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Everything posted by mdbdotcom

  1. It's your opinion, which is just as valuable as mine.
  2. Maybe Davis just made up the whole meeting with Elias, just like he made up that he had worked with the hitting coach during the off-season a few years ago. We already know he's a liar, we just can't be sure when he's lying.
  3. That you think your own argument is based on facts is both funny and scary.
  4. If this team could mustard an average offense, many fans would relish it, though it would be tough to ketchup to the Yankees and Red Sox.
  5. They talk every day. Not always to each other, but they talk.
  6. We should have plenty of waiver claims for the infield to evaluate in ST.
  7. Have you forgotten that Alex Cobb will be healthy and back on the bump next season?
  8. I may have misremembered it, but it cost him a tidy sum.
  9. Ex-wife jokes (and wife jokes) were popular back then. Earl said it to respond to Cuellar in a way that he knew would draw a laugh from the press and fans. It actually took the edge off the issue and nobody asked him for an explanation. Ex-wife jokes stopped being popular when Woody Allen's first wife won a lawsuit against him for jokes he made about "my ex-wife" in his standup routine.
  10. I'll be happy if either Means or Villar is chosen, but I expect it will be Mancini.
  11. One hits a juiced ball. The other juiced himself.
  12. Hope you're right, but I think his inflated sense of self-importance will have him clutching to any idea that suggests he provides some value.
  13. Sounds like his role will be as an unofficial player-coach. 26th man on the team who pinch-hits and gets an occasional start while serving as assistant infield coach. They could hide him that way next year. 2021 they probably need his spot.
  14. Johnson worked with Nolan Ryan and Tom House to achieve a more balanced mechanics. Not sure that's where Scott's problem is.
  15. To avoid a 100 loss season, all the O's have to do is run the table. Shouldn't be tough.
  16. Yes, but they are tempered by the fierce replies they receive, which makes them a little less difficult to take.
  17. I only have three words to say about the debate: Potential wardrobe malfunction. So, you know I'll be tuned in.
  18. If Rutschman and Diaz develop into ML All Stars, I'll be happy if Hays turns out to be a good defensive CF who bats seventh and hits some home runs despite having a low OBP. Not everyone on a good team needs to be great.
  19. McGregor is 65. Werner is 66. Haven't checked the others. Maybe they want coaches who are a little closer in age to the players. Must be a little weird for a Gen Z ballplayer to be coached by a baby boomer.
  20. Fox creating an excuse in advance for slightly lower ratings due to the candidate debates. They'll just blame it on the O's.
  21. Should be several new GMs by November. Maybe the new Red Sox head honcho will have given up on Pedroia ever returning.
  22. That's why I had the O's kicking in a few million dollars to increase his value. He would be a one-year rental, so his new team would have a limited time to enjoy what surplus value there is.
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