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Everything posted by Jammer7

  1. Gutierrez is far better a defender than Ruiz ever was. Better feet, better hands, and a plus plus arm.
  2. I like Grayson, DL, Lowther and Zimm. I believe in those four, along with John Means. I think they need two veteran guys to begin the year. I would prefer to acquire one legitimate solid veteran starter for the longer term. Use some of the depth to make that trade. There is still a lot of reliever risk for Bradish. Baumann and Akin as well. Kremer has to get back to his curve ball and get his confidence back. He may never make it back to being an effective starter. I am not a big fan of Wells’ stuff. He was fun to watch the other night, but I’m not too excited about his future. He took some velo off to have better control. He is going to have to be very sharp each time out or he gets lit up. I hope he proves me wrong.
  3. Just speculating here, but perhaps they wanted to coach hitters for extra money in the offseason. Would the Orioles allow them to coach hitters from outside the organization? I mean, minor league coaches do not make much at all.
  4. Neustrom looked like a guy to me that needed some adjustments mechanically, but mostly in his approach. He has big power, and I thought the new staff could bring some things out of him and help develop more consistency. I saw him on an interview where he talked about his workouts and how he improved his athleticism. Deson is a good call. I think Stowers would be my pick, but as Glenn said, nice to have many to choose from. A number of great development stories this year. Mayo would be a close #2 for me. I did not expect him to be as athletic in the box as he is.
  5. Thanks for linking that. Mundy is another good choice. I think Rom improved a lot and raised his stock. Not sure he would qualify as a breakout. I mean I expected him to do well based on his 2019 breakout.
  6. Before the season began, there was a thread asking which player we thought would be a break out candidate. With the season nearly complete, we know a lot more about all of these guys. I picked Joey Ortiz and Rob Neustrom. They did fairly well, but Ortiz’ injury was unfortunate. I think my two picks were upstaged in 2021. Still, both had solid jumps in their status. Who had the best breakout year? Stowers, Mayo, Pinto, or someone else?
  7. Agreed. Vavra would look great there if he could stay healthy. Ortiz probably would have done well there in AA. I hope Hall flushes 2021 and rebounds.
  8. Of the three, I think Grenier might be protected. I could see him being selected and kept for his glove. I’m not sure they would keep him on the 40 along with Martin, Urias, Mateo, Jam Jones and Bannon. Would you rather have Bannon or Grenier? Bannon or Gutierrez for that matter? Lebron’s command is not great, but a nice k rate. I do not think he’ll be on the 40. Dorrian, I do not think he is protected on the 40. They could have easily added them to the AAA roster after the World Series. No need to do it now to protect them from minor league R5. This is more information, data collection, to make those decisions.
  9. Questionable motives are out there, certainly on all sides. Professional athletes, like all public figures, are sometimes targets and have to be very careful what situation they put themselves into. It would be a huge risk to bring in a player who finds himself in bad situations frequently. I would not want that in my clubhouse, especially with a young team. Even at the league minimum.
  10. I wonder if all three might be sent to the AFL. Keep them sharp for that makes some sense.
  11. Hard to say, really, since much of this kind of thing goes unreported. I have worked in a field familiar with these kinds of things for 27 years. You may be surprised at how many people say they were sexually assaulted and were not when the facts come out. This has been my experience, but in no way does it demean or cast doubt upon anyone who was legitimately assaulted. The investigations should be of a strict confidentiality until the facts are determined. And really, every criminal investigation should be this way. Instead, we see snippets on CNN and immediately form opinions of things we know very little about.
  12. A few years ago, he was certainly more agile and faster underway. That time has come and gone, unfortunately. Al Bundy was an all-state running back in HS, and he ended up a lousy shoe salesman.
  13. That is certainly a valid concern, but the standard is beyond a reasonable doubt in court. It is a bit of a gray area, depends on the the totality of the circumstances. There are many many factors to consider in each situation. There are aggravating and mitigating factors. And to be clear, I am not justifying or defending his actions. I find his character to be distasteful at best. I also detest what society does today when deciding a person’s guilt based on an edited snippet of video, a partial list of “facts,” and the wave of public opinion and ridicule (regardless of fact) because they do not like someone. It is not what America stands for. It ruins lives on a daily basis. It sickens me.
