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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. IMO, there's depth...to me, depth means guys that can add positively. You can find guys who can eat innings and not give you a chance to win each day. IMO, that's Ramirez, Hess, Strailey, etc. That's not "depth." That's throwing guys out there just to play out the string.
  2. Why's that interesting? He's terrible. Hess is gonna be out of here quickly, too.
  3. The espn alert on my phone says that K-Brox is "disgruntled." Wonder how he reacted when he found out he was traded to Baltimore
  4. OOOOOOOO K-BROX! I'm so cool, look at me, look at me... K-BROX!!! Is K-Brox in the lineup tonight? Can't wait to see K-Brox flying around the basepaths! Think K-Brox will get some time in the leadoff spot? K-BROX!!!!!
  5. Jones Jones is putting up Jones type numbers. .271/.330/.486 for an .816 OPS. 9 homers, 28 RBI. Should easily eclipse last years totals.
  6. I think we're mostly in agreement. Obviously, Elias knows what's up. I'm not sure if we disagree here or not but IMO, either a player has it or not. I am sure being shuttled back and forth between the majors and minors isn't great. But at some point they've gotta get it together. I'll pick on Hess, his stuff isn't that great. Unless he develops better command or another pitch that makes batters have to account for something else, I don't see how he's going to stick.
  7. IMO, the season is all about someone like Akin getting a shot in Baltimore to see if there's anything there. We know there's nothing there with Straily. We know there's nothing there with Hess. Same with Ramirez. He's 24. Granted, he just turned 24 on April 1st but there's no reason to keep him down. Fitting that the Orioles have a pitching prospect with an April Fool's birthday.
  8. From someone who's missed his share of big league fastballs, I'm not impressed by that quote coming from Sisco. Whatever, kid deserves a call-up. Lets see if Sisco's take is for real or not. Tired of seeing Straily and Hess.
  9. Someone, somewhere is whining that it was a bad route and that a better outfielder wouldn't have had to have leap for it.
  10. He is. People have pointed to his peripherals and statcast stats around here. I am fearful the carriage is turning back into a pumpkin.
  11. That's cool but I'm looking past 2019 standards. Plus he only had 1 strikeout, 3 walks. That's not good.
  12. Not a good outing. Curious to see how he's going to bounce back in the next start.
  13. At that point he's already established trade values!
  14. If you look closely enough, you can see Baltimore's inferiority complex.
  15. Ok, well... Considering Trumbo is a FA after this year, not likely to come back...whereas Stewart can run into one on occasion, has a really happy looking face and is pretty athletic for his girth...who would you rather see?
  16. Me too. Not trying to be a smartass here (for once) but when was the last time an MLB player coming back from an injury just got straight up cut?
  17. Well, we'll see. And even if Elias doesn't cut Trumbo, that doesn't mean it's the sons are at fault.
  18. Would you rather see Trumbo or Stewart? I'm not a big Stewart fan either but at least he's got some upside.
  19. I'm not so sure about that just yet. I haven't seen much from them in one way or another to know how they're doing.
  20. This, 100%. It just blocks the ability for others to get some time in Baltimore.
  21. Again, I agree. I just don't think it is that simple. It seems to be the obvious solution. I'd do it. You'd do it. @Lucky_13 would do it. Probably a lot of other people on here would do it, too. As much as we'd like to think we know everything and think that this should happen or that decisions like this SHOULD be this easy, we just don't know. So if we can all agree that it needs to be that simple, that it should be that simple, and if Elias is smarter than us (Any TJ grads on here?) and it doesn't happen...well, then it's not that simple.
  22. I agree. However, unfortunately I don't think it's that simple as we'd like it to be.
  23. Well, sounds like he's determined to make a comeback. Assuming he does, and it sounds like it might still not be for awhile...puts a big hinderance on any sort of roster flexibility that the Orioles currently have. Means that Nunez gets more time at 3rd because he can't DH since Trumbo will be there. And it means that Mancini is going to get more time in RF because they need his bat in the lineup. So the team defense is weak in two positions because Trumbo's gotta DH. Davis, who is suddenly having a resurgence, is entrenched at first. And if he can continue his .900 OPS average, that's not terrible. Still, on days where you sit Davis, Mancini is at first, Nunez is at 3rd and Trumbo at DH. Or Ruiz at 3rd. Whatever, the point I'm making is that Trumbo coming back makes the roster harder to navigate and potentially blocks the callup of a Diaz, Stewart, Santander or any other minor league outfielder we'd like to see.
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