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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Yeah, Manny is a bit of a douche. I agree, a little disingenuous. But, I still like him. Still want to see him win. Dunno, it's kinda like...I feel like we've never had a player that other teams and other fans love to hate. We've mostly had a bunch of choir boys who aren't controversial. Jones, as much as I love him, is a hell of a guy and lovable. Nick was straight up boring, but we all loved his quiet professionalism. Brian Roberts, choir boy. Wieters, quiet professional. I'm struggling to think of anyone that we had over the past few years that got on the other teams nerves. But I don't care what anyone says, it's fun to be the villain sometimes. Red Sox, perfect example...how much did we LOOOOOOATHE Ortiz? Pedroia? I can't stand either of those guys. But we all know that if we were Red Sox fans, we'd LOVE them. And we'd also love that other fans HATE them. I loved knowing that other teams and fans hated Manny. Even though Manny is gone, I still view him as one of ours. Probably will for awhile. And I love that he's the villain.
  2. I guess if the Sox roll to a WS win, the silver lining is that Steve Pearce gets a ring. Always liked that guy.
  3. Let's see if Miley Cyrus can continue his good fortune next year. If so, I'll believe in a turnaround. Even Cashner has had a couple good seasons with a 3.00+ ERA.
  4. Hader. Turner. Manny. Ah, what could have been.
  5. Do you think Chris Davis could connect on a punch better than a fastball?
  6. Talking to a buddy of mine who's got a bit of an interest in baseball. He was asking me about the Astros, I was explaining to him how good their starting rotation is and he asked, "So...do the Orioles have anyone in their rotation that could be in the Astros rotation?"
  7. I think Dodger Blue suits Manny well. I could see him staying there if it weren't for the impending return of Seager and having Turner at 3B.
  8. @Can_of_corn is all over all things Zoellner.
  9. Orioles are just extremely analog in a digital world.
  10. Oooooo, struck out Manny! Blind squirrels find a nut every once in awhile.
  11. Not sure who the announcers are for this broadcast, but they might be OH members. Lotta excuse making for Gausman here.
  12. Ah, there's the Kevin Gausman I know and hate.
  13. I think they can if they draft properly and build something good on their own first.
  14. Yeah but without LeBron Cleveland returns to being an outpost.
  15. I think he's more talking about NBA free agents only wanting to go to desirable locations. No top flight NBA free agents consider a place like Milwaukee, for example.
  16. Possibly? I dunno. Gausman has been good for them, not sure why they'd mess with him. But if true...haha, two contributing members of the worst Orioles season holding it down for the Braves bullpen in a playoff series.
  17. @Barnaby Graves @big_sparxx anyone who read that SI article knows that the guy cares. I don't usually feel sorry for pro athletes but I do feel bad for that guy. He sucks at a historic level, he knows it and he's broken up about it. He cares.
  18. I wish when growing up I wasn't such a sucker for picking the hometown teams. Being an Orioles and Redskins fan (used to root for the Wizards, not so much into the NBA anymore) has sucked. It'd be cool to have been like "Yeah, I saw the Yankees on TV one day and I liked their pinstripes and Don Mattingly's mustache so that's who I started rooting for. What do you want from me? I was 6." Nope, had to root for the dumbass local teams.
  19. I think the O's should still give him the 2.5 million or whatever each year until 2037 or whatever, starting in 2019 to walk away. If they're going to waste that money on Tillman and Rasmus, a better spend would be to have Chris Davis NOT show up to spring training and not be on the team next year. Hell, Davis has more value at 2.5 million a year and not playing than he does being out there every day. The Orioles are better giving Davis money not to play.
  20. Saw that Manny's hair still looks stupid.
  21. Sutcliffe during the 163 broadcast talking about how he can't believe the Orioles allowed Verdugo to remain a Dodger when they traded Manny.
  22. He sure needs to. I largely think the issues is between his ears (after reading that, how can it not?) but it also looks like his bat speed has slowed, too.
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