  14. I understand. Maybe she is truthful. But is not uncommon for people to have remorse after an act such as these. I do not claim to know all of the ins and outs, excuse the terrible pun, of this case. Bottom line, there is a reason US citizens are presumed innocent until proven guilty. Maybe he did it, or maybe the alleged victim has $$$ in her eyes. We’ll see.
  15. That may be true. She could give consent before hand. It may be unlikely, but it could happen. For instance, strangulation/asphyxiation is a common act where the alleged victim wants the sex to continue even though they lose consciousness. This kind of thing is shocking for most people, but it is out there.
  16. Steve, I know that I replied to you, but that post was for several folks to help define what constitutes a crime. Killing a human being is quite a different matter. In a criminal proceeding, it IS as simple as that. To be guilty, the state prosecutor has to prove the state’s case “beyond a reasonable doubt.” If Bauer can somehow show the alleged victim likes to have violent sex, and encouraged or endorsed him to do this things to her, is he guilty of any crime? Is that not a reasonable doubt? Crimes against persons, such as violent crimes, are specific intent crimes. They require the state to prove that the alleged suspect specifically intended to harm the alleged victim without the consent of the victim through an unwanted act. Let me give you an example. When a bench clearing brawl occurs, and guys punch each other. Why does no one go to jail? Because no victim complains, no crime. But if a player wrote out a sworn complaint against a player, there would be possible charges filed. In the NFL, for example, it is understood that you are consenting to getting hit. There is no crime there. Boxing, MMA, etc… There are some freaky sex folks out there, maybe a lot more than people think. Probably many active professional athletes. There is often victims of remorse the day after sex. They say they were raped, but the story ended up being that they were not because they gave consent. The mere allegation can ruin lives, even if it is proven completely false. I have seen this up close for decades. However, that is not to say that rape does not happen, because clearly it does. In my experience, the majority of reports are not true. That said, I do not want him in Baltimore. Too much controversy around him, and it takes away from the team focus. Talented dude, but no thanks.
  17. These things you cite are not crimes if you have consent from the person to strike her in such a way. Depraved as they may be, and shocking to the masses, some people actually do enjoy these things.
  18. More at bats, seeing good pitching and refining his swing decisions. They may also be showcasing him for possible trades.
  19. All good points. I have watched most of the games this year. I have seen the hitters ahead of him pitched around several times, and it seemed like pitchers did not mind facing him because he could not catch up to average fastballs often. If he cannot bring good hard contact, along with his walk rate, he has no other real value. It’s too bad, but as a fan, I look forward to the guys like Neustrom and Stowers. They have earned their shots. Diaz is on his last shot for me.
  20. Kyle Stowers just stated on MASN during the game that he is going to the AFL.
  21. It doesn’t look dirty to me. The camera angle might be a little deceiving, but it appears he may have made some kind of move toward 2B after running through 1B and needed to get back on 1B. The runner has every right to be on base. The fielder/pitcher does not get to dominate the base like that. You could make a case that he pushed him for both to avoid a collision with knees or getting spiked. Those things cause legitimate injury. He has never been considered a dirty player that I have ever heard. To me, it’s a good kind of competitive toughness that is taught from 9 years old. If a player stands in the middle of first base without providing a path for the runner, the runner can run through them. It is what it is.
  22. Maybe not a finished product, but I believe that was the expectation. DJ was thought of as a projected power hitter when drafted by DD. Big strong guy who would grow into his power after some mechanical adjustments with good plate discipline. Power, to me, is more than home runs. Extra base hits add into that equation, but maybe that is just me these days. They projected him to become that guy. He sure wasn’t drafted in round 1 for his speed, arm strength and defense.
  23. Because they are there every day with him. I do not mean to say there is a definitive diagnosis or anything like that. I do not mean to speculate, only an example of what may be an issue. They know whether his attitude is good or not. They know what his effort is. They know if he is putting in his work or not, or whether he has other issues. If they do not know what is going on there, at least in a general way, then they are not good at their jobs. The front office needs to make decisions based on what is going on.
  24. Matt, he is always dinged up. He often sits because he needs a few days for an injury that is not quite bad enough to go on the IL. This was his year to prove he belonged, this was a huge year for him. And he failed. Power hitters with little or no power over the three years of opportunities, should not get a pass because they walk a lot. He needs to be driving the ball much more. Especially when he is a defensive liability.
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