is this guy not our everyday 2B right now?  He’s basically played a full season in AAA, albeit PCL, but come on. 

    125 GP 557PA 26HR 101RBI 39Doubles

    83/35 SO/BB .916 OPS

    I get the idea that we were letting him get his confidence back, and possibly work on some things with a new organization, but stick him at 2B for a month+ and see what happens. 

    Exactly. But the reason is because the goal isn't to play good baseball. Green is at stake (you would hope Elias would take him being he is a generational talent possibly).

  2. Somebody on Twitter was arguing with me about Fry. He said we could equal return for him to Castro/Givens. I explained the upside of those two were higher (particularly Givens who was used as a pitcher like every single mlb club scouted him as unlike Jim “worst scouting director ever” Jordan, but I digress). 

    Fry was an eyelash from not making the club and people are expecting some huge return for Fry? 


  3. 10 hours ago, wildcard said:

    Someone in the O's organization thought he was worth 100k to take a look.  So far it has not gone well.  On the other hand Tyler Wells looks like a keeper.   Sometimes they win and sometime it does not work out.


    There were so many guys better to pick in that Rule 5 draft with high ceilings. I gave up looking at mocks for this org, just ends in disappointment. 

  4. Who replaces Harvey? There are only so many DFA-ed starting pitchers.

    Id recall Jannis the knuckleballer. They aren’t trying to win, knuckleballers can eat innings…st least it would be fun

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  5. 1 hour ago, Mr. Chewbacca Jr. said:

    Thanks for posting this Tony - best video I've seen yet explaining it. I've been following it on Twitter for a bit, but this video sums it up nicely.

    Means is frequently cited on social media as one of the worst offenders as this. He has blatantly been going to his glove all season. He also has added new moves to try and disguise it - he does this weird twist thing now where he turns his body away from the dugout TV camera to load up from his glove.

    There's a guy on Tik Tok who breaks this down a lot and he cites Means as one of the most egregious cases. Worth browsing if you're interested, not saying this guy is an expert, but he doesn't strike me as a tinfoil hat guy: https://www.tiktok.com/@hey_commy?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1

    Here's videos on Means specially: 



    Interestingly enough - he thinks Gausman is pitching straight up:




    Elias culture likely. By any Means necessary. 

    this is disappointing, and I love Means, no way that’s on him, no way, it’s likely a culture. Disappointing that so many orgs just follow along without speaking out. It’s also quite comical we hold baseball to a higher standard than our politicians.

  6. 7 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:


    Excellent point on Gaylord Perry. It is so beyond disgusting that Bonds and Clemens aren't in the Hall. Pete Rose threatened the game itself, I don't disagree with his ban, that is different for me. But Bonds and Clemens, while both annoying, belong in the hall. At least their won't alleged murderers or in the Klan like many in the early years. Sorry I digress, just frustrating how baseball judges arbitrarily. 


    Edit: and of course Joe Jackson should be the first player put in, the worst injustice in baseball is Shoeless Joe

  7. 17 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    I watched this video and was pretty amazed at how often pitchers are clearly cheating in the MLB.

    Watch this. What are your thoughts?


    Wow, this is eye opening. Thank you for posting. Elias (formerly of the Houston Astros as we all know and their history of getting the advantage by any means necessary) sure does talk a lot about spin rate....

  8. 3 hours ago, Frobby said:



    SG posted this in the Rodriguez thread on the minor league board yesterday, but it’s significant enough that I thought it warranted a thread over here.   

    If Rodriguez has actually ascended to being the top pitching prospect in baseball, and Adley is no. 2 among position players, that’s pretty damned encouraging.   I just hope they live up to their billing!

    Does anyone have the full list by chance? I would be curious to see it.

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