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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Hopefully in 3 or 4 years we're at a point where we can bump this thread and laugh at ourselves for arguing the merits of Yefry Ramirez vs. Dan Straily and who should have stayed on a 45 win team.
  2. Yeah, I'm not saying he's Ozzie Smith or even Izturis. Again, I don't think there's anyone head and shoulders above him that should be getting playing time that could do WAY better. Like Stevie Wilkerson might be better with the bat, not by a huge amount...but with the glove? Dunno.
  3. I don't disagree seeing as it probably doesn't happen over the weekend and then they're home next week before 7/1. But I don't understand why wait until the team is home...if that's what they are waiting for, that seems silly. Get him signed and then do the dog and pony show in Baltimore when the team comes back home. Bring him and Gunnar out to tip their caps to the 15k faithful.
  4. If we had a SS prospect in the minors that could be considered a part of the future, I'd be singing a different tune. But I'm fine to keep trotting Richie out there.
  5. I wish I felt that way. But I don't.
  6. Even though he's terrible with the bat, I think he's decent with the glove. He's not the worst thing about this season. I don't think the other options are much better and I'd rather have Villar at 2nd. And who knows, Villar might be traded here soon anyway. By no means do I think Richie is a long term option but for the rest of this season and as a backup for next season? Sure.
  7. We'll figure out something to complain about here soon.
  8. No one is Otter. Totally forgot Kevin Mitchell played for the Mariners. This had to be 1992 before they switched uniforms.
  9. He probably will. Someone will forever think they're the team that can tap the potential.
  10. Most likely. I was kinda hoping he'd have a good year but he just seems overall terrible.
  11. I mean, I don't think he's good but you seem to act like he peed in your Corn Flakes or something.
  12. I don't like Sisco but I'll wait and give him enough time to prove me correct before I start bashing him.
  13. The offense will just probably suck as much.
  14. Givens? Nah, doesn't throw enough innings and people still like him a little too much cause they want to think he can be good again and get some trade value. I've noticed a lot of annoyance towards Broxton lately. Maybe him. Trumbo isn't back so he's safe. Richie Martin? I don't think he's got any true haters here as we all expected him to be all glove, no bat. I dunno, no one sucks as bad as Straily and Davis. I feel like there's someone obvious that we're missing here. And on a team that's bound to win 45 games there should be some easier targets but I can't think of anyone as blatantly bad as those two.
  15. Everyone happy now? Another day with Straily on the roster, I think people here might have had a meltdown.
  16. Wonder who had to go pick up Phil at the nursing home. https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/27018053/mets-fire-eiland-name-regan-82-pitching-coach
  17. Yeah, I'll leave that one alone....might want to edit that.
  18. Yikes, who's got worse defense than us?
  19. @Frobby you should perhaps rename it "The Lack of Defense Thread."
  20. I dunno man, 5 injuries over 3 years is a lot. Some guys are just more durable than others and being Orioles fans we should know this better than anyone. On one end of the spectrum you've got a guy like Ripken, on the other end you've got the Reimold/Loewen crowd. You can't watch Hays run the bases or dive for a ball in the outfield without wondering if he just pulled or tweaked something. Reimold, IIRC, was the exact same way. Dude was a walking DL trip before he got to Baltimore, did nothing to change that once he got here.
  21. I'm done with him. Sorry. Can't stay healthy. What was it last year? And then again to start this season? And then this?
  22. Yeah, but that's not telling the whole story isn't it?
  23. I was more referring to the Nats being worse. I think we finish worse than them. I agree, I don't think we end up the worst pen....but top 5? I think a spot in the top 10 is pretty secure.
  24. I was at the game on Sunday and felt that they were essentially raising the white flag when going to the bullpen. And when Givens came in, you knew what was going to happen.
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