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Everything posted by osfan83

  1. I'll take the O's making the playoffs 7 of the next 10 years in a heartbeat.
  2. Ok so twice every 25 years they miss the playoffs.
  3. Yes, money isn't everything....but it sure helps. Yankee fans cant believe they missed the playoffs for the first time in like 25 years. Oriole fans will be happy with this new playoff system soon enough. Good chance this O's core doesn't win the division the next couple of years....but make the playoffs and anything can happen.
  4. The playoffs are a crapshoot, the regular season is not. The Giants, Dodgers, Astros are all good teams that went to the playoffs multiple times in a row, giving them a number of shots at the crapshoot playoffs. If the O's make the post season 6 seasons in a row, the odds they win the crapshoot part of the season, increases.
  5. KB is a top notch play by play guy. He will be doing national broadcasts in the not to distant future. His pop culture knowledge and age makes him more relatable to the next generation of fans. It will be a shame when we lose him.
  6. Brooks is my childhood hero. Had the great honor to meet him twice. The second time at a restaurant at the inner harbor. This was in the late 90's. He walked in, I didn't want to bother him, but had to just tell him he was my hero and thank him. My friend and I were sitting at the bar watching the NBA playoffs. After Brooks sat down with his guests and ordered, he came over and sat with us and watched the game. He sat with us for about 10 minutes just talking about basketball and the playoff game we were watching. What a great guy. Happy I was able to watch him play, and happy I had the chance to meet him!
  7. - This Week in Baseball, always excited when they featured the O's. - Baseball cards. The thrill of getting Orioles in a pack.
  8. Nor should they.....Gunnar is the higher priority in my opinion.
  9. In the case of the Yankees I'd say 30 straight years in the playoffs = success.
  10. I was there with my daughter....we both still talk about that moment as the best we have seen live.
  11. Longer career doesn't matter...we wouldn't have either past their FA year.
  12. Do you think any opposing announcer has said "it's been 40 years since the Orioles have won a World Series"? I hope someone has.....that means it's already been decided!
  13. Unlikely he will be in the O's HOF unless he bows to JA.
  14. Right...but if the money is close, go anywhere but Baltimore. So if we want to keep Elias, we will have to pay more than any other team. And these kinds of stunts don't go unnoticed. If you give JA two packs of sugar in his coffee instead of three you might get suspended. If you have choices, why would you ever work for the Orioles?
  15. Agree, but its another black eye for ownership. If you are a player, coach, or front office staff member, you have to think, money being equal pick someone other than the Orioles. Ownership continues to set themselves up to have to overpay for talent. Why would you work for this organization if the money is close to the same someplace else?
  16. They make it so hard to stay a fan of this team. Why couldn't I have been born in St. Louis?
  17. I guess some set the bar at winning the WS. That's fine, but then we need to get a lot of guys out of there. Nobody since Cal should qualify. Only Earl won more games and managed more games in almost 70 years of this current Orioles history.
  18. I agree. The guys is incredibly smooth, and is knowledgeable about baseball history. KB will be in a major market next year and will put together a 40 year career.
  19. I think your first two bullet points under pro is reason enough. He is more deserving than several who are already in the Orioles HOF.
  20. Being only 1 game out of first, post all star break, we are in a legit pennant race. We must play those who are producing regardless of being a rookie or a vet. If Matteo heats up, play him and so on. I understand the thinking of building for 2024....but there is no guarantee we will be this good next July. We might be 5 over struggling to stay in the WC race, who knows? Right now we have a real shot that the division, play those who are producing.
  21. I would agree if the future you speak of is 2-3 years. But both the Yanks and Sox can restock quickly. Remember when the Red Sox were stuck with old declining players and within a year remade the roster and won a WS? Hit on a couple of picks and sign 2-3 FAs and all the sudden these teams have a 5 player core that can compete with anyone. Both teams are having a down year, and they are still 6 over and in a playoff race.
  22. Well I would say Cowser is the future, Santander is the present.
  23. It should really be about how best to win the WS this year. When you have the 3rd best record in the majors at about the halfway mark of the year, you have a real shot at a title. I'm not saying mortgage the future by trading valuable prospects, but we should be putting the best players on the field now, whether or not they are part of our future.
  24. I don't look at WS winners. I believe the playoffs can be a crap shoot. Any team can beat any other team in a best of 7. It's hard to get lucky over 162 games. And yes, teams like the Mets and Angels have done poorly despite their advantages. If those teams were in small markets they would probably have been 60 wins teams quite often.
  25. From 2000- 2022 add up how many times the Dodgers/Yankees/Red Sox have been to the playoffs against the Pirates, O's, Mil. Sure poor management plays a role, but don't kid yourself. The Yankees Sox and Dodgers could have idiots in the front office and still make the playoffs most of the time.
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