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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. Kremer is very intense on and off the mound during his game day starts. I doubt there was anything Hyde was going to say to him. I think everyone knew that was Kremer's last batter regardless of the result.
  2. Really nice bounce back start for Kremer. I was worried in the 5th when he kept looking at his finger like he had a blister, but he really settled in. Great job Dean!
  3. I'm not quite as down on you with the balls in the hole, but I need to see him make more of those plays before having a stronger position. Second base could be his position at some point, but I think they are going to make him play his way off that position. a lot will depend on the talent at hand on the roster as to where he plays. While Gunnar has the better arm, I still think he's going to outgrow SS and be better at 3B, but could be years away. I think a lot of people are down on Ortiz because his very SSS and usage at the major league level. Ortiz to me is the best defensive SS in the system and while he too doesn't have that pure Mateo arm strength, he's more consistent error wise and as much range or more than Mateo side to side.
  4. I can just go by my observations. I'd give him a 50 SS arm with a chance for 55. Still probably plenty with his quickness and range.
  5. Back to Frazier, I'm glad he pops a homer here and there, but over his last 15 games he's still slashing .184/.296/.342/.638 with sub par defense (lack of range has really become apparent). Nobody can convince me that Westburg, Ortiz or even Urias are not better choices as a starter at 2B over him. With his knack for hitting in the clutch, he's a great bench piece though.
  6. While arm is ok for SS overall, he doesn't have that pure gun you'd prefer. So while I wouldn't say I'm concerned over his arm at SS, I also don't think it's an absolute written in stone situation that SS will be his long term position in the major leagues. That does not mean he won't end up a SS in Baltimore, but his arm is average at best right now at 19-yers old for a SS.
  7. The impressive part of that is was 1-2 and and a slider down and in which a lot of lefties struggle with. He's pretty special at the plate.
  8. Tony-OH

    Coby Mayo 2023

    Two things cracked me up about this clip. the pitcher's dejected reaction and the announcer describing the action of the outfielder as "he leaps, it's gone." Meanwhile the clip shows the outfielder just stopping at the wall. Guess that extra excitement was for the radio listeners.
  9. True, but I would not call Newman incompetent. If she's unprepared, didn't know the players, and didn't know baseball at all, then I'd say she was incompetent. She's just not very good at describing the action on radio and her back and forth with Palmer gets weird and downright creepy at times on TV. Saying all that, it is worth mentioning once again that she is very good in studio and if she focused on that role she could be an asset to the broadcast team.
  10. Is it still just the "german ad?" I haven't heard from anyone else or seen this issue myself so it might be something on your computer or an extension in chrome interacting with the google ads. Either way, send me the URL it takes you to and I can try and block it.
  11. To be fair, this is a problem still for Geoff Arnold at times too. He's too wordy when describing action at times and gets behind so you end up hearing the crowd reaction before he's able to complete the play. It's not always like that, but I do hear it from him as well even though overall I think he does a pretty good job. Hollander is probably the best of the three but he kills me with calling the Orioles Baltimore like he's some national announcer. Local announcers should always refer to the team as the Orioles. We know where they're from.
  12. Well I agree with you 100% that women can do many jobs as well or better then men can do. I didn't read his comment as they "can't do the jobs" but more they are hired sometimes because they are woman versus because they were the best for the job. Now I've worked side by side with women my entire career, even in the military because I was in Military Intelligence. In my experiences, there are many women who are outstanding at their jobs. In fact, I've hired many women in the past for positions and never cared what their gender, race or sexual preference was. My goal was always to hire the best person for the position. The reason questions come up with Newman is because she's just not very good at play by play. The fact that she's a woman does make you wonder was she hired because they wanted to add a woman to the team? I have no idea why she was hired or who she was up against, but I do think it is valid to have an opinion that she may have been hired based on her gender versus her over abilities. Now, that doesn't mean that's the right answer. The fact is she's a very good pre and post game host and her in studio work is top notch if you ask me. Maybe they hired her to fill that role but also to let her work to improve his PBP skills. The problem is she's been at it for 3 years now and she has not really improved, especially on radio where a good announcer can form a mental picture for the listener in order for them to understand what happened. Thankfully, I don't listen to a ton of radio broadcasts, but when I have heard her, I can see why people get upset because she doesn't form that picture well. It's like she's a fan enjoying the play, but not very good at describing it to the listener who can't see anything. At the end of the day, the only issue I have is with people who think everyone who doesn't like her is sexist. I think what I've seen by most posts in this thread are valid concerns about her performance, not because of her gender.
  13. Well it doesn't help that everytime he gets in a jam, he gets yanked.
  14. Yeah, he's doing a lot of deep breaths.
  15. Just a tough stretch for this team. All teams go through it at some point. Hopefully they'll dig themselves out of it and get hit once again. But I do think some of their short comings are coming a bit to roost.
  16. Well this team was short tonight with Hays and Westburg down. Hopefully they are not out long.
  17. Well, that's the ballgame there. The offense packed it in after getting up 3-0 and yeah, this pen is not very good outside of Cano and Bautista.
  18. Damn, O' Hearn really tag that one. Good placement by the Yankees.
  19. Well apparently you should not take a poop during the game.
  20. Tyler Wells and his homer cutter!
  21. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This And Elias knew that going into last offseason
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