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Everything posted by osfan83

  1. The Phillies won 4 more games than us over a 162 game season. 4 games! That's a couple of bad calls, a bad bounce, a bad weather game or two away from the same record. The lesson? Don't worry about being just a WC team. Build a team to get into the playoffs 7 out of every 10 years, then take a shot in these short series. The Yankees, Dodgers, Mets, are all better than the Phillies. But a hot streak might win them the title.
  2. What do you think Fan Graphs % to make the playoffs for the Orioles will be for 2023? If it's less than 10% in April do we go for it, or continue to build the farm system?
  3. Yea, I agree. Who cares if its the Cubs or the Twins right now. The rules are the same. Just win.
  4. I'm reading a lot of this. Not to rain on everyone's fun, but lets be real, Rutschman will most likely play 5 years or so with the O's, then be dealt or leave for free agency. Manny should have been our next guy in the hall, and a retired number. I fear AR will go the Machado route.
  5. Doo you think the O's revenue can support $50M a year in player payroll?
  6. Didn't realize it was baseball season. My NY Rangers are still alive, so haven't really been paying attention. I am pleasantly surprised to see the O's are not mathematically eliminated already,
  7. I will continue to follow my 10 under rule, watch with regularity until they fall below 10 under .500. That could happen late April this year.
  8. I see 58 wins. Starters will be hard pressed to average more than 4 innings per start and the pen will give up a number of 7th inning leads.
  9. Another way to look at it: Keeping more money in the owners pocket is worth more than the joy of 20-25 more wins for the fans. Unfortunately this has turned into an all or nothing pursuit. Don't get me wrong, I want to see the O's in the WS again in the worst way. But the season is long, and a 75 win team keeps your interest in the dog days of summer especially in a league with more wild card slots. A 55 win team loses fan interest around Memorial Day.
  10. I agree, this is not a surprise. But it also shouldn't be a surprise That fans will again avoid OPACY and MASN until the team is ready to try and actually win ball games. Mid to small market MLB team GM's have concluded that the best way to build a team is to tank for 4-6 years, and they may well be right. But fans are not obligated to financially support the team during those 4-6 years.
  11. I prioritize reading how the young players are developing over watching the MLB team either live or on TV. When the MLB team's wins become an priority for the organization, watching them will become a priority for me.
  12. Then hold him out till May 2023 and get another year of service time!
  13. Only kind of sarcastic. I see no light at the end of the tunnel with this team. My prediction. AR will come up during the summer, the O's will win 60 games. Two years from now the O's will manage to win 70, but it will be time to rebuild, so we will have to move AR to get a few AA players with high upsides.
  14. O's wont be ready to really compete for anything until at least 2024 or 2025, why burn anyone's service time until then?
  15. Exactly what I was thinking. I've recently started following the Premiere League the last 5 years (Liverpool), and have grown to appreciate the multiple tournaments, battle for placement into the Champions League, and fight to stay away from relegation. The MLB sorely needs this. I love the Orioles, and have followed baseball closely since 1970, but really have a hard time caring when we are 15 games out on May 23rd.
  16. I'm for anything that keeps my interest in Orioles baseball longer than Memorial Day. Put all 30 teams in the playoffs, at least I will have something to watch in July and August. Why not hand out multiple trophies? - Best team in MLB during the regular season gets the Bob Gibson Trophy. - Team that wins the post season playoff tournament earns the Reggie Jackson October Hero Trophy.
  17. Why do some think that worker comp should be tied directly to total earnings o the company? I believe worker comp should be tied to what the market dictates. If some one can play ball at 90% of the level of a current player, but will do it willingly for half the cost, why wouldn't you want that player? If very few with the athletic talent want o play baseball, salaries will have to rise to attract the best athletes, If lots of people with superior athletic skill want to play baseball salaries should drop due to the increased supply of athletes.
  18. Forsaken a traditional career? Well maybe they made a poor life decision. Maybe these guys should just stay in college or learn a trade, clearly playing MLB for a few years hinders their ability to really make a living.
  19. They would work under the old CBA until Mid Sept, then they would strike if no agreement was reached.
  20. I would think with the unfair working conditions the players are subjected to, there would be a shortage of players. How come the "Great Resignation" hasn't impacted MLB like other companies? Most industries in this country are having a hard time filling positions, I haven't seen the O's help wanted ad for a slick fielding SS yet.
  21. I might trade some quality of play for a more competitive product. It's very hard to be a fan of a team in the smallest 8 cities or so. With the exception of just a few, most of the smaller market teams have small windows to really compete for a title. Really looking forward to that 10 year run when the Yankees and Dodgers fail to make the playoffs 8 of those 10 years. When was the last time that happened?
  22. That was Covid.....I'm talking about strike/lock out shortened seasons.
  23. But correct me if I'm wrong, but in the past when games were missed the players received back pay, most if not all of it. There is no way the players will agree to a deal without a certain % of the 45% you mention above being paid out to them.
  24. If the players really want to be partners, and not employees (which I believe they are) give up guaranteed salaries. If I'm an owner, to even consider any type of revenue sharing, this guaranteed contract thing has to go.
  25. BTW, I think of MLB as one company with 30 divisions within it. It has to be, if you work for McDonald's they can't legally trade you to Burger King for a burger flipper to be named later. Each owner is sort of a division manager, looking to get what is best for their area of responsibility. A real commissioner would be like the CEO, makin the best decision for the entire company. Unfortunately MLB doesn't really have a CEO, so each team is in it for themselves.
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