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Everything posted by Babypowder

  1. I’m having difficulty imagining there was no market for Givens, Villar, and Mancini. If they end up non-tendering Villar it looks extra strange. Without knowing what was offered it’s hard to grade anything. The Cashner deal was fine, but that being the only move for a team that should be obvious sellers is hard to swallow.
  2. Do you think Mancini’s value goes up or down with less years of control? I don’t think he brings a great return no matter when he is potentially moved.
  3. No shot. I think Mancini is unlikely to bring a top 100 guy, much less one of the top guys in baseball.
  4. Alberto has "emerged" into being a below average offensive player while hitting .313. It is very impressive, but not because he has turned into a good player. I'd like to see Nunez get more time on defense. It wasn't an issue for him until spring training this year. I think there must still be something going on with his arm. It's still too early to buy into pretty much everyone. Santander was struggling in the minors the last few years before getting hot after being called up. Mountcastle still has serious discipline issues. Hays can't stay healthy and productive. We still don't know who the real Mancini is and I'd still like him shopped while he is in the midst of what looks like it will be the best season of his career so far offensively. Long story short: I don't think that lineup is likely to be above average.
  5. Don't forget there were a lot of people here lamenting over missing out on the prospects that replacement level Adam Jones would have brought back by going to Philly to be a 4th outfielder. This is basically the same thing.
  6. I'm fine with this. For a guy like Andrew Cashner, I'd rather a couple of far out lottery tickets that a scout or two likes than higher level non-prospects. That was the likely alternative others seem to have wanted. Andrew Cashner is not good. His recent run has been great in fortuitous run prevention, but GMs are smart enough to see in the peripherals that this is still Andrew Cashner. The Sox are already talking about how they don't really need him in their rotation for very long. He wasn't bringing back anything impactful.
  7. I don't think any teams are buying into John Means enough to give up anything significant. They definitely shouldn't be.
  8. It's difficult to hit .318 and still be a below league average offensive player, but Hanser is pulling it off so far.
  9. The rumor going around is it is over an affair with a drug dealer's wife
  10. Ichiro would not have been a very valuable player if he were a defensively challenged first baseman. Davis needs to hit and hit for power or be cut.
  11. wRC+ the last 7 seasons: 127, 119, 117, 111, 98, 107, 98 He's been trending down for a while. It wasn't just last year.
  12. If Scherzer is on the hill, Scherzer is in my lineups.
  13. All time or this season? I'm assuming all time. This is all according to Fangraphs. Davis is tied for the worst all time season by first basemen with Ivy Griffin in 1920 at -2.8 WAR. He is also second worst all time in wRC+ to Ivy Griffin in that same season 46 to 49. His raw OPS is 9th worst all time.
  14. It’s about average for a regular, below average for a regular at 1B.
  15. What about a 3 headed Chris Davis? One of them would be able to follow the pitch at least, right? We have to get creative here.
  16. At this point, if the owner won’t let me cut him and the team isn’t contending, I keep running him out there everyday hoping that one of Davis or the owner loses this weird game of chicken.
  17. A lot of baserunners and a lot of contact again last night. Swinging strike rate an K% are still way down from his career norms. His last two starts were better but this one dropped back off. I'm still concerned.
  18. That's the legend. The numbers of beers is also disputed by accounts, but by all accounts it was an absurd amount. "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" did an episode in reference to it, where the gang tries to replicate it.
  19. He’s missing bats lately. He was allowing an alarming amount of contact early, so it’s good to see that correcting.
  20. Right, couple the data suggesting three true outcomes types physically decline early with actual data that suggests Davis has declined physically (See: range based defensive metrics, sprint speed) and you don't have to squint very hard to think it may actually be physical.
  21. I'm going to get way out on a limb here and suggest that .444 BABIP is not sustainable.
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