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Woody Held

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Woody Held last won the day on February 28 2020

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About Woody Held

  • Birthday 11/09/1953

Personal Information

  • Location
    Catonsville MD
  • Interests
    Golf, music, O's ravens
  • Occupation
    operations program manager
  • Favorite Current Oriole
    JJ Hardy
  • Favorite All Time Oriole
    Eddie Murray

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Woody Held's Achievements

Major Leaguer Rising Star

Major Leaguer Rising Star (9/14)

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  1. Rodgers had a Lat strain last year and a drop in velocity afterwards. 2021 Rodgers I take in a heartbeat. Sure would want a look before pulling the trigger. Maybe in Spring Training
  2. I am sure a Lawyer of Angelos’s skill has figured a way around that
  3. Miami was rumored to have interest in Santander last year. That an organization that we matchup well with. Maybe we could get a Max Meyer and a prospect for Santander
  4. My take. Making a commitment to a Correa would show that they were serious and it wasn’t lip service when they said they would be in on free agents when they saw we were ready to be competitive. They have left Elias alone and allowed for a total rebuild. Correa would be a team leader and with some trades or savvy lesser free agent signing the rebuild could finally be accelerating
  5. I agree, could be a really entertaining year. I am interested in what happens with the glut of free agents and where they wind up after the lockout. How we proceed with building the roster could be intriguing as well.
  6. The only sure thing in all of this is that the fans will foot the bill.
  7. One of the things in the article was some premium seating being added. The intent ,I am assuming is to remove the first 3 to 5 rows of seats between the bases and put in those big recliner type seats you see in Yankee Stadium and Nationals park where they can charge 250.00 dollars a game for an all inclusive experience will someone remind them this is Baltimore
  8. You’re right and that seems to be the mantra of Holt & maybe through out the organization . Throw strikes or goodbye
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