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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. That's a good point and hopefully all this is. They need Grayson to be strong in September and October and may just look at this as a perfect opportunity to shut him down for a bit without losing a pitcher due to DFA. I didn't see anything in Grayson's last start to suggest he was hurt, so maybe a little soreness, which probably every pitcher feels after starts, is a good reason to be able to load manage him for the year. Saying that, he did throw a 163.1 innings last year between Baltimore and Norfolk and was very strong last year into October, where he was too hyped up (sitting 100 MPH) vs worn down.
  2. I don't get everything right. I'm fine with you "calling me out" over some comments I made a few years ago. Feel free to find more as I'm sure there are more. Also feel free to not ask me any questions or read what i have to say about players and judge on your. I may have been a bit harsh to suggest firing people, because we don't know whether it's scouting or development or both when it comes to the international/rookie league department struggle to have hitters find success above rookie league. Basallo of course is a huge hit, and Bencosme is a nice job, especially since he was a late bloomer. Now while I see what you are doing here and trying to make me look impatient, it's more than the terrible starts by the first big crop. And I'm not saying that these guys are busts, just that their ascension to full season ball has been similar to other DSL/FCL grads outside of the two I mentioned. Go take a look at Isaac De León, Anderson De Los Santos, Stiven Acevedo (my personal disappointment because I love his tools), Luis Gonzalez, Brayan Hernández, Angel Tejada, Erison Placencia, Rolphy Cruz, Moises Ramirez, Josué Cruz, and Mishael Deson. None of them were able to compete well out of rookie ball. And I won't have mention the million plus bust that is Maikel Hernandez. Now there are varying talent levels amongst those guys, but the one constant is their almost complete inability to compete in A-ball of above. Not struggle, but sub .600 OPS numbers which to me means they were no ready to compete at this level. So now we have Tavera (who has been doing better of late and controls the strike zone), Sosa (good gap power, but Ks are becoming a red flag), Estrada and Velasquez (who actually got a nice bonus) all struggling. Tavera and Sosa certainly have tools to work from and their stories are far from written, but what I'm talking about is whatever they're doing to get guys ready to compete at this level is not working very well. Sure, they're young, but they're not significantly younger than other Carolina League teams. So I'm not saying this new wave of hitters are busts after a month, but I am saying that every single guy going through DSL and FCL teams besides Basallo and Bencosme (Luis Valdez to a lesser extent but was a much older guy late signee) have absolute struggled above the FCL. So at some point, the Orioles need to look internal on how they are developing hitters coming out of this program or maybe even how they scouting them. I understand how hard the system is over there to hit on kids at 14 and 15 years old, and we all should expect most of these players to fail at some point in the minor leagues, but I would like to see a few more be able to have success in A- and A ball before maybe having AA be the fail point.
  3. Tony-OH

    Jalen Vasquez 2024

    I know there is some chatter about Etzel being a great 10th round pick and he's doing well, but don't sleep on Vasquez. In his limited action last year he intrigued me because of his defensive abilities, but this year, he's made the jump to Aberdeen and not only is he still showing legitimate tools to play SS at the major league level, he's more more than holding his own so far this year with the bat. Player Round A Ball Stats Vasquez 20th .302/.456/.453/.909 with 3 2B, 1 3B, 1 HR, 10 SB/1 CS, 14 BB, 10 K in 68 PAs Etzel 10th .329/.422/.529/.951 with 7 2B, 2 3B, 2 HR, 12 SB/3 CS 14 BB, 20 K in 102 PAs Bradfield Jr. 1st .203/.311/.281/.592 with 3 2B, 1 3B, 0 HR, 13 SB/0 CS, 10 BB, 12 K in 75 PAs Add in that Vasquez is a plus defender tools wise (though he has some throwing accuracy issues at times) and I'm liking what I see early on for the 30K signing bonus 20th rounder.
  4. I totally updated these and forgot to post them. If you don't see them updated this evening by 9, remind me! Sorry about that!
  5. He's letting the ball travel more now and looks more balanced. That's the guy we saw last year. I think his lack of offseason due to the bone chips hurt his start and then he pressed a bit. Now the confidence is back, he's catching, and all is right in the world!
  6. Yeah, I think a lot of that is premature in my opinion. I get it though, there's some unknowns here, but I think it's too early to start expecting things from him and besides, I don't think most fans want to hear about "off field" stuff while the season is going on. He clearly has no issues being part of the fun promos, but he doesn't strike me as the call a press conference so he can virtue signal on a subject like JA would. Now, maybe he will become that, but I like that he's just acting like a big fan during the season, all the while I'm sure there are things going on behind the scenes.
  7. This is a good point, but I guess I've found that 4-7 period is usually a transition time for me from the days activities (motorcycles, boating, BBqing, etc) and I enjoyed knowing I had a game to watch that evening. But I get the other side too.
  8. I do think you are right here. It will be hard for him to be high profile owner who is doing promo's to becoming a miserly McScrooge when it comes to spending in the offseason. All of this in my mind points to good news for the team and fans.
  9. What do you want him to properly update you on? The team is doing well, and we have an owner that actually cares about the past, the now, and the future. They're all good fun, but either way, not sure what you would expect him to update the fans on. He's not going to talk extensions (though I heard Gunnar is the priority and they are working on one), stadium upgrades (doubt anything is decided yet) and the on field product is doing just fine. Anyways, in season, the only person(s) we should hear about the on field product is Elias and or Hyde.
