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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. Happy they got Grenier so quickly after the CWS. Now get him playing this summer and figure out if he can hit with a wood bat.
  2. No, stop it. A team with this tradition (although most of it comes from '66-'83) and history doesn't get moved. It's not the Expos. It's not the San Diego Padres almost moving to DC. Angelos, for all his many faults, wouldn't take a team out of Baltimore (if he's still around. I don't think his kids would either). Camden Yards is a treasure and won't go empty.
  3. Not really. Quite frankly, I wouldn't want anything to do with my kids until they're able to mow the lawn and take care of other household chores.
  4. Should just rename it the Davis Line. Mario Mendoza, you're free to go.
  5. I got duped. Thought homers in consecutive games might be the sign of a turnaround. Nope.
  6. I'm with it. But honestly, he'd have to have a monster 2nd half and carry it into 2019 to make me a believer.
  7. I felt myself almost rooting against him being good. Don't get me wrong, I like Davis. I think he seems like a good guy. I hate seeing him struggle so much. But...if him getting back on track in any way validate's Brady Anderson in any capacity...it's hard for me to get behind him hitting well again. I feel bad admitting that, actually.
  8. Was expecting this thread bump to be about him being released.
  9. Wonder how many of these things will be hurled onto the field. Bad idea to give the fans something spherical and weighty.
  10. He's hitting .258, never came close to doing that here and I'd expect his average at the end of the year to be somewhere where it was for us. I liked Flaherty as a utility guy, don't see why Peterson can be a utility guy for us moving forward.
  11. No, I'm talking about trying to force him to accept a demotion to the minors. In other words, they ask, he says no, so they bench him for a long time, bat him 9th (where he should be anyway), play him out of position, etc. All the while keep pressuring him to get sent down. IE, we'll hit you 4th and play you each day when you come back up from the minors.
  12. Yeah, I know. Two letter word in there that was key to the whole thing that you apparently missed. Starts with an I, ends with an f.
  13. That's not the point. The point is that the MLBPA doesn't care about how someone's performing. They are there to make sure that the players are getting what's been agreed to in their contracts.
  14. Absolutely not. An MLB team trying to mess with a player that has something like 4 years and 110 million left by sending him down, making him miserable, etc is a battle they will absolutely fight. Because if the Orioles start screwing with that, then it tells any other team with a player that's making that amount of money or even less that you can get away with it. Everyone knows Davis sucks, that's not the point. The point is that if the Orioles try to screw with Davis here, that the guy in Colorado underperforming on a contract with 3 years and 45 million left can be screwed with, too. All of a sudden MLB teams will get the notion that in order to get out of a bad, expensive contract they can just mess with their players because the Orioles did it to Chris Davis. And the guy in Seattle isn't being paid as much or doesn't have as many years left, so we can do it to him, too. That is why a players association exists, partially. We're all rooting for quiet and behind the scenes, but if the Orioles can't buy him out (which, IMO, is what they should do) then I think they'll try their hand at a demotion and forcing him into it. And then the MLBPA steps in.
  15. Oh hey you two @atomicand @Rene88 remember last week when I was trying to explain the players association and how no one wants to piss them off? Players union will go nucking futs if the Orioles try to do anything here with him like force a demotion or anything that can set a precedent for a team wanting to get out of a huge contract with an underperforming player.
  16. Gotta love it when the stat guys throw out all the different splits and advanced metrics and then shrug their shoulders as to why someone could be so terrible. We're all just as clueless as you, Jay Jaffe.
  17. One of the crappiest things about this season is that...if I turn on the game after it's started and the Orioles are up, I can't figure out what part of the batting order they're in. Like if Mancini is hitting, he could be batting leadoff, or 7th. Schoop could be 2nd, he could also be 6th. If it's Trumbo, I feel like he''s probably 4th. Our lineup is just a murky mess at all times with no discernible shape or rhyme or reason to it.
  18. More like drinking OJ after brushing your teeth.
  19. I think it's one of those nagging injuries that'll last for the rest of the year.
  20. .150! Tonight we'll see sub .150. He might get his one hit for the week though, that could throw things off.
  21. Hitting .153 at the moment. I am hoping for sub .150 by the end of the week. That said, a couple 1-4 games will dissuade that but I think Davis can get there.
  22. Random, but whatever. I hate how he picks up his front leg in his motion. Anyway, not surprising that he's having a terrible season like the rest of them.
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