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Everything posted by Ruzious

  1. Imagine if Baumler ends up being better than Lacy. That alone would qualify Elias as a genius, imo. And if Heston ends up better than Martin and/or Torkelson... well, pizza de resistance.
  2. Good, but even with the underslot strategy, did you assume he was going to use the extra money on the 30th and/or 39th picks? Him using it on the 4th and 5th rounders was something I hadn't even considered. I would have gone Lacy and not even given it a second thought, but I really admire him having the smarts and guts to go this way and pull it off.
  3. It's the hair; definitely the hair. If he stops with the bleaching, he's got no chance. And it'll help if he does the Flair strut and goes "Woooo!" when he crosses home plate. Of course, he'll probably get a lot of HBP's that way.
  4. I think his name's Epiphany; not Virginia.
  5. We can normally look past the situation where players are making 100 times more money than the average person, but in this situation - it's stuffed in our faces because money is the issue. Not saying the players are any more greedy than the owners, but it's the players that we root for - not the owners. And looking at all the people who make their money from working at the stadium and the minor leaguers who get paid next to nothing, not playing the game is unacceptable. Once reality steps in and the game steps out, baseball loses.
  6. Seems like it's arguable to say that in the 17 games he played this year (small sample size as it is), that Servideo was the MVP of college baseball this season. And probably the most improved. But we shall see if that improvement was for real or not. Eller sure seems to think he's for real.
  7. That - plus he's been a little old for his leagues - 22 last year in low A.
  8. Those numbers for McCoy (other than power) look a bit high. Also for Grenier.
  9. Have they decided that Gunnar Henderson is moving from SS?
  10. Thank you for what you do and for your observations.
  11. This is why I don't think he's a prospect in the category of Machado or Rendon. Rendon had much better power numbers and wasn't considered a slugger - just a good power potential guy. I would have picked Lacy over Martin. I liked every pick other than the 2 shortstops - though both seem like excellent athletes. If one of them develops real well, then it's a win.
  12. I'm somewhat asthmatic, and I can't depend on people to wear masks, so the decision's basically made for me, unfortunately.
  13. So, nobody's signed more than 10 UDFA's (Boston did 10). Some teams haven't signed any. Is that because teams are figuring there's not going to be any minor league baseball this season? Apologies if this subject has already been discussed.
  14. I'm thinking the O's particularly liked him, because they added 2 SS's last year, and they already used the 30th pick on a SS this year. Granted, some may eventually move to another position.
  15. Is it fair to say that the O's top pick can't be fairly evaluated without taking their 4th and 5th picks into the equation?
  16. We don't want him to be too good at basketball. Though I think it's very cool that Pat Connaughton could win a world championship with the Milwaukee Bucks.
  17. That sounds good, but I haven't heard one good reason to compare Kjerstad to Trumbo.
  18. Wow. I feel like we've been watching a mystery that didn't all make much sense, and now the loose ends are tied together in a very satisfying way.
  19. I can't get too upset about picking a player who was that productive as a freshman, a big guy who's fast enough to play a solid CF, and walked a hair more than he struck out. I would have preferred one of the pitchers, but I'm not going to screech about other people ranking him lower.
  20. I don't know. Until yesterday, I haven't been here from more than a few minutes at a time for at least 3 months. For all I know, the 2 Asian players you're talking about are identical twins in the Korean league.
  21. Awfully lazy. Heston never had an OBP under .400 in college, and by all accounts he's a decent RFer with a strong arm. Trumbo never reached anything close to questionable RF defense. Trumbo's best OBP was .317. I don't know what Heston will do, but let's not do these lazy negative comps that hurt my head.
  22. All the undrafted players go the Yankees - who then form their own minor leagues to use as they see fit. The food of choice at their minor league stadiums will be soylent green.
  23. Is there a real reason there's so many Trumbo comps in this thread? Can we go on with no more of them? That'd be great.
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