  10. But there is a big difference in being in direct sunlight and not. Either way, I realize others like the 4:05 start time. I just happened to like having a game to watch on Saturday nights.
  11. Pretty sure you can make this statement about many issues. Clark is one of the biggest problems in baseball and the sooner the MLPBA jettisons him the better off the game will be. I love the pitch clock and was a big proponent of it when I saw it used in the minors. Players have mostly adjusted to it, nd pitch or hitter clock violations are pretty rare. As for the pitcher's injuries, I tend to agree with you. The max effort of pitchers trying to create velocity and/or spin rates can not be good for arms. I also don't know how they would study something like this. How can you study how much time is needed between repeating a violent unnatural act with your arm before it breaks? This is lot like trying to figure out why some guys have a "rubber arm" and can pitch with less rest than others. It's all a hard thing to study, but with stat cast data available for players throughout the minor leagues (to teams, not the public unfortunately), they may be able to track guys a little better and correlate what pitches, spin rates, and mount of pitches break guys more frequently.
  12. I'm a big fan of both as well with games now ending around 9 PM, still have time to do other stuff. Still not a fan of 4:05 start on Saturdays though I understand it from a fan at the game standpoint until it gets Africa hot in the summer.
  13. Maybe, maybe not. I think it may depend on when Hays comes off the IL. They could send McKenna back, but since they've found no way to get Kjerstad's bat into games, it probably makes the most sense to send him back so he can keep getting regular PAs.
  14. Ah, now it makes more sense. Didn't realize you were a little hater. Noted.
  15. Perhaps you missed "haven't seen one person suggest that it makes every single final decision on anything." I've always said I thought Hyde runs whatever the computer spits out as his lineup barring sickness or injury that need to be taken into consideration. That doesn't mean I think SIGBOT makes all the decisions during the game or roster moves, trades, etc.
  16. Hmm missed that. Scoreboard.....
  17. I missed what happened. What did Soto do?
  18. We a re a little younger, but not significantly so. Just the fact that everyone has fell on their faces offensively to start the year is a disappointment to all. Honestly, it's a good thing I'm not in charge because I would be firing some low level hitting coaches and developmental coaches with the way the young international players have not been prepared for A-ball.
  19. Gotta love baseball. Even when on paper the team may look short, the performances say otherwise. What a great job by Kremer, Akin and Webb.
  20. It honestly boggles my mind that every single Shorebirds offensive prospects has complete crapping the bed and we've started into May. I know they are young, but wow, Sosa, Tavera and Estrada to a lesser extent because he wasn't though of as highly have really struggled to make the jump from the FCL. I'm learning a valuable lesson though about ranking these international players too high until they've proven themselves in Low-a ball at least. The track record of the international hitting prospects after Basallo, and Bencosme to a lesser extent has really been disappointing once they hit Low-A ball. Whatever is being worked on in the DSL and FCL for hitting techniques really needs to be looked at because it's not translating to the field. I think Koby Perez has done a great job overall, but he really needs some of these guys to start having some success above rookie ball. It's still early, but man, every time I look at a box score I see another 0-fer with multiple Ks. I'm also realizing i need to wait until I see these guys in live games before ranking them so high based on the feedback I received because these guys who really not proving it at levels where it starts to really matter.
  21. You don't have a different take, you are trying to be obnoxious and sarcastic by saying that everyone who used Sigbot thinks that the computer makes every decision on the Orioles. I called you on it, now you got your panties in a wad, and now you're openly whining. I'm absolutely prepared for a discussion and was having one with you and others until you went all sarcastic over the use of SIGBOT.
  22. "Just the way it's played out" Read that as, "It's just the way the Sigbot gives me the lineups and I didn't keep this job through all those years of losses by denying what the Sigbot tells me to do." Hyde loves his veterans and he doesn't understand or perhaps more precisely, doesn't value keeping his entire bench fresh. Earl was a master at that. While Hyde is very good at some things, he his track record suggests he'll run his same 9 out there every day (platoon specific of course) until they break or get so tired they become ineffective. then he'll give a guy who hasn't played in a week a start and watch him go 0-for-4.
  23. Sigbot just generalizes the Orioles use of a computer system designed by Sig and analyzed by several people to give the Orioles brass additional information. I haven't seen one person suggest that it makes every single final decision on anything. Perhaps you can go find some posts where someone has said that.
  24. Then don't bring up Kjerstad if the plan was for the callup to be the 26th man, use one plate appearance a week guy. For the life of me I keep seeing people making excuses and I don't understand it really. I like Elias, and for the most part, I like Hyde as manager despite the fact he runs his bullpen arms into the ground, but I do not agree on how they using Kjerstad, just like there was no reason TWO years ago to barely play Stower but go out and get an over the hill right-handed DH to play the last month of a season where the Orioles were not going to win anything. Now, I've seen people make excuses and point to their usage of other prospects, but it's clear they pick and choose who will get everyday opportunities and I don't agree with bringing up top ten prospects midseason and burying them. They 100% could have used Stowers in the same limited role as Kjerstad and at this point, ok. I just don't like how Hyde/Sigbot builds lineups by "maximizing" the advantages supposedly each hitter brings to the table against a certain pitcher, but doesn't take into consideration (or doesn't rank it high enough) of rest and what a lack of activity does to players, particularly young players.
  25. Yet you articulated that very clearly.
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