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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Here's Dowd himself: Fast forward to the 1 hour, 8 minute mark where he talks about how Rose would be managing the Reds today if he just admitted it and stopped gambling. 38:30 mark he starts talking about the secret meeting he had with Rose and his team. 46:00 he talks about there were attempts to settle. I don't think there's a chance a player gets caught up in this. Let's not forget that Landis' rule came down in 1920 when many ballplayers were making ends meet by having jobs in the offseason not related to baseball. Then you have 65 years between baseball having an issue with a ballplayer and gambling with Pete Rose who was a degenerate and not a symptom of a larger problem. You know your baseball history, pre-Black Sox there were gambling issues around the game. But now there's too much money on the line. You think someone like Trout could ever get caught up in this? Not even Trout, someone making the league minimum which is still good money?
  2. Seems like a good guy, I like him but the plate discipline is pretty bad.
  3. I don't think there's going to be room for Hays moving forward.
  4. Here's hoping he's the real deal. Could be quite a find.
  5. No he does. They just shouldn’t veer near the gambling house cause they’re weak and can’t control themselves.
  6. It sucks if they use that money to sign, like, Jay Payton or an old Sammy Sosa.
  7. Lmao that’s not living in reality. “Don’t play cards! You might turn into a gambling addict!” Yeah, we all saw how “just say no” worked out. That’s the thing about addicts that you obviously don’t understand. None of them think they have a problem until it’s too late.
  8. Rose wasn’t banned cause of gambling. Dowd held a secret meeting with him outside of Chicago, offered him a deal that, IIRC, if he confessed right then and there it’d never go public. No suspension, nothing. Look it up, it happened. Rose was banned because he was running his bets through mafia controlled bookies who also had ties to cocaine. Coming off the Pittsburgh Drug Trials, Gooden, etc, they couldn’t run the risk of the public finding out that Pete Rose had coke ties. Rose, being Rose, of course denied it all and his lawyers escalated everything and then it went public. You can believe what you want and I know you’ll believe that Rose was banned for gambling. The truth is that MLB wanted it swept under the rug, never to see the light of day.
  9. Yeah. While I agree on personal responsibility, addiction is a different beast.
  10. C’mon. You’ve clearly never met a degenerate gambler who’s lost everything. I’d say they’re sadder than a drug addict because at least with drugs, the drugs have oftentimes turned their brain to mush. With gambling they still have all their faculties about them. Despite your message board persona, I believe to think you’re a reasonable guy. I’m sure you wouldn’t shotgun beers or drink alcohol in front of a recovering alcoholic. If you agree to that, you should understand why this might not be the best idea.
  11. @Sports Guymind you, I’m all for Rose being in the Hall.
  12. I can’t tell if you’re being genuinely curious or intentionally obtuse here. While I agree with you that some posters have gone a bit overboard here, you can’t deny that this will be harmful to some. Now I don’t have a dog in this fight, I really don’t care one way or another. But to act innocent-like and wonder aloud what the harm is in gambling, I think you’re trying to get under the skin of some people.
  13. I think Drungo saw Back to the Future 2 at a young age and it scarred him for life.
  14. Man, you guys make it sound like a gambling lounge at OPACY is going to turn the warehouse into a crackhouse and that the fall of our civilization is at stake due to sports gambling. I don't like it because I find FanDuel and DraftKings and the rest to be tacky. But I'd rather have people who want to gamble do it in a place that's safe instead of dealing with shady characters and individuals who'd like to break your arms and legs if you don't square away your gambling debts.
  15. No man, c'mon. They should hire shady bookies to run back and forth. Why leave the dugout/clubhouse?
  16. Another good idea. I mean, let's not get carried away or anything.
  17. This is a good idea. Safe bet (no pun intended). I understand gambling for something like, an NFL championship game or a World Series game. But if you're feeling the urge to gamble on a random Orioles/White Sox game in August, you probably need help.
  18. It's actually my dog's name.
  19. Anyone who's looking up Sasha Molders and expecting to see photos of an attractive woman, save yourself the time. And never say that Moose Milligan didn't do anything for you.
  20. Back when men were men and sheep were afraid. This is pretty great, he was playing for the Philadelphia A's but since he was from New York they cut him because he was a "foreigner."
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