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Posts posted by AnythingO's

  1. 9 hours ago, Billy F-Face3 said:

    I predict this to be another wasted option and do not see Cole getting the chance to pitch before getting sent back down again.

    I'm not sure why you say this, the option was used when Irvin was sent down. We can then move him up and down a total of 5 times in the season and it's still just 1 option used total. Or did I completely misunderstand what you meant? Heading to coffee machine now. lol

  2. I take the Light Rail in from N. Linthicum. Cross the street (Eutaw, Howard) to the corner of the Convention Center. There is a hot dog vendor, been there forever. 2 jumbo dogs and 2 sodas for $10. The other side of the stadium by Pickles-Sliders has lots of vendors (sausage and peppers).

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  3. 1 minute ago, Jagwar said:

    Nice theory. Would have to think that it could be muddled by injuries and ineffective performances. Especially on the pitching staff. 

    Absolutely, maybe Perez finds the Ubaldo pothole. We can't option Perez, Coulombe, Voth, for sure. Not sure on Givens, Tate when they are ready, maybe not Gibson either. After the ASB we will know if ME is serious about this year's team or not, by his actions or inaction. With all the drama here re: Stowers not getting a fair shot (guilty), I don't disagree with sending him down. I think it would be a good idea to establish the same sense of urgency under anyone who can be sent down (does Mounty have options).

  4. 34 minutes ago, Sports Guy said:

    But if AS can be good enough over there, that means you can take at bats from Mounty too, which makes it easier to get the younger guys up here.

    Or you bring up the 1B at Norfolk (Diaz) who was hitting as well as O'Hearn and Lester, and put him in the 1B rotation with Mounty. I like Santander well enough but he is unlikely to be here long as he slows down more and gets more expensive. He can be RF-DH for as many ABs as he is healthy and producing.

  5. 12 minutes ago, Jagwar said:

    IMO the decision to demote Stowers should never have been about how the team viewed him overall. He's simply a player that is not producing, and the O's need players to add value on their pursuit of the postseason, not take value away

    The bolded part above made me think, why not "formalize" the Norfolk shuttle, have ME take it out of Hyde's hands, so to speak. I'm of the opinion Hyde sets the lineup mostly, manages by his gut, plays favorites, and wants to keep almost everyone happy. We get 5 cracks to burn an Option so let's fully utilize them. Only 1 of Vavra/Ortiz here at any given time, same with O'Hearn/Diaz. same with Stowers/Cowser. I know Westburg is deserving but until one of Vavra-Urias-Mateo-Frazier is moved he is in a holding pattern. Only folks NOT in the rotation are Adley and Mullins and anyone WITHOUT OPTIONS.  In the BP pick 2 short guys and 2 longer guys and rotate them as well based on performance and health. I would even include Bautista and Cano in the mix along with Akin, Baumann, Zim. Same thing with the SPs, stumble over 2 starts (Grayson excluded), Irvin comes up. Whoever is up gets 2 weeks to show value or else goes back down. Show value, you get to stay until you don't. Establish a culture of urgency, that the Team's performance is foremost. Basically, 1 move per month per player in each group over June-Sept.

  6. 20 minutes ago, maybenxtyr said:

    We used to use gallon milk jugs and white bread to catch them.

    I used to just stand in shallow water and when they swan between me and the beach just swing my leg and splash them onto the sand and pickem up. 

  7. 2 minutes ago, Billy F-Face3 said:

    So you're saying that a Slinky doesn't "dance like a Mina in shallow water!?" 😆 (Reference to something Ben McDonald said yesterday.)

    I grew up rural so I understand Ben and even had a Minnow bucket. My mom made sure I didn't end up with the accent though.🤣

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  8. On 4/11/2023 at 3:20 PM, interloper said:

    I don't hate this lineup. I like Mullins batting 9th against the lefty - it was annoying to me that he had success doing that in Boston but then they abandoned it. So that's good to see. And Hays is hot and saw a bunch of pitches yesterday so why not. And I at least want to see what McCann looks like against a lefty or two. Might as well if they are doing this 3 catcher thing, and McKenna was a non-factor at the plate yesterday anyway. 

    Ohtani isn't a lefty.

  9. 1 minute ago, RZNJ said:

    No one wants to see the blown save and no one besides you, I’m guessing, think there is any correlation between the light show and the blown saves.   

