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Everything posted by Ruzious

  1. He got the most out of his ability, but he has a very weak arm at SS and mediocre range and mediocre offense with a lifetime OPS+ of 82. At 32, it especially didn't make sense for the O's to go after him.
  2. While you're right that it's extremely unlikely the O's give him an extension, I think he's not in as good a situation as you seem to think he is. If I was his agent, I'd love for him to get a 2/15 deal.
  3. Dude, you don't get it and you probably never will. You win, because we could argue back and forth whether or not you were right or wrong, and it's not worth it - to say the least. The point is that whenever you have an opportunity to show any humility - which is a tremendously good quality - you will NEVER take it, because you are too consumed with your own ego. You ALWAYS have been, and that's why you are a terrible poster and almost certainly always will be. And that ends my part in this discussion.
  4. No, you're trying to bully yourself out of a situation for no reason whatsoever, because this is what you do and have been able to get away with for far too long. And you deserve everyone here to treat you in a "dickish manner".
  5. Are you that incapable of showing the tiniest bit of humility by admitting you were wrong? I mean, I'm probably the only one here who's never been wrong about anything, and that's a burden you're lucky to not have.
  6. There's no upside there. The only thing going for him is he was durable last season, so theoretically he could help save the bullpen. Otherwise, he's the pitching equivalent of Odor. - with the difference being they're actually paying Lyles. There's no way to sugar-coat it; this signing is bad and disappointing, and he will give up a ton of homers in Baltimore. .
  7. No truth to the rumor that the O's got Tripper Johnson mixed up with Chipper Jones when they picked Tripper in the first round to play third base.
  8. Exactly. Losing attendance and revenues year after year isn't something I would look for if I'm looking to buy... anything - unless I'm looking in the clearance section to pay cents on the dollar.
  9. I can't read their minds, but why would you assume committing such a small amount to Odor precludes them from doing something more?
  10. If he's just getting the minimum, why not think of this as a contingency move in case other better alternatives - that they will still effort - fall through?
  11. So, Gutierrez is the standard? K-F got his GG for 3rd base in the short-season - playing only 46 games at 3B. And he's proven he can't hit like an MLB 3rd baseman needs to. I mean, it's not the worst idea, but it's hardly something we should rush in to.
  12. Marlins can't keep up with the Mets' spending, so trading prospects for Mullins is one alternative for them. At their respective ages and contracts, Mullins is more attractive than Marte. Of course, they're also in the same division as the WS Champs and the Phillies. Nats won't be competitive for at least a few more years. Hopefully, the Marlins will continue to try.
  13. That's Scherzer can opt out after the 2nd year.
  14. Not even close to enough, and in our case with Means, considering we need pitching, it'd be lunacy, imo.
  15. Tbh, going into last season, I thought Santander was the best pure hitter of our 3 OFers. But watching and listening to late season interviews, it was clear that Mullins and Hays (and Mountcastle) totally bought into the hitting approaches promoted by the organization, but watching Santander try to pull everything and showing very poor plate discipline - for instance - swinging at every high fastball thrown his way... is there any reason to believe he can learn the lessons that Hays, Mullins, and Mountcastle seem to have learned? I guess the saying is - the first step is to understand you have a problem, and he's got to understand that by now. It'd also help a lot if he can play the season without limping all year.
  16. I hope you're right, but I think the decline during the season makes it unlikely. Also, he's had only one season where he approached an .850 OPS. Also, I think it's highly unlikely we get anything in trade for him - looking at the 4 trades the Braves made at the deadline getting useful outfielders that contributed mightily to their WS win - none of them cost them anything of significance. Best of luck to Trey, and I hope I'm wrong.
  17. Ed-Rod was the contract that I wish the O's had tried to beat. And getting him early could have given the team some credibility - as an organization that was genuinely making an effort to improve. We could certainly have beaten that 5/77 contract. Kudos to Detroit for wasting no time and getting him so quickly. My guess is we made zero effort whatsoever. Granted, it's a long offseason, and opportunities will come up, but it seemed like an opportunity ready for the taking. At least Detroit thought so.
  18. I would doubt it considering he was considerably worse in the 2nd half of the season than the 1st (.791 OPS in the 1st half and .711 OPS in the 2nd despite having a higher BABIP in the 2nd half) and looked a bit slower as the season wore on. And I think he'd love to get one extra year in the contract - it could make a huge difference in retirement planning for his family, but I doubt the O's will be willing to give him a 2nd year other than a team option.
  19. I'm going by the scouting reports of him from 5 or so years ago - when the consensus was he probably wouldn't stay at CF but was a very good defensive RFer. I'd take scouting reports over defensive minor league stats - though both could be bad.
  20. Good thread. Given how strongly Hays finished last season, I think he could have a breakthrough season next year.
  21. The best way to move this offseason could be by taking on contracts allowing other teams to avoid/reduce luxury tax bills - rather than overspending on free agents.
  22. Frazier is a former 5th pick in the draft, Baseball Prospectus had him as baseball's 16th best prospect in 2017. He's consistently OPS'd in the .800's in the minors and is regarded as a very good defensive OFer. He's been held back because of a significant neurological problem that's caused vision problems and vertigo. Having just turned 27, he has some potential. The key for him appears to be overcoming the neurological problem. He may not make it, but he's a much more interesting choice than Stewart, imo.
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