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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Boston has things wrapped up, but I don't think they are going to take it easy on anyone. NY and Houston have things to play for, we are limping to the finish line. 12 games left, I can see 2 wins...maybe. 1 win wouldn't surprise me.
  2. There's nothing curious about it. He's just bad. I agree we should be patient, but this isn't what anyone expected from him this year.
  3. Let it be recorded here for all to see. On September 14, 2018, Frobby called someone a douche.
  4. Just when you thought he was maayyyybe getting a little better.
  5. .226 batting average in August, a blistering pace. .226/.282/.355 which is good for a .636 OPS...He raised his batting average and OBP and STILL finished with a lower OPS than he had in July because the slugging percentage was so anemic. Off to a hot start in September, .375 batting average!
  6. I'm alright with Mancini if Davis and Trumbo aren't on the team.
  7. I agree, in an ideal world Mancini is the DH and there's no Davis or Trumbo on the team.
  8. I prefer any outcome where he's not on the roster on opening day, 2019. He's had two years of absolutely terrible play, he doesn't deserve a third. I don't think that's realistic, though. I think we're stuck with him for awhile.
  9. No, he does block a prospect. For argument's sake, let's assume that Jones isn't back next year. With Davis, Trumbo and Mancini back, you're looking at an outfield of Mullins in CF, Mancini in LF and Hays/Diaz in RF. Trumbo at DH and Davis at 1st. You'd much rather have an outfield of Diaz, Mullins, and Hays with Mancini at 1st. And Mancini isn't great at 1st base but at least he's not in the outfield. You're correct in the sense that he's not blocking a stud 1st base prospect but he does hinder the team from a roster flexibility perspective.
  10. Disagree. That roster spot needs to go to someone who can help the team in the future. Unless one of the biggest sports miracles of all time occurs, Davis will not be a factor for the next good Orioles team.
  11. He's had two chances for these two years. I'm not sure what anyone would expect next year. IMO, 2019 is all about giving the young talent a chance to play and see what they can do. If Davis is on the team, he's most likely blocking someone, if not directly then he's blocking someone from a roster flexibility standpoint. I'm well aware that he'll most likely be on the team next year but I sure hope the Orioles make every effort to figure out a way to get him off the team this offseason. Ultimately I just think this is a situation where we'll be stuck for awhile.
  12. Buyout. I don't think a trade is likely at all. Even if the Orioles ate a ton of the salary, who'd want him? He'd be a black hole in anyones lineup.
  13. Top priority this offseason is to try and to figure out how to get out from under this contract. Probably not possible but they need to do whatever it takes.
  14. I said franchise SS. You're bringing up Wilkerson and Valera. Where's it been said that Villar is OD SS '19? Villar seems fine and 2B, let him be.
  15. Ok sure. But I haven't seen anything to support that since he's been here.
  16. Tim Salmon was a stud. I agree with the above, very underrated.
  17. I don't get that vibe from Beckham. Give any who just graduated high school a few million and make him the number 1 pick in the draft and sure, there's a chance things could go to their head and they could have some issues. Yeah, he smoked some weed and got suspended. But like I said, give most any 18 year old (damn, Beckham got 6.15 million!!) a lot of money and tell them to act right, don't smoke weed and don't party and see what kind of reaction you get. That was 10 years ago. Haven't seen him act like a jerk, seems to be well liked by teammates. Don't hear any rumblings of him being a problem child. Seems like he's grown up. Now, his defense certainly isn't great. He can hit a little. I'm not super crazy about him so if the O's cut ties this year I'm not going to lose any sleep. But if he's OD SS 2019, I'm ok with it too. I'm hoping Grenier can learn how to hit and eventually take over as the Orioles SS someday. 2019 isn't going to mean much except getting the young kids playing time and figuring out what we have. If Beckham isn't blocking anyone in '19 who could be viewed as a future franchise SS, then I don't mind him being back.
  18. Me too. Good pickup about Beckham, thats what I was getting at. Beckham like he was last year for a month would be the best player in the game. Didn't expect that, didn't expect him to be so terrible like he was this year.
  19. I like Villar. Hope that this is really how he is for a whole season.
  20. No, no, no. Small sample sizes won't prohibit anyone to go off the rails and judge a trade after 30 seconds because they just didn't like it to begin with. Anything to fit a narrative of being right.
  21. Wasn't gonna happen here for him.
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