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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. The Orioles know Lopez better than me, but I have concerns about his mental state after his hissy fit that got him DFA'd.
  2. I agree, but I think the bigger issue is having a tired bullpen and still having Viera on the team. Elias need to give Hyde better options.
  3. So the only thing Mullins has hit today is his teammate.
  4. I'm at the game. What happened to Mateo?
  5. Can you please post the x links from the team's page, and not from the fanboys? They have blocked me from their page like the children that they are. Also, if you let the post come up, it will imbed! Thanks. BTW, that was a 102 MPH, off the shoe tops on a breaking ball, oppo home run. That's pretty special.
  6. That is hell of a throw across his body.
  7. Looks like a full, "violent" swing, so hopefully he's not far from return.
  8. Pretty crappy if you ask me. All players should be protecting each other, particularly in the minors when they all have the same goal to get to the show. I didn't see the play so not sure, but I'd like to know what players or coaches were near there and what they did or did not do.
  9. Nice job in the comparisons. I need to see more of Hunt before making any definitive statements. To me they are very similar profiles in the sense that they are both probably backup catchers at best in the majors. Handley certainly throws better, and Hunt has more power. The rest I will need to see by watching Hunt behind the dish.
  10. There is no doubt the power is there as we saw a ton last year and in spurts this year. He's been just trying to get his legs under his in AA and now that's he's making better swing decisions, I believe we'll see that power spike this summer.
  11. This guy has big leagueitis. He has the stuff to succeed in the majors, but can't perform at the highest level. Not sure if it's nerves or what, but it's ashamed because it feel like he should be an asset to the major league bullpen.
  12. I wonder if he's having "issues" once again. https://sports.yahoo.com/mets-to-reportedly-dfa-reliever-jorge-lopez-after-he-called-them-worst-team-in-probably-the-whole-fing-mlb-011645538.html
  13. I'm not even sure Urias' Mom bet him to homer tonight.
  14. Wow I did not think that was going out off the bat. Good for Ramon.
  15. The 3AM can't sleep commercial is pretty funny!
  16. Apparently he doesn't know how to pitch once he has that to. 4-pitch walk then doesn't hold a runner. Not very ace like.
  17. Yes ladies and gentlemen, that was a grown ass man dancing like that when the camera was on him.
  18. Looks like Gunnar just took his frustrations out on that ball. Took mine out too with it.
  19. Ha!!! You suck one minute ago Tony-OH!
  20. Normally, I'd be excited with the bases loaded and Gunnar coming up. But not where his head has been at the last few games.
  21. Mullins with his patented deep pop fly to SS with two men on.
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