    I really don't think Frobby believes, sees, or was implying any correlation between the light show and the blown saves. Me personally, I would save the light show for after a save has happened, no matter who does it.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    Sorry to be “that guy” but I don’t like it.  To me it hypes up the other team.  And I just don’t think Bautista really has earned that kind of treatment.  He’s been our closer for about 4 months.   He’s blown 4 saves (3 this year) in 29 opportunities since taking over as closer, which is pretty average.  I love Bautista but I’d rather have him just come in and do his job.  He’s fun to watch and dominant when he’s on, but the last thing I want to see is a big light show followed by a blown save.  

    I agree that it's too much but I do like the Omar whistle. Maybe hold the light show until the save is realized? That would give you more time to anticipate Omar coming.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

    Stowers is definitely not a top prospect. He’s not even considered a prospect anymore. We have nine top 100 prospects in all of baseball. Stowers is not listed as one.

    Technically, you are correct as he got enough ABs in 2022 to lose his prospect status but in the 2021 rankings he was #7 ahead of Westburg, Norby, Ortiz and only Cowser of the current crowd was ranked higher. He was a top prospect in the best farm system in MLB. He just hasn't capitalized on his shot.

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  12. 9 hours ago, Frobby said:

    What is this quote from?

    In essence, the league gave the Orioles the permanent right to earn some profits from Nats televised games, in perpetuity.  That’s the permanent compensation from the league, which owned the Expos/Nats when that deal was struck.   

    Here is the link for the Banner article, the JA quote is about in the middle.


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  13. 1 minute ago, Frobby said:

    What is this quote from?

    In essence, the league gave the Orioles the permanent right to earn some profits from Nats televised games, in perpetuity.  That’s the permanent compensation from the league, which owned the Expos/Nats when that deal was struck.   

    It's a JA quote from about a week ago. I'll find it and post a link tomorrow. I'm an older fart than you are lol. 😁


  14. Just now, Frobby said:

    This may be an unpopular opinion, but IMO Anthony planted about 6 inches too far forward and jumped a split second too soon, or it wouldn’t have seemed like such a spectacular catch.  Not that I’m complaining.   It wasn’t an easy play, and he made it.  That’s the bottom line.  


    So basically you are saying he "Stowers-ed" it lol. JK, ducking

  15. OK, nobody else is venturing in so let me play ( from old, impaired memory). I'll further complicate matters as I was one of the few to vote against the Davis contract. What if the O's didn't win the last 3 against NYY in 2000 so they "COULD" have drafted Tex vs TEX? In 2008 when he was a FA, PA, in DIRECT competition with the hated NYY, would have opened the checkbook further (the "MEGA" offer that never came)(can't remember what we called it). Tex would have retired an O's Legend and be in line for the next bronze statue, revered in MD like Cal. Buck NEVER would have needed to bring Davis from TEX, at FREAKING ALL!!!  Tex is on our side in 2012 so we DON'T lose to the hated NYY in 2012 ALCS. The STUPID Davis contract crap never happens (revisionist history, I know), Walker gets a chance here. 

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  16. 1 minute ago, Tony-OH said:

    My guess? Kjerstad will be the everyday 1B by mid-2024.

    Interesting, Where does that leave Mayo who doesn't appear fleet of foot per this metric? Secondarily, could Westburg transition to COF basically replacing Kjerstad in RF? If not does he beat out Ortiz for 2B? Trying to tease out the tradeable pieces for ASB pitching acquisitions.

  17. 3 hours ago, Tony-OH said:

    Westburg is not too bad range wise overall, but his release is a little slow and he struggles to throw strongly across his body. He's a big guy so the thought is his average range will diminish so 2nd base long term might be a stretch. Saying that, his bat should certainly play and give him him his value even if the glove is a little below average.

    So we have Westburg, Kjerstad, Mayo, all serious bats. Using the Fangraphs site (disclaimer: old man with new toy) from Just Regular, we have Speed (base running efficiency) ratings for Westburg (7.0), Cowser (6.8), Kjerstad (6.2) and Mayo (3.8). For reference Norby (4.4) and Prieto (4.3). What does that tell us about the foot speed of W, C, K vs M,N. P if anything? Better at reading the play or reaction time or "baseball smarts" or nothing at all. All the ratings are against their League peers where 5.5 is very good per the Fangraphs metrics. I ask, not for the question as parsed, but to hopefully enable the decision WHO IS YOUR 1B OF THE FUTURE? That pre-supposes that RM doesn't correct his errant swing decision methodology (we'll save JM for another day).Can W and K make it as COF leaving 1B to M?? There seems little doubt C can be COF and maybe CF if we find ourselves in a post-Mullins world. Still sorta Cowser-related in a tangential manner.

