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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. You guys act like shedding payroll is a bad thing. Especially on a broke down reliever.
  2. If Luis Ortiz is the centerpiece for the Schoop deal...I think I am gonna be pissed.
  3. How f'ing long does it take to get names from the Braves?
  4. No way a trade gets done in two mins. There's gotta be something like stoppage time in a soccer game on a trade deadline like this.
  5. So do the deals just have to be agreed upon by 4pm, with medicals that can be finished later today? Or do they ALL actually have to be done signed off on and completed?
  6. Ugh, on a day where I NEED to be productive...ugh, ugh, ugh....
  7. Givens, Gausman, Schoop, Bundy...oh please oh please oh please
  8. Swish it around and spit it out, pfffft. You're not a snob. Puff that chest out and stand tall.
  9. Harold Baines always struck me as a smart dude. I know he was a coach for the ChiSox for a little bit, not sure in what capacity but I wonder if he'd be a good hitting instructor.
  10. Is it me or does Caleb Joseph's bat look extremely thin? It almost looks like an extended wiffle ball bat. I think he should try a thicker bat to increase his chances of making contact.
  11. It's a shame, it looked like there was a lot of promise there.
  12. Not sure what Justin Turner's all excited about, Manny could be taking his job next year.
  13. Fairly happy with the return. Once the reports were 5-1 last night I had a feeling it would be something like this. Quantity over quality. It was obvious that no teams involved were going to deal their top prospects. Hiura, Sheffield, Verdugo all reported never offered or flat out shut down when the O's asked. For everyone whining and moaning about the inflated reliever market from a few years ago...well, lightning doesn't strike twice. Happy about Diaz. Brings skills that we need. The rest sound like they could develop into contributors, especially Kremer and Bannon. Pop sounds like an interesting piece, too. Hopefully the Orioles don't botch developing these guys. But, as one of the previous tweets goes...what'd you expect for a rental? Should have traded him last year. I will miss watching Manny. I'll be tuning into Dodgers games for sure.
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