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Everything posted by ONUOsFan

  1. And we gained ground on Tampa during that stretch. We all would have gladly taken that before the trip started.
  2. All I know is I’m very glad we’re done with this place after today.
  3. The Rays are 6-4 in their last 10 games and we were only up 1.5 not that long ago. Unfortunately they just got 4 games against a Seattle team that is 3-7 in their last 10.
  4. Second one didn’t do much good when he ran himself into the stupidest out of the day, did it?
  5. Westburg must be hurt. No way Hyde is dumb enough to have Urias and Frazier both in there otherwise.
  6. Grayson hasn’t been great but he should be up 3-1 right now.
  7. No way you can put that on Grayson. This defense makes that play 99 times out of 100 this year.
  8. Seattle went cold about a week ago. Exactly the wrong time for us.
  9. I would really like to be able to move him back down to 2 or 3, but I’m not sure Mullins (or anyone else) is ready to replace his production at lead off. Unless maybe it would make more sense to have Henderson there? At least he has some speed.
  10. If I remember right, it was down early in his past start, too, but came back a little later in the game.
  11. Probably getting ready for his next start in place of Flaherty.
  12. This is maybe the first time since we lost him that I’ve really felt that we are truly missing Bautista.
  13. How did we watch baseball when it used to take this long all the time?
  14. Santander and O’Hearn would have gotten to it while looking as uncomfortable as possible. You’re right about Cowser, though - that guy is the king of letting balls that he should catch drop in front of him.
  15. Between the game itself and the rain delay, these guys have to feel like they’ve been at the park for a week.
  16. Every other outfielder we have catches that.
  17. I feel like he appeared in 79 straight games after we brought him on, so it’s not really surprising.
  18. 100%. That team was so frustrating to watch sometimes. A few weeks back, they had Adam Jones on the telecast, they were talking about how high his chase rate was, and I was cringing.
  19. Everyone has a job. Does that mean no one should ever share their opinions? Maybe the fans should stop being headcases and judge him based on his performance.
  20. It might be my imagination because I’m not a Flaherty fan, but watching the other players in the dugout when he starts struggling, it doesn’t really seem like they have any affection for him as a teammate.
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