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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. It's getting to a point where I'm actually excited for Means starts.
  2. This is a funny place. We all go crazy on J2 when Elias signs a bunch of guys just like this. And then we trade an average ML starter for two guys that are just like J2 types and...all of a sudden it's a big letdown.
  3. Anyway, I'm going to the store to get some ice cream. I'll be back to check out the game thread with you bedwetters. I hope that this trade tempers any expectations for any deals that we might be looking at for the rest of the summer. Top 100 prospects, you ask? HAHA!!
  4. Damn, we're paying him into 2021? Granted its not a lot but its annoying.
  5. Luckily someone was available to capture Elio Prado's reaction that he'd just been traded:
  6. OH from January '19 to July 13th, 5:15 PM: We'll trade Cashner and get some good prospects!!! OH from July 13th 5:15 and onward: We traded Cashner! And got two teenagers, WTF?!?!?!?!?
  7. He's just prone to have a game like this every so often where he gets lit up. It's why he's not a #1. More like a #3 or #4.
  8. On the flip side, you know you can salvage the rest of your evening sometimes.
  9. Better than the Bigfoot and Loch Ness Monster photos. This is actually real!!
  10. Poor form, @interloper. Should have just left it up so we could rag on you a little more. Now Drungo and I have to do it here.
  11. @interloper was wrong about Terrance Gore.
  12. I just...I dunno. That's exciting and nice to hear. I'm stoked about Rutschman, no doubt about it. He's the player I wanted ever since the 2018 CWS. I can't figure out what I'm trying to say so I'll just leave it at this. Post Wieters, I'm just trying to temper expectations as much as I can. And I'm not calling Wieters a bust by any stretch but I think most of us can agree that he wasn't the "Mauer with power" guy that we thought we were getting after his ridiculous minor league seasons. It's cool to see the Orioles have someone so highly thought of but I'm taking it for what it is...which ain't much, IMO.
  13. Right. But if you're going to give them the credit of understanding what sunk cost means (the beginning of your post) then you have to be consistent. In other words you can't say that the brothers know what sunk cost is and then say that what might be holding them up is to eek out 10 million worth of production on a 173 million dollar contract.
  14. Aw man, you were going so strong and then you got to the last sentence. Even if he did put up 1.5 WAR, it's still been sunk cost.
  15. I don't remember what I thought about Means but I'm probably thinking I figured he'd be terrible.
  16. This is a good post. But it is sunk cost at this point. David provides negative value and has been for quite some time now. He would provide more value if he were released, not on the team and allowing roster flexibility. It sucks because I think Davis is a good dude and it's sad to see but that's what it is right now.
  17. Well there's no game tonight. Preach it like you feel it. You start typing, I'm going to go get my tinfoil hat.
  18. I figured he'd be a 4th outfielder type. But sheesh.
  19. Yep, it's one of the things I didn't expect this year.
  20. My opinion is that the Orioles win 100 games next year, if we're playing that game. Fair enough. I get why you guys think this way but I can't imagine ownership thinks it's a good idea to keep him around. Maybe Sig and his magic tricks are telling them that Davis can be salvaged.
  21. This is troubling news. It sounds like he's going to be here for awhile more.
  22. He's having a terrible year.
  23. I think a good changeup is the best pitch in baseball. The fact that it doesn't put any additional stress on the elbow is a positive as well.
  24. Hypothetically, I meant. I meant if he'd started off slow, there'd be calls for patience.
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