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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I'd give rep but I'm all out apparently. One thing I've always wondered about these workout videos, especially ones like these...are they swinging hard or only going at like, 80%? Same with the infield throws, are they going at game speed?
  2. It's absolutely true. But I'd almost rather have the kids that aren't concerned with the least amount of competition because they know they're good. I guarantee that Jassssssson Dominguez kid that the Yankees just signed does not give a crap about the Yankees depth and a direct path to the majors.
  3. Oh, I don't know, atomic. Possibly because some of these kids could be turned off by what a dumpster fire this team has been over the past couple of years. Sure, they all want to make money, leave the Dominican and play ball somewhere but that doesn't mean that another team like the one with the white interlocking N and Y on their dark blue hats is perceived as a cooler place to be. And their money is just as green. Ever think of that?
  4. Yac has never had a start like the one Chris Waters had. In regards to Eshelman, glad to see he kept the ball on the ground. But not being able to get at least a couple strikeouts, especially in this era, is troubling.
  5. I wonder if these kids have any idea how bad the team is this year.
  6. I'm assuming this Luis Ortiz can't be as fat and unimpressive as the one we already have. That'd be pretty hard to pull off. Unimpressive? Probably, a lot of these guys are never going to make it. But add in the fat factor to being a bad pitcher and it's just WAY more unimpressive. So he might be just as bad (or worse) as a pitcher, but not as fat. Therefore, not as bad.
  7. Does it say J2, 2019? Cause that'll be dated. But if they're smart, it just says J2 WITHOUT the year.....cause there's another J2 coming around.
  8. @Can_of_corn is this up to your standards? https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/8f12bfd4-6be1-4dfe-894a-c6c3c119b988
  9. I don't think so. I think he rides out the season. I mean, this would be a logical place for them to cut bait but at the same time he's made it this far and showing no signs of improvement. It would be a fairly noticeable story if they cut him outside of the ASB. There'd be some media attention. With the focus on the ASG it might take away some of the press that would otherwise cover it. I'd say there's a 60% chance it happens during the ASB.
  10. Signing 30 guys on July 2nd, the #1 pick in Rutschman, a late first round talent in Henderson...our system should look very different. Thank goodness. I know a lot of these J2 guys are going to be far from the majors but at least we're headed in the right direction. Maybe we can uncover a fast riser or two.
  11. Can't wait to see who we land. Wondering what these next few days are going to be like for Elias.
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