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Everything posted by Ruzious

  1. And who doesn't wear a buzzer under their jersey? Why... they do it in Little League nowadaze.
  2. I don't know for sure, but I'm jaded at this point. There's no more giving the bene of the doubt. If there's another reason, let us know now. Otherwise - It looks sickening.
  3. I think he's a long-shot at best. He'd have to tear it up big-time in the minors for half a season to make me think about giving him another MLB chance.
  4. I'm actually ok with the signing - he seems like a slightly better and slightly younger Richie Martin. Blue Jays fans like him.
  5. Exactly. He looks like a solid young OFer that can and probably will be easily replaced.
  6. Good points. In fact, you've changed my mind. I'd make that trade.
  7. I think St. Louis made a helluva trade. I probably would not trade Mancini for Liberatore. A 135 OPS+ bat controlled through 2022 is worth a lot.
  8. And I have no doubt this is true (and kinda clever). Congrats to Luke, and even more-so to the Orioles organization - and also to the Hangout for giving him the forum to show his skills. This is such great news and obviously deserved.
  9. I vaguely recall the Mitchell twins. ? It sounded like their parents complained about MD getting Marial and the fact that the coaches liked him more than the twins. Very glad that Scott and Marial are getting their minutes.
  10. After beating the 11th ranked team in the country rather convincingly, I'm going to focus on the positives. Not sure I've seen a MD team give up so few easy shots - almost everything was contested well. The team's got so many tools (in a good way) on defense - it starts with the top athlete on the team - Morsell - willing to take on anyone, then 2 elite defensive forwards in tough burly guy Scott and long athletic Wiggins, wiry yet muscular 6'10 Stix, 2 guards who can stop dribble penetration in Cowan and Ayala, and we're working in the secret weapon who might end up being the best shot-blocker in the country - Marial - I'm just asking the Wizard of Oz to buy him a new pair of hands. See, I just couldn't go a whole post without some snark.
  11. I like the signing. My only question is - Why didn't the O's sign him last year when the market was so dry for him that he agreed to a minor league deal in February with the Reds? And he was coming off an 88 OPS+ season - better than the 85 OPS+ he had last season.
  12. Excellent - I'm sold. And thanks for the correction.
  13. When it came to Trout, fire your GM if he was in doubt. Mountcastle and Hays should get paid by the walk. I'm still confused why people don't mention Hays' issue with walks.
  14. Thank you Luke. Fwiw, Jake Thompson was a decent 14-0 as a senior at Oregon State - with a 1.52 ERA, 0.95 WHIP, and 3.14 SO/W ratio. And scouting reports then said he didn't have a decent curveball, so he's added to his arsenal. I would rather bet on him than on Hess.
  15. They would have to have a very productive season before I'd consider it. It's not like they're Acuna and Albies.level prospects.
  16. Doesn't this news belong in the How the O's will win the WS thread?
  17. There's just no point in going after a mediocre veteran like Hech - who cannot hit.
  18. Yup - good stuff, I hated that song because I grew up in Rockville, MD, and the song was so negative about it. My parents still live there, so I do... go back to Rockville fairly often. Hey, they've stuck together for more than 60 years - the least I can do is show up every now and then and watch a football game with pater and let mater make me lunch.
  19. I think so - even in small sample size theater - the PCL is not easy to pitch in. Btw, that's Isaac Mattson. Don't the O's already have a Zach Matson? It's so confusing.
  20. That's not good. I'm not a believer in quantity over quality, but this is a case of us having to trust in Elias... or not.
  21. Oh man, Dylan Bundy... I can't imagine a player I respect more. I gottan itch in my eye.
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