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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. He's having a terrible year.
  2. I think a good changeup is the best pitch in baseball. The fact that it doesn't put any additional stress on the elbow is a positive as well.
  3. Hypothetically, I meant. I meant if he'd started off slow, there'd be calls for patience.
  4. I wish people could spell Sisco correctly.
  5. I couldn't remember what happened first. I also don't really remember how bad the shoulder injury was, though I do remember we were all pissed about and thinking that this could only happen to the Orioles. I'll leave the COLOR fonts to @OFFNY
  6. IIRC, Bergesen was doing well and then broke his leg. Never really recovered from that.
  7. I was being sarcastic. I think Means might be the real deal. That changeup is legit. Let's see where he is in a year from now, though.
  8. Means won't be here on the next good team. He has no future.
  9. I can remember how much time and patience we've given Hunter Harvey and all his arm issues. Wonder if HH was a 15th round pick and had all those issues just how many chances we'd be wanting to give him. Anyway, I'd like to see what the new shiny toy can do regardless of how I feel about him.
  10. Couldn't disagree more about you disagreeing more. No one downgrades Mancini here because of where he was drafted but I don't think anyones ever really taken him seriously here because of it. That attitude has carried over to how people feel about him today, IMO. You mean to tell me if he was a first round pick we'd would NOT have had post after post on here for YEARS asking for patience? And then he puts up stats like he's done this year and all of a sudden it'd be like "OMG our first rounder is finally putting it together! we can't trade him now!"
  11. Well tell it to CoC, he was the one saying what a hell of an athlete Mountcastle is. If you're saying Mancini is expendable, the only thing keeping Mountcastle from being expendable is 5 years. I disagree that Mancini has more value as a trade piece. Prime example of the OH overvaluing what we have. As much as I like Mancini, as much as I am arguing for him here please let me know what you think another GM would give us for Mancini right now.
  12. To say that he was drafted despite bad defense isn't being fair. I don't disagree with my esteemed colleague @Can_of_cornthat Mountcastle isn't a good athlete. He is. You draft a good athlete, hope the defense can improve. It's up to the system to be able to round out the athletic skills and mold them into a good player. I'm not sure where this "Mancini won't be around for the next good team anyway" mantra comes from. It's not based in any kind of reality and the fact is we don't know when the next good Orioles team will be. We'd like to think that we do based on how much we pat ourselves on the back for being armchair GM warriors but the next good Orioles team could happen in two years, it could happen in five. This is going to stick in CoC's craw but I don't care, I'll say it anyway. This all comes back to draft status. Mountcastle is a first round prospect so EVERYONE'S excited about him. Mancini = 8th rounder, wasn't expected to be this good, never had lofty prospect status and is taken for granted. Had Mancini been drafted in the first round, there would be thread after thread, post after post of "we need to be patient with him." FFS, look at DJ Stewart. Had Mancini been drafted in the first round and having this year that he's currently having now, people would be singing his praises. But he wasn't. Mountcastle was. And therefore the guy who's unproven, who has more flaws in his game is being looked at as a future piece while the guy that's done well for us and done everything he's been asked to do is looked at as expendable.
  13. Oh yeah? Well Mountcastle didn't even GO to college.
  14. I don't know what Notre Dame has to do with anything but ok.
  15. Three years of error filled SS play. Your standards are about as lofty as your musical tastes.
  16. Didn't last long there, did he? Haven't they been moving him all over the diamond without having him stick anywhere? Probably is a better athlete than Mancini but if that's the case, how come he hasn't been able to stick? Does athletic ability = the ability to get a good jump on a flyball? I've said it before, I'll say it again. This is a prime example of backup QB syndrome. Mountcastle has so many holes in his game. I'm not saying that Mancini doesn't but it's going to be interesting to watch this place turn on Mountcastle when they realize he's not a great defender, strikes out a lot and doesn't walk. But you know me, I'm remaining optimistic that he can get his OBP in the bigs over .330.
  17. Mancini. I believe last year was an aberration and he was injured. He has shown himself to be a professional hitter who can make adjustments and not slump for extended periods. Yes, he is a defensive liability, no doubt about it. However from everything I've read/heard he is not as much of a liability as Mountcastle. Mountcastle has not hit at the ML level yet and it appears that the organization is scrambling to find him a position. Will he be as adequate in LF as Mancini? Hard to say. Who's a better first baseman? Hard to say, too. Mountcastle doesn't walk. Mancini isn't an OBP machine but he's not completely batting average dependent. Mountcastle may hit for more power.
  18. It's already gotten to a point where it feels weird to be so invested in athletes that are 10-15 years younger than me. Now you had to go ahead and just make it weirder, didn't you, Drungo?
  19. What's the rush? Chill out.
  20. I know you love soccer but just because the MLS has the letter "M" for major and "L" for league in it doesn't make it a major league sport. I like watching soccer too but if I'm going to tune in, it's going to be some real European stuff. MLS is like where old European stars are put out to pasture. I believe you are half right in your analysis. The issue is not only that the public doesn't want to hear about people who average $2 million a year and how they're not getting enough revenue vs. the owners who are pulling in way more. The other half is that the the owners have worked in various businesses to earn their wealth. I get it, PGA, you came up huge in the asbestos deal, made a ton of money, made a big name for yourself and your law firm, won a lot of cases, bought a baseball team. Not everyone grows up with those dreams and aspirations. It's not just the $2 million a year average that you and I will probably never make in our lifetimes...it's that they're getting it by PLAYING A GAME. No one's saying it's not hard work but I think we'd all sign up to play and get paid for it if we could. That's the difference between the players and the owners...a very small fraction of people would want to do what the owners do to get where they are but everyone would want to play the game. Therefore the players are looked at as more spoiled and entitled.
  21. Need to know everything about the Adley and Gunnar debuts. Everything. What socks did they wear and are they on their way to the Hall of Fame? How many pieces of gum did they chew? What color bats were used? Did they wear their pant legs high or low? Gatorade or water? Did anyone overhear any comments with their teammates about how they were feeling? What did they have for breakfast? You guys remember the OJ Simpson chase? The coverage needs to be like that on the way to the ballpark, during the game and on their way home. I want to know EVERYTHING.
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