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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Hey, hey, let's let Drungo be the wet blanket.
  2. Maybe this is some Sig/Elias magic at work.
  3. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Wait, that might be too generous. I'd actually prefer a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to having to watch Sisco.
  4. Has anyone mentioned that he looks good in orange and black already? Not sure if anyones noticed.
  5. I say this because to me, he just looks unimpressive in practically everything he does. I'm not blown away by what he's done in AAA in 2016, 2017 or 2018. Sure, he's done well this year but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  6. I think we all know what we have in regards to Sisco.
  7. Well, small victories I guess. Sisco just looks like an overmatched little leaguer.
  8. Yeah, just not excited to see Sisco back in the bigs.
  9. If he could get his OBP to .330 on the year that'd be something. Probably means he's gotta hit .280 as his separation is usually .050 points or thereabouts...I dunno if he's a .280 hitter.
  10. He'd have to be a Keith Hernandez level defender for the bat not to be there and still have some value. And Hernandez was still a really good hitter, just didn't have a lot of power.
  11. Tyler Wilson falls into the category of starters like Yefrey and Hess. Wright, too. Was mainly talking about starters, IMO book is still out on Castro.
  12. Decent writeup. I think what we might be seeing here is a late bloomer. I'm not saying he's going to become the next JD Martinez but I wouldn't be surprised to see him improve a little bit when it comes to walk rate. He does seem to have a bit of a plan at the plate unlike a guy like Hanser who's going to swing away at anything thrown in his general direction. Not a bad pickup at all. Nice to get a guy who's putting it together for us instead of one of our castoffs finding success somewhere else.
  13. I've seen enough. Another AAAA type. No different than Yefrey Ramirez. Has a good arm, spotty command, underwhelming secondary offerings. That velocity though!
  14. I'm not saying you should die on a hill. And I'm not saying Mancini is THE GUY to build around. But you think Mancini is Trumbo at 27, we'll just have to agree to disagree and move on. If you look at what Trumbo did in his age 27 season vs what Mancini is doing this year, you'll see that it's not a valid comp.
  15. lol, it's like we want to trade the one guy that we bitch and whine about never being able to have. Either you keep a guy who's young, good, cheap and cost controlled because they are that way....or you trade them because they're young, cheap, cost controlled. At some point you gotta make a decision to keep em. And if anyone says "OMFG MOUNTCASTLE!!!! WHAT ABOUT MOUNTCASTLE AT FIRST!??!?!?!?!" Please, save it. Just save it. This board has long suffered from backup QB syndrome....the guys we have are never good enough and there's always someone waiting in the wings that COULD BE better.
  16. I don't understand why you'd want to get rid of Trumbo/Davis and then trade the most logical person to take their place.
  17. So you're saying it's all related to roster management, essentially.
  18. I don't think DFAing Davis is as easy as we all think it is. I think we'd like to think that it's that easy. But it hasn't been done yet.
  19. ...it's troubling because they're on the team and could play a factor in trading Mancini. Especially Davis. Trumbo, not as much cause his contract is up at the end of the season.
  20. How so? I think he's absolutely correct.
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