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Everything posted by Jagwar

  1. I wouldn't recommend this until the O's actually win another championship.
  2. I also wouldn't complain if the O's traded/DFA'd Urias, Mateo and Kemp. Bring up Holliday, Norby and Stowers. Have Mayo and Kjerstad waiting in the wings.
  3. Have to imagine his value is pretty low. Maybe lower level prospects or lottery tickets?
  4. And THAT is why you play 9 innings!
  5. wow that was a hittable curveball
  6. Thank God they walked Hays
  7. Adley forgot who was running (himself)
  8. Way to swing at the first pitch Urias
  9. Hyde must not have any faith in Cowser. Why the heck is he even on this roster?
  10. Norby with another dinger. Sure wish he could play defense.
  11. Crooked number this inning. I'm feeling it.
  12. Well they won't go 3-159 either. But there are some clear weaknesses on the roster that need to improve.
  13. This Royals team is a lot better than I thought And this O's team is a lot worse than I thought.
  14. Hays, Mateo, McCann, Urias Yuck x 4
  15. It seems as if the Royals aren't getting fooled by any pitches at all.
  16. Relying on Turgeon and Willard had more to do with it.
  17. Willard's recruiting is really poor, and I hate the reliance on transfers.
  18. I'll be surprised (and bummed) if Kemp is still on the ML roster another 2 weeks
  19. Mountcastle makes some unorthodox plays, but he looks really good on defense
  20. I think I would rather see Paul Bako come to the plate than Kemp.
  21. It took you 7 innings to reach that point?
  22. ... what would you choose? I'm going with Limelight by Rush
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