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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. OOOOOOO offers out? I wonder what AAAA types we're bringing in?
  2. Well if I engaged in normal talk, that'd make me like everyone else. I'm sorry I don't treat sports message board warfare like it's a real job. I know this is serious business for you. Sure we're crazy for supporting this franchise. But you could stop caring as much like Drungo and me. It's pretty nice.
  3. You called people crazy for supporting this garbage product in 2022. But I never said that you said that people can't support the team. You just called people crazy for doing so. I'm just busting your balls a little bit dude, stop taking everything so seriously.
  4. Yeah, but you're still gonna spend money there, hombre. Look at you, criticizing others for supporting the team and then going on Opening Day without a care in the world acting like the parameters on which you judge others aren't applicable to you.
  5. Ah, but you're still supporting the team by forking over your hard earned dollars and lining the pockets of the Angelos tribe by throwing your kids under the bus and saying OD is different. Letting your kids grow up to be Orioles fans? Shame on you, SG. Get 'em on a winning path.
  6. I've yet to see anyone say on here that we have to lose for several years in order to build a long term winner. I've seen comparisons to Houston, but that's all they are...comparisons. I don't think I've actually seen anyone advocating for this team to lose for years on end to build a really good farm system. I have seen people acknowledge that the team will suck, that they will likely lose 100 games and if so, well, go all in on the tank. IMO, that's just being realistic with where the team is. I've seen people advocate for tanking down the stretch to get the #1 pick and I've got no real issues with that. Crazy for supporting a garbage product again in 2022? Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you start a thread on how they're handling Opening Day tickets? You're not seriously going to support this garbage product by gracing OPACY with your presence, are you?
  7. I think it's hilarious when you get outraged that people question you and you act like you're the only sane one here and everyone else is crazy.
  8. How much of these rankings are based on where they picked in the draft vs. someone like Jasson Dominguez, who, IIRC, wasn't picked in the draft and other international signings?
  9. Eh, I suppose it is. I'm just not getting angry at the Orioles anymore for being stupid, not willing to spend money, etc. Like I said, you can't get mad at water for being wet.
  10. I side with SG, just not as vociferously. I mean, I think if you see an opening to make your team better you probably should no matter where you are. Evaluating talent is great but some of that talent can be traded to make your 40 man roster and 25 man roster better. And that's not taking into account that they won't sign a good free agent...it's nothing but scrap heap talent. Now where I agree with YOU is that not every move can be a game changing move. The Owings move was what it was, just some organizational filler and he'll probably see some time in Baltimore. A move like that shouldn't prohibit us from going after a real legit 3 or 4 win middle infielder in free agency or acquiring one via trade in theory. IN THEORY. But it's the Orioles and we know they're not going to spend big bucks. So it's easy to get pissed off at a move like that because people tend to think it's a one or the other type of move. Yesterday, the Braves made a trade for Matt Olson that signaled that the Freddie Freeman era is over, that is obvious. But signing a guy like Owings shouldn't signal to anyone that they won't sign a good middle infielder or a star like Correa....again, in theory. But we know they're not going to spend because history shows us that they won't. Now where I differ with SG is that I'm not really upset about it...I'm pretty close not to caring. I'll still watch, I'll still mix it up on here and stuff but they're going to do what they're going to do and banging away on here won't change that. It's just not a good constructive use of time to rehash the same points over and over again, speaking strictly for myself. Even though I just railed against rehashing the same points over and over again, I'll say again what I said yesterday...I'm taking a Buddhist like approach to all of this. Quite frankly, being an Orioles fan is a lesson in suffering and any little good thing is a surprise. I can't think of any other way to approach it these days.
  11. This reeks of one of those injuries that...oh, it's nothing bad, no big deal....oh, yeah, just taking a week longer than expected....yep, should be good to go, just getting treatment....oh, this is worse than we thought, might take a month...yep, we're shutting him down for the season.
  12. Certainly. So what good is crying about it doing? IMO, Elias appears to be at a crossroads where he has to step up and show he can swing a trade or sign a big time free agent. And he's shown neither for years now. So either he can't do one or the other (or both) or he's just biding his time. I think he is what he is...a really smart guy who can set up a farm system and bring in analytics but probably falls short in the wheeling and dealing category. Remains to be seen if he's got enough to get this team where it needs to be while only using his strengths but it's probably not enough.
  13. Lok, ok dude. Fine, nothing to do with Correa, can be any player that you view as an upgrade over what we have. Just not a quad A type. You know they're not going to sign anyone good, right?
  14. You're assuming that signing a guy like Owings means that they're signing him instead of Correa or Story or someone better. I don't think a guy like Owings has to do with not making a move for a guy like Correa when they weren't going to get Correa to begin with. That said, I also think you're working yourself up in a tizzy over something you know deep down that isn't going to happen soon. Might as well get upset with the sky being blue, too.
  15. Julio Teheran is still out there. Apparently he's got a showcase tomorrow. IMO, that's a dude we should have been in on two years ago and we should be in on now. He's certainly not great but I wouldn't mind this team picking up a guy who's got a career 3.80 ERA and a 4.34 FIP.
  16. I think the plan is glaringly obvious. Graduate as many of these young players to the majors and see who sticks. Fill in the rest accordingly. I'm sure SG will be in here shortly to bemoan that strategy and that "OMGGGG THEY'VE BEEN LYING TO YOU FOR YEARS ABOUT NEEDING TO BE BAD IN ORDER TO BUILD CORRECTLY BLARRRRRRGGHHH" and "UGH THEY CAN STILL GET GOOD FREE AGENTS IN HERE AND PUT A WATCHABLE PRODUCT ON THE FIELD!!!!!*" but at this point it is what it is. I would suspect that Elias isn't trying to time this for any one particular season. I sincerely doubt he's twiddling his thumbs and focusing on 2023 as some sort of magic year where things coalesce with young players and this team is suddenly looking good. There are simply too many variables from year to year to plan for something like that. I mean, God forbid something like Adley blowing out an ACL this year and G-Rod needing Tommy John in September happens...well, what then? Does whatever plan he had for 2023 get sidelined because two main pieces are on the shelf for a better part of a year? I would hope not. There's still a lot of guys that can come up and contribute and get this team winning. I think the plan is clear and anyone who allowed themselves to get worked up over the Correa rumor should know better by now. I mean, seriously, c'mon. You can't get mad at water for being wet, yet some love to still get mad at this team for things that they should know better by now. While I've certainly ranted and raved on here for years, I've taken a more buddhist like approach to this organization; watching this team, following this team is absolute purgatory and anything positive is a pleasant surprise. *SG. before you get all butthurt, I actually AGREE with your premise, I just don't care that much to hammer everyone over the head with it at every given turn.
  17. I think it looks pretty cool. I'd be stoked if they somehow brought back the "Hit It Here" Maryland lottery thing they had on the fence in '93 or '94, that thing was the one piece of advertising that actually looked good on an outfield fence.
  18. How come the majority of the people out there don’t think the way that you do?
  19. Smells like a new wildcard favorite. A great Valaika replacement! Given the fact that our key middle infield prospects are a year or two away, I'm assuming Owings sees some time in Baltimore this year but I'm not really expecting much here.
  20. Sarcasm detection device has been a little off these days.
  21. How's this guy triumphant on anything except having a high ERA?
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