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Everything posted by Tony-OH

  1. McKenna hit an opposite field home run about 420 feet in one game I watched last year. He definitely has 50 raw power.
  2. Well there's your rosy Fangraph outlook no doubt. I've seen him a lot, and although he has raw tools to work from that I like, his lack of consistency, penchant to lose focus in the field and on the base paths, and inability to make adjustments to breaking balls is a concern. Oh and by the way, just because he sucked a little less than the weak Eastern League hitters last year is not something to pound your chest over. At the end the day, he's nowhere near the type of prospect as Hays who when healthy, and at a year younger than McKenna, slashed .330/.367/.594/.961 at Bowie vs the .232/.321/.365/.686 McKenna put up. Hays has a better arm and maybe just a tick below McKenna's raw speed. Saying that, I think McKenna has a chance to keep developing and if he can find consistency and mature a little on the field, he could end up a useful big leaguer, but I don't see him anywhere near Hays as a prospect, and Diaz's advanced hit tool gives him the nod over him as well though I'm not as high on Diaz's overall game as Hays.
  3. For everyone's sake, here's an article by Rapsoto that goes into this measurement more and how they are developing True spin. https://rapsodo.com/understanding-rapsodo-pitching-data-spin-rate-efficiency-profile-intro/
  4. I do have people, all you guys! Seriously, this community continues to drive conversation and do outstanding work. Last year Elias selected two Rule 5 picks and sent Drew Jackson back shortly after the season ended so I don't see any reason he will keep both. As with any rule 5 player, it will all depend on how they look in spring training. Both pitchers will have lots of Rapsodo data collected on them and will get opportunities to pitch often during spring training if the Orioles like what they see in the data. I think Bailey has the better shot of sticking, but spring will be the final test for both.
  5. While age would normally indicate he is what he is command wise, his lack of innings is why we think it can improve some still. I have a hard time thinking there are 19 better prospects in the system than a guy who can touch 100 MPH and has already shown he can get big league batters out.
  6. Maybe they should develop a training room and bathroom cap. Make the players switch caps for everything they do in the spring. Anything for a buck!
  7. This is on point. I guess people buy these spring training hats so MLB keeps redesigning them, but I honestly don't understand what's wrong with just wearing your regular cap. I know it's a money grab thing, but I guess as long people keep buying them they will keep making a new one each year. Perhaps this one, which I agree is quite awful, will begin the process of stopping this trend.
  8. I believe it's across the MLB and is not weight by position except for the defensive categories.
  9. Nope, he's the guy that will bear watching the most this year to see if his high xBA is sustainable with such low EV and HH%. Basically he's a master at hitting them were they ain't. The question is, can he do it again?
  10. Thanks for the feedback on it being hard to read on mobile. I don't read the site very much on mobile so I don't always know what the experience looks like there. I'm also still playing with embedding Spreadsheet onto the site which will enable me to put more interactive content on there.
  11. I believe Tate certainly has a chance to make the OD roster if he can pitch well. I'm not real high on Tate because of his inconsistencies, but he flashed good stuff at times and if he can ever find consistency and locate his fastball better he could have a roll now and in the future.
  12. This didn't get a lot of play so maybe I didn't explain things well in the spread sheet. Let me know if you guys have any other questions. Was there anyone's performance that you found surprising?
  13. BTW, I'm going to do an entire evaluation of the pitchers in camp and their chances for spots on the OD lineup this weekend. I'm looking to use statcast info where available similiar to how I did the hitters.
  14. I have to imagine that Wojo has to pitch his way out of his rotation spot this spring. Would I call him a lock like Means and Cobb, no, but I'd say he's a solid zip tie for a rotation spot. I see the Rotation as being Cobb, Means, Wojo and then and open competition between LeBlanc, Bailey, Akin and Stewart for the last two spots. LeBlanc has the inside track because of his experience and Bailey is a Rule 5 guy so if he pitches well he's going to make the club in some role.
  15. Yeah, I have a big disagreement with rating McKenna anywhere near Hays or Diaz. While McKenna does have some tools to work with, besides 300 PAs in Frederick, what has he ever done on the field?
  16. Success % added defensively at that position. In other words, a 3% success add would mean he is successful in 3% more plays than the average player at his position.
  17. He can play 1st base, but he's a little stiff over there and needs experience. He'd be below average over there right now, but not significantly. He brings more value if he can play LF because it's easier to find a 1B, but i would never say he couldn't play 1B at the major league level.
  18. Mountcastle's arm strength was below average in the infield due to the mechanics and foot work. His arm plays up a bit with the ability to wind up from the outfield, but it's still a below average outfield arm overall. But it's not Mullins bad so it won't be a situation where runners are taking extra bases at will.
  19. Give Turgeon some credit here, he changed the tempo up in the second half and the Terps were able to use their athleticism and speed to break the Rutgers defense. Stix had a great game and Cowan heated up in the second half. Glad they survived!
  20. https://www.orioleshangout.com/2020/02/04/statcast-percentiles-2020-orioles-hitters/
  21. They have to keep this up because they can't shoot to save their lives tonight. They need to make this a run and gun game and use their speed and athleticism.
  22. Yeah, the Terps should be able to come back if they don't shoot the way they did in the first half, but gotta give Rutgers some credit for playing tough D. Cowan needs to step up in this second half and start driving and dish to open players who might want to actually hit a basket. Right now the lack of depth on this team really shows when Cowans and Stix are held in check. There is not one other player that can be counted on to score on this team. Ayala has regressed and Wiggins just totally disappears for long stretches of every game then breaks out for one or two athletic plays that gets people excited. Scott is a backup grinder on a good team, and the rest, can't even earn rotation time because they don't really do anything way none have good offensive games.
  23. How does a major college basketball team score 20 points in a half? Holy smokes.
  24. It is honestly amazing how bad a player Ayala is at this juncture of the season after showing so much promise as a Freshman. He truly has regressed more than any player I've ever seen.
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