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Posts posted by AnythingO's

  1. Well John Angelos also said (on 3/31😞 "And the last thing is, we should be measured by how much we drive all of our profits back into the product on the field. And I think Mike Elias, Brandon Hyde, and this partnership group—of all local people—have done that." Then Forbes came out and showed Operating Income (Profit) of $83M and $67M the last 2 years. I guess he has a different view of driving all the profits back into the product on the field. I can't believe JA isn't getting roasted for that comment after failing to open the books.

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  2. 2 hours ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

    Your right, you know everything a$$hole, why don't you make your own board.  This is the kind of s that ruins the hangout.

    OK please step back from the edge, you made an erroneous comment about Gunnar and were called on it. The more eggregious statement was about Mateo "just being an average hitter", why would you want him to climb down from his present pinnacle???????lol

  3. 3 hours ago, RZNJ said:

    I don't want to jinx Mateo.   The good sign with him as that while he pulls the homers to LCF and doubles down the line, he continues to get hits to RF.   He still swings at the high fastball almost never see him fishing for the slider out of the zone anymore.   He's just waiting longer to identify the pitch and he still has enough bat speed to catch up to most fastballs and adjust to the breaking pitches.    I agree that he was hot for almost 2 months last year but he looks even better this time.   As I said before, he looks like he put on some good weight this offseason and just looks stronger.   Fingers crossed.

    I will say this.  Mateo deserves a ton of credit but this is a gold star for the hitting coaches.   Also, the way Hays his hitting to RF as well this year.   The hitting coaches seem to have a really good grasp of each hitter's strengths and weaknesses.    I saw Matt Borgschulte  interviewed and was impressed.

    I absolutely agree with all of this but they also need the player to buy in and commit to the new plan. At age 26 last summer Jorge did and it worked until old habits resumed. Muscle memory is a bitch. He APPEARS to have bought in and worked on this offseason. He wasn't 9 times on the top 100 lists for lack of talent and a key piece in the Sonny Gray deal. Didn't work out for NYY (suck it) lol but may for us. We are overdue for some nice things.

  4. 54 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

    LOL 😆😂… I meant Cano. I don’t know what I was typing there!!! I was in between meetings at work and tried to sneak a post in…lol

    OK, I will admit when you said Ynoa I thought Cano and just assumed that was his first name. 🤣 

  5. 1 hour ago, DirtyBird said:


    How in the world could you agree to "As a one year fill in why would age even matter? And Mateo already peaked last season. There's literally no where for him to go but down." at this time with the start Mateo has had to the season????????????????? What player are you watching???????????????

    That comment by Hakuna had SOME validity on Feb 28 butt doesn't today.

  6. 5 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

    If we retains every prospect, where does the pitching realistically come from?

    ME will NOT keep every prospect but he WILL NOT make trades to appease your impatience. How did GRod look to you after the 1st inning????? Like a stud who wouldn't crumble, like Stowers said he was.!!!!! John Means was a solid #2 pre TJ and Bradish seems like a solid 2-3 stuff-wise with a little seasoning, To my humble eye, that is a playoff rotation, just maybe not in 2023. Then you still have Kremer, Povich, Seth Johnson, maybe Tavara before you get to Zimmermann, Rom, Pinto who will likely be the next BP wave. could we use an upgrade to say Irvin RIGHT NOW, sure but IMHO, I would try to trade him plus excess IF parts ,for ERod from Tigers who has an opt out after this year. He is under control for 4 yrs-$63M I believe after 2023, aaaan ASB trade just seems logical to me.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

    That’s fine by me. Then we will need to package Westburg. 

    I don’t know who is better between Ortiz and Westburg. Or who Elias likes better. But we are going to need to package some of these redundant position prospects at some point for some real pitching, in order to construct a roster that can win in the postseason.

    Define "BETTER"??? Ortiz is projected to play GG defense at 2B and be very good at SS. I don't know if he has the skills for 3b or not, haven't read anything here about that. IMHO Ortiz is a better, younger Urias who we can control longer. Westburg is a very athletic player who doesn't project to be a GG at any IF position, but his bat is the real deal. Can he make the transition to COF, TBD but we need time to figure that out. We have similar situations with Norby, Mayo, Kjerstad to name a few. Time will tell, hopefully the ME-SIG crystal ball will be clear by ASB.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

    We are not that small of a market! We carried a 180 million dollar payroll in 2018. You can miss me on the propaganda.

    You can call it "propaganda" if you wish but understand I HATE THE ANGELOS with a passion. However, The Payroll was $183 M in 2017 and according to FORBES, who is the only source of data on this subject, the Orioles LOST $26 M that year. With CURRENT REVENUE streams the O's are at break-even status at a Payroll level around $150-160 M which includes Expenses around $20 M so $130-140 M in Salaries. Does JA still make money even at Forbes break even point, O yes I am sure. Will he continue to run the O's as a business, O yes I am sure. Will he dip into his pocket like PA did, NO FREAKING WAY IMHO.

  9. 1 minute ago, Yossarian said:

    The more I watch Mateo this year,  the more I have to ask myself - are we going to get any more out of Henderson or Holladay than what Mateo brings?  Maybe it's not Mateo that should be dangled as trade bait?  He is playing phenomenal baseball right now.  

    I am on record as a BIG Mateo homer but, his bat was his calling card as a prospect. He dedicated himself to changing last summer and for 6-8 weeks it worked. IF, and it's a big IF, he has succeeded in re-working his approach at the plate, he is an All Star. With his speed and arm, maybe a transition to CF may be the future for one of Jorge or Jackson.

