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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Right, but you and I both know how sports work and and you know as well as I do that when you have a guy making as much as he does, he's in the lineup. I don't like it, you don't like it, no one likes it. But that's one of the crappy things about professional sports. It's not Little League where everything is fair and everyone gets to play. If you've got a guy with a big salary, he's in the lineup. Putting Davis in the leadoff spot was dumb, but at least it was an effort to think outside of the box and try to jumpstart him. If you recall around here there were cries of DO SOMETHING and FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET DAVIS TO HIT BETTER and a whole bunch of whining about...well, trying to get Davis to hit. So an attempt was made. I'll give Buck some credit to try something different in an effort to get a poorly performing player to perhaps figure out a different approach and figure things out. Subtract your emotions from the situation and look at it for what it was, it's not the most terrible thing in the world. I mean, down in Tampa there's a guy who's starting relief pitchers instead of starting pitchers. How come that guy's not getting tarred and feathered but actually being celebrated for trying something new? Maybe because he's had some decent results with it (also some poor ones) but I don't blame Buck for one second for trying to make chicken salad out of chicken $#@#.
  2. He won't. As pointed out, he's gotten worse since last year. I didn't think it was possible but here we are. He will be under .150 for the season, no doubt. He might not even double his number right now and get to 8. Batting .139 over his last 11 games (arbitrary number I just picked on baseball reference). -1.8 WAR for the season. OPS+ of 32. The phrase "video game numbers" gets tossed around when someone is putting up ridiculous stats. But Davis is like, video game numbers if you picked up a video game you haven't played before and cranked the difficulty all the way up.
  3. That might be one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here. Do you measure the difficulty of everything in life against hitting a baseball? That's not even an apples and oranges comparison, that's like an apples and spatulas comparison. Davis is 32 years old and is by most accounts, healthy and should be able to hit better than he is. Buck is 62 years old and hasn't picked up a bat in decades. And you're trying to say Buck's season is worse because of....what again? You were right about one thing. Buck has to fill out a lineup card. You, or anyone else here couldn't get significantly better results with the players he has to pick from.
  4. They're gonna have to have a buyout. No one would consider taking this contract on. Not really, but ok.
  5. Keep OPACY, right? I am not sure where I would stand on this. On the one side, it'd be awesome to get rid of him. On the other hand, I know I can outlast him. The wild card here is his sons.
  6. On MLB draft day, I wonder what guys like Billy Rowell are up to. What happened to that guy? Flamed out, of course. But is he washing dishes at a diner in Topeka or is he got his life together? Judging by how he went out, I don't think he's got his life together but I'd like to see. Same with Chris Smith, etc.
  7. I think some athletes have a built in delusional aspect to them. I think it's something that's been acquired over time in order to help deal with slumps or declining play. It's the same thing that keeps an athlete hanging on for too long past their prime. This is no different than Derek Jeter thinking he can play SS effectively into the later years of his career.
  8. You're right. It just doesn't seem like every 6.5 at bats. It seems more like 1/10 at bats.
  9. Yeah. I mean, granted a 1/4 night will prop that batting average up a little bit but he's like 3 for his last 34 or something ridiculous. .153 is too high for him.
  10. .430. I'm still trying to figure out how he's batting .153.
  11. Cool, thanks for telling us something we don't know, BR, CNN, whoever.
  12. I'm not sure who my favorite end of the line Oriole is. You know, guys that had big careers elsewhere but came to Baltimore to die. I always thought it was weird we had Joe Carter. I remember when we got Dwight Evans, I was 9 headed into the 1991 season. I had this program: I thought Dwight Evans was going to be awesome. Didn't really understand the concept of a guy being old and at the end of his career. I might go with Eric Davis, but he was TOO good here to really count, IMO. Eric Davis was awesome. My least favorite end of line Oriole is Doug Drabek, hands down. Couldn't stand him.
  13. I think this is my favorite Orioles baseball card.
  14. Theo beat two of baseball's biggest curses and droughts in his career. He kind of walks on water. But I feel like he wouldn't even want to tangle with Angelos. Angelos would be the Kryptonite to Theo's Superman.
