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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. This is why you don't rush a guy back from rehab. Mullins is clearly not ready offensively These PAs should have been in AAA.
  2. Good freakin' Lord. This is why you can not have Tyler Wells as your "ace". Dude gives up homers like it's his job. 8t and 9th hitters.
  3. That's because you and few others are always thinking everything is misogynistic or sexist or something because you disagree with their take. Maybe there are guys out there that don't like her because she's female, but the vast majority of the complaints is that she's just not very good at describing the action. Considering her lack of experience compared to many others when she was hired for a major league gig, you do have to question why she was selected. Was she really the 3rd or 4th best when she was hired along with Brown, Hollander, and Arnold? Perhaps she was, I don't know, but when you're clearly the worse of the group we have currently, I can understand why people question why she was hired. I don't know who they interviewed or who they considered, but I do watch a ton of MiLB TV and hear a lot of announcers, and it's not hard to find a much more competent play by play announcer. At the end of the day, none of us know why she was hired so it's all just opinion. But just because someone has the opinion that she was hired to "check a box" does not make them necessarily misogynistic or sexist or a creep. It just means when you take in the entire situation, they've come up with the opinion that she could be a diversity hire. I don't know if that opinion is right or not, but it's an opinion none the less and since none know the real answer, that opinion is as valid as an opposite opinion.
  4. Thanks for letting my know. Let me know if you see it again tomorrow. Sometimes these bad ads go away on their own.
  5. Zimmermann, you don't get to walk off like a boss after you get hit for a bomb of homer the batter before.
  6. Yep, agreed. I knew it would eventually come to roost and now as the weather warms the starting pitching is showing it's true colors. But yeah, they benched Westburg so Frazier could play as well! Oh well, they suck tonight. Hopefully they will be better tomorrow!
  7. Goodnight all. Another embarrassing Orioles effort. Quite the .500-type team we have here now.
  8. This is why I refuse to buy tickets to go see the Orioles still. Until Elias goes out and acquires true impact starting pitching you have to worry about these guys just imploding on any night. But yeah, Norfolk is really good like that matters.
  9. Nope, he shat his pants as well. Seems to be the thing to do of late for Orioles starters. Embarrassing effort. This team is so bad need of starting pitching and it was just a matter of time until that was apparent. Well, it's apparent and we knew this coming into this year but Elias passed on acquiring a good starter this offseason.
  10. 5-0, with the Orioles putting up 1-hit and the announcers are playing around with hats? It's all garbage. This team has not played well for awhile now. But hey, keep running out a bunch of 5th starters and hope Wells continues to over achieve!
  11. I don't yell things to players on the field, but if I was a drunken fan close enough, I'd yell for Adley to get his Sh!t together because he supposed to be special, not this soft contact, off balanced offensive player who throws like Chris Hoiles.
  12. Adley is so bad at the plate right now. He's always reaching with two strikes. Always off balance. He did not deserve to be an All-star starter. At this point he has to offically go into the disappointment well. Doesn't mean he can't rebound, but this is not what anyone thought we had after last season on offense of defense.
  13. Does Adley fly out weakly, ground out to second, or walk?
  14. They wonder why the attendance is so low. Takes a free hat to get fans into this city and then the team absolutely sucks on Friday night with these awful uniforms.
  15. Kremer doing his best Gibson impression here. I'd like to say again, burn these uniforms!
  16. Good Lord... At least give us a little excitement not flying out weekly on the first pitch. Who does he think he is? Adley?
  17. Have they? I swear it feels like they lose every game with these uniforms. I mean I know it doesn't matter really, but still.
  18. I'll be honest, I have not been all that impressed with Adley's game calling at times. The thing is, I'm not sure how much is his game calling and how much he's going by what he should throw based on the little card he has on his arm. I'm pretty sure nowadays they provide that info to their catchers for each batter for each count.
  19. I have no idea how bad this vertigo is for him or how long it's been going on before he said something, but Nick Esasky is an example of a perfectly good major league player who's career was derailed by this ailment. I hope for him it's something he can overcome, but for now, I don't see a role for him on this team in it's current form.
  20. They definitely need to tweak the pitchcom rules to stop these "issues" with less than 5 seconds left. I don't have an issue with the "timeouts" as even with them, the games are still average 20 minutes less then they were the year before.
  21. Or Ortiz. Both I think make a couple of those plays Frazier was unable to.
  22. He also showed why you want him on the bench late in a game and not in the field all the time. His range has decreased sharply.
  23. I don't think it has anything to do with feedback, it has to do with his ability to command his stuff. His command doesn't have to be sharp for AAA hitters. I haven't wtched his last two starts so I I'll need to look at the statcast numbers to see if it has improved, but putting up good numbers against AAA hitters is good, it doesn't necessarily mean he will have success up here. Saying that, at some point he's going to be needed so hopefully he can find it more often than not. Hopefully he's also working on controlling his emotions on the mound and limit those meltdown innings.
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