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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Anyone here preparing for disappointment? Or are you all thinking we're gonna get a haul for Bundy and Cashner?
  2. Live look in at @AceKing
  3. I'm over here waiting for the other shoe to drop. Want to see how he handles a slump and how he bounces back.
  4. Ok well I'll keep this in mind when we trade Mancini and then whine about what we got back and how the pieces aren't useful and won't be a part of the next winning team.
  5. I guess we'll see what the return is when we trade him. But if it's for players like we received last year for the guys we traded, no thanks.
  6. I'm not a big believer in switching guys from the rotation to the pen as a means of "fixing" what's wrong. But if Tate has been good out of the pen, he's worth a look. I'd like to see him this season if so. Sorry, CoC. I know you hate Tate but if in fact he's good in the pen so far, we should take a look.
  7. I'm, 50/50 on whether or not he's got a chance to be on the next winning team. I can see scenarios where he is, I can see scenarios where he isn't.
  8. Right. But if the armchair GMs around here are saying he's not going to fetch us much, if there's speculation that Mancini could get us a Top 100 prospect...I get everyone here is super trade happy but I just don't see how it makes too much sense right now.
  9. Title is pretty simple, but no potential trade talk. Use one of the other threads if you're going to speculate the massive haul we should be getting for Cashner or why Mancini deserves top 100 prospects in return. What are you looking for from this team in the 2nd half? Anything from player performance to guys in the minors, it all goes here.
  10. Everyone sucks. We don't have anyone that "deserves" a shot. We've got guys that'll get shots because we need to trot bodies out there. But none of them deserve it.
  11. Wojo gonna be lucky to get out of the first here.
  12. Bordick saying Center cut makes me want to vomit.
  13. Where does Skydome rank among ballparks today? Putting aside my disdain for Cito Gaston and the Jays, it's gotta rank near the bottom. I can't imagine a retractable multi-purpose dome with a symmetrical playing field and something that otherwise looks like it came out of the late 80s is high on anyone's list.
  14. My work revolves around IT so I spend a lot of time looking at the technology conglomerate pretty much all day, every day. Spelling the catcher's last name correctly is way hard for me as a result.
  15. Cisco hits well (so far) but not against lefties and everything else is "meh." Mountcastle hits well, doesn't walk and everything else is "meh". And Nunez? He's got nice power but he's looking like a .250 hitter with a .300 OBP type. So yeah, I'd kick Davis to the curb and give Mancini first and figure out the rest. You're arguing against a player saying he's got no additional significant tools...when the players you'd want to replace him with are equally one dimensional as well. To me, that doesn't make sense when you don't know if Sisco is for real and will ever be able to hit lefties, if Mountcastle can hit at the ML level and increase his walk rate and if Nunez could get his OBP to the .330 range. That's why I don't think they should trade Mancini. Because there's no clear cut better option and a lot more question marks.
  16. I'd be cool with trading him if we got an amazing offer. But wouldn't be actively shopping him. I've said it before, I'll say it again here...this board is a weird, funny place. Years of bitching and whining about not having young, controllable good players and when we get one...can't trade him fast enough.
  17. So you want to take the best and only known quantity of the bunch and deal him. Interesting.
  18. Only cause you put those lifts in your shoes.
  19. He's actually taller than @TonySopranobut shhhhhh
  20. Thursday at The Palm, half past noon. We'll save you a seat.
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