  10. I feel like Baumann has found his way back from his injury finally and is reborn in the BP. Of the 10 guys @RZNY named above, Voth gets sent down to AAA to start and Givens gets traded at All Star break. If Coulombe cracks I want Hall up here as a RP. Obviously, that depends on his SP performance tween now and then.

  11. 25 minutes ago, Gurgi said:

    I think my problem with Mateo is we got him for free on waivers so I kind of keep expecting the wheels to totally come off the wagon.   Maybe he is just a late bloomer.  I remember Melvin Mora.  He just took off in Baltimore for whatever reason and was amazing.  Maybe all Mateo needed was a long chance?  Who knows?  He surely didn't get that chance in San Diego.

    He went from being the top NYY ranked prospect in 2016 (ahead of Judge) to freaking Oakland in the Sonny Gray trade. When he didn't lite up AAA they sent him to SD where was rightfully buried behind All Stars. His fall from the prospect pinnacle was a business decision by NYY. He started getting his feet under him last summer with the new hitting coaches. His bat had been his calling card. His defense, to my eye, is phenomenal. He is my SS until Jackson is ready and maybe you consider moving one of them to CF. 😮😮😲

  12. 26 minutes ago, Bemorewins said:

    With him playing like this or anywhere close. It makes Joey Ortiz an expendable asset that we can use to package to go get a real pitcher at the deadline.

    Sorry, Ortiz is your GG 2B for the Adley-Gunnar years.

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  13. 23 minutes ago, sportsfan8703 said:

    What do we do with him?  Weapon.  5 tools. Can’t leave him in the 9 hole. I like him leadoff with Mullins behind him. 

    Leave him alone and let him settle into his talent. At the end of May if he is still "this guy" make the move. He was top 100 9 times, in 2016 was the top NYY prospect per BA, ahead of some guy named Judge. He was traded by NYY for Sony Gray, then to SD where he sat behind All Stars until being picked off the scrap heap by us. I'm a firm believer that top 100 talent is really in there, let's have some patience to see if it manifest itself.

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  14. Why not just send him down to AAA to start "because we want him to get regular work" and bring Hall up in RP role like end of last summer when he had 10 one-inning appearances that were successful??? After the BP gets Givens or Tate back re-evaluate what role you want Hall in and adjust.

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  15. OK, still at work and just checking in on CBS Sportsline BUT.... bringing Voth in with runners on is a freaking recipe for disaster. So Voth allows 3 inherited runs charged to GRod and another 2 run of his own and still gets the opportunity to pitch the next inning ??? NOTE TO HYDER!!!

    I can't tell the situation but why, oh why, PH Vavra, he of the 0.100 BA for McCann who you are trying to jump start and was 1 for 2 already??? Is this to justify having 3 catchers on the rooster so they can demote Stowers????? Is Zack freaking Jackson so scary we don't bat our former All Star backup catcher we hope rebounds to career level?

    Why on God's green earth is freaking Santander batting 4th??? You think Sig's computer spit that out?????

    While I'm at it, why the HELL is Mateo batting 8th with an OPS of .855 behind such OPS luminaries as Henderson (0.582), Vavra (0.282), McCann who got his first hit of the year and was pinch hit for and the aforementioned Sanatander??????? You think a computer comes up with that lineup?????

    Only logical answer is Hyde decisions - IMH (but biased) Opinion: Hyde makes the lineup and in game decisions. Even with our BP and SP injuries we are better than this.

    Back to work like a good little dwarf.

  16. 2 minutes ago, InsideCoroner said:

    Depends on where you live, but if the light rail is on your route, it's pretty easy to park at one of the light rail stops, take the train (2 bucks each way) and then getting out of the light rail lots (like North Linthicum) is a breeze. 

    That's what I always do (N. Linthicum), big lot, free parking, Beltway access. If you are coming from the West via Rt 70 or 95 or 295 it is easy.

  17. 5 hours ago, wildcard said:

    GG caliber Urias and Mateo are play well and hitting.  Frazier has been hitting as well.   That has pushed Gunnar to backup at SS/3B and  more time at DH.   With Adley and Santander also DHing there is no much room for Stowers

    But you play Vavra in RF and he misplays a ball in a competitive game while Stowers sit for what reason exactly, a whopping .347 OPS in 8 ABs vs Stowers .333 in 4 ABs???? This is on Hyde, period IMHO.

  18. The problem was created by ME when he signed "he who must not be named". IMHO Hyde is a little like Buck in the veteranosity (Odor) department; he dislikes some players skill sets and it impacts playing time. Buck (Kim, Cortez) and Hyde (Stowers, Vavra), at least last year. Urias is lucky to hold up for 400 ABs so he should play 1/3 at 3B and 1/3 at 2B. Mateo wore out last year at 500 ABs so unless he shows he is reborn at the plate he should be limited to about 450 ABs all at SS. The rest of 3B (400 ABs) or SS (150 ABs) should go to Gunnar. If he fails to overcome his weakness vs lefties, more ABs to Urias or Vavra at 3B. There is no freaking way that Gunnar at DH is good for his development and now way Santander in RF is good for the team when Stowers sits.

    I believe ME and Sig have plans and programs for each player and Sig's computer sets the roster. They likely have probabilities of success for each player for each game and matchup. Guys like Stowers and Vavra don't have enough of a record for Sig's bot to evaluate on stats alone. Enter the vetereanosity component and Stowers sits and then goes down. Wait until one of the AAAA LH 1B-DH reclamation projects takes his spot. Was Stowers usage a ME vs Hyde scenario like DD vs Buck for Teagarten??? TBD

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