  18. The highlighted column is for Speed (base running skill) from Fangraphs. Wagner isn't hitting yet but he is 2nd in the league out of 88 qualified players so yeah base running is a plus.

    1 Mike Jarvis PIT A+ 25 105 9.5% 19.0% 0.50 .217 .314 .489 .803 .272 9.3 .212 1.5 16 1.3 .357 109
    2 Max Wagner BAL A+ 21 120 11.7% 27.5% 0.42 .180 .300 .350 .650 .170 9.0 .215 0.6 13 -3.8 .304 77
    3 Terrell Tatum CHW A+ 23 123 19.5% 25.2% 0.77 .305 .450 .495 .945 .189 8.9 .435 1.0 26 9.6 .436 158
    4 Spencer Jones NYY A+ 22 111 6.3% 35.1% 0.18 .275 .315 .588 .904 .314 8.9 .373 0.7 19 4.1 .386 127
    5 Eddinson Paulino BOS A+ 20 118 6.8% 19.5% 0.35 .248 .305 .385 .690 .138 8.9 .298 1.8 14 -2.5 .317 84
    6 Loidel Chapelli CHW A+ 21 102 16.7% 24.5% 0.68 .268 .412 .488 .900 .220 8.7 .352 0.4 20 6.0 .412 143
    7 Jaylen Palmer NYM A+ 22 105 14.3% 34.3% 0.42 .216 .333 .330 .663 .114 8.6 .346 1.3 12 -2.2 .317 85
    8 Kevin Kilpatrick Jr. ATL A+ 22 135 17.8% 28.1% 0.63 .215 .366 .374 .740 .159 8.4 .299 -0.2 19 1.1 .351 106
    9 Drew Gilbert HOU A+ 22 95 6.3% 22.1% 0.29 .360 .421 .686 1.107 .326 8.3 .424 0.5 24 11.2 .483 186
    10 Jordy Barley WSN A+ 23 83 10.8% 31.3% 0.35 .250 .325 .403 .728 .153 8.2 .362 0.9 11 -0.8 .331 93
    11 Aaron Palensky NYY A+ 24 92 9.8% 21.7% 0.45 .333 .413 .728 1.141 .395 8.2 .346 1.1 24 11.3 .490 191
    12 Tsung-Che Cheng PIT A+ 21 115 16.5% 16.5% 1.00 .274 .395 .547 .942 .274 8.1 .306 -1.0 23 7.4 .418 147
    13 Dru Baker TBR A+ 23 103 9.7% 28.2% 0.34 .311 .388 .411 .799 .100 8.1 .443 2.3 17 2.7 .373 119
    14 Alexander Vargas NYY A+ 21 103 8.7% 28.2% 0.31 .258 .330 .495 .825 .237 8.0 .322 -0.1 16 2.2 .367 115
    15 Frederick Bencosme BAL A+ 20 92 15.2% 16.3% 0.93 .240 .363 .360 .723 .120 8.0 .295 0.5 13 0.1 .344 101
    • Thanks 1
  19. 3 minutes ago, Frobby said:

    This is not obvious to me at all.  The team ran a payroll over $100 mm every year from 2013 to 2018 and there is no reason whatsoever it can’t do that again unless John Angelos just decides he wants to be super-greedy.  I had no problem whatsoever with the Orioles slashing payroll during the rebuild, but the natural corollary is the payroll builds back up once the team gets good again.  I don’t necessarily expect the team to reach the $161 mm plateau again, but I’ll be quite surprised and disgusted if payroll isn’t well over $100 mm when it needs to be.   It might take another year or two to get there because the team’s best players are super cheap right now, but that’ll change.  

    Agree with all this. Also, with better attendance the Revenue will increase. The unknown variable is how much profit JA will want. The last 2 years the profits were $83M and $67M, is he saving that for inheritance taxes??? Per the Forbes data, the breakeven point was about $130M for Payroll plus Expenses (Salaries around $100M plus benefits and other costs that aren't defined). Salaries are about $65M now including Active, Injured, and Retained (Davis $5.6M) but not Deferred($15.1M) so depending on how you count you have $20M to $35M in Salaries to play with.

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