  15. I'm starting this thread because...random thoughts can be fun. And I feel that we're posting a lot of the same stuff all day, every day. Buck sucks, DD sucks, we're afraid of Brady and his power, Davis and his contract are terrible, the defense is bad, the pitching is bad, we need to trade Manny, Manny is better at 3rd, the Orioles are dumb for not scouting in South America, we need to rebuild, we need to call up prospects...I mean, that's like every post for the past 2 months. So this thread is designed for you guys to just say what comes to mind that might not be worth starting a thread for. But since it's in the Orioles Talk section, it's gotta be Orioles related. So if your daily thoughts about the Orioles include wondering what Nate Snell is up to or how Anthony Telford blew you off for an autograph in '91, post it here. Screw you, Telford. Anyway, my random thought for this evening came in the form of Jack Cust. Yes, Jack Cust who was going to be someone who we were supposed to build around. He had Ruthian power, he was going to be amazing, he was going to hit flyballs off the Warehouse with the flick of his wrist and ease our pain. Jack. Cust. I thought about Jack Cust today because I work with a buddy of mine that has a passing interest in baseball and who likes to give me a good natured ribbing about how bad the Orioles are. I get riled up, drop a lot of f-bombs, rant about how bad they are, he laughs, it's a good time. He was asking me about what happened last night and I was telling him and then he goes, "Oh! I was watching this video on YouTube today about the 10 worst sports efforts ever! And there was an Oriole on it!" No, it wasn't Cust. It was actually Adam Jones. But it wasn't Adam Jones' effort that was in question. It was when Jones hit a ball deep against the Nats and Nyjer Morgan went back and tried to make a leaping catch at the wall. The ball hit off his glove, fell down in play and Morgan slammed his glove on the ground and was pitching a hissy fit when the Nats left fielder came over to get the ball and throw it in. Meanwhile, Adam Jones hustled around the bases for an inside the park home run. I'd actually forgotten all about it. It's the first play in this video: But why Jack Cust? Because when my friend said there was an Oriole in that video compilation, I immediately thought of this. It's something in the bowels of my memory that I try to forget and beat it back down when it comes to the surface. And like a bad fart, if I smell it...well, you have to smell it, too. It also occurred to me that there is now a generation of younger Orioles fans who do not know who Jack Cust was. I am not sure if any post on here, but this was 15 years ago. Anyway, Jack Cust should have been included in the video above. Anyway, your random Orioles thoughts. Let's have some fun.
  16. That's good information to know. Felt that this could have been unduly harsh. So they must have found evidence that he was using a PED and this as a masking agent.
  17. Also, the title to this thread is misleading AF. I thought there was some fallout with a Davis announcement to quickly follow. C'mon @Rene88 I know you want people to check out your thread but there's no reason to think Davis is using. (quite the contrary, actually).
  18. I'd take Cano, shady Dominican doctors and an 80 game suspension all day every day over the Orioles ass backwards approach to stocking a farm system. Speaking strictly for myself here, I long ago stopped looking at athletes as a moral compass and examples of making right decisions and staying in the lines. I assume that most of them are cheaters, knowingly or unknowingly. As a result, I have little to no expectations from them and it doesn't phase me one bit when this stuff happens.
  19. Cano claims it's not a performance enhancing drug, yet it's banned by MLB. I wonder what MLB thinks the advantage is of taking this stuff.
  20. Davis needs to do it. Sheesh. I don't think any fan thinks Bonds, Clemens, Raffy were isolated incidents. Certainly Bonds and Clemens probably gained the most from doing it but I don't think anyone thinks it was isolated.
  21. I was laughing hysterically when I pulled the trigger to purchase that thing. A few more bucks than what I wanted to spend but it was great.
  22. One of my favorite things I ever did was sponsored Nick's BBref page and made it look like Old5fan did it ? Really happy for Nick, this is awesome. Gonna be tuning in to some Braves games for sure.
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