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Moose Milligan

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Everything posted by Moose Milligan

  1. I don't feel bad. I know we just talked about Davis in the other thread, but Davis was great once and is seeking to get back to that. Wright never was. It's a mystery to all of us as to how long he's stayed in the bigs for so long.
  2. Waiting for Hunter Harvey news. Good news is that now that you've found it, you know where to look in the future.
  3. It's what it's all about. My couch is ridiculously comfortable. 65 inch screen. Finally solved the problem of working around MLB.TVs blackout effectively, I can stream the games with no problem, it comes in perfect. Last night I fell asleep by the 4th inning. No big deal.
  4. MLB finds itself in a tricky situation, kinda. They need homers and big offense because they know that sells but they can't have PEDs because that's bad. So...yeah, I'd assume that the balls have been juiced for awhile now.
  5. Do they simulate their home run trots against him, too?
  6. I've said it before, I'll say it again. I'd rather just watch games on a big ass flatscreen on a comfy couch instead of schlepping all the way up there. I'll go to a game or two this year but honestly, even if I lived closer I'd still only go once or twice a year. The home theatre experience is way underrated when it comes to talking about attendance issues.
  7. Because they're usually playing something like basketball or football. And if there's something you can hurt on a swing or diving for a ball in the outfield, there's something he could definitely hurt while trying to tackle a running back or going across the middle to catch a pass.
  8. Yankees are still 11-10 with a ton of injuries, Judge being the latest. I wouldn't wish injury on anyone...but part of me isn't sad that this is the 2nd year in a row that Judge has been hurt. Another part of me steps back and thinks as a baseball fan in general...he's good for the game and the game is better with him in it. It sucks because he's in our division but I hope he doesn't have a career where he's more injured than not and people are left wondering what could have been. Aside from the fact that he plays for the Yankees, he seems like a good guy.
  9. Just got an alert saying the game has been postponed.
  10. Would have guessed Brooks and perhaps Belanger. I'd imagine 2nd and 3rd place would include more combinations of Brooks and another Oriole.
  11. We know that's not gonna last. Started out like a house on fire when we picked him up. That said, I hope it does last. I liked Beckham.
  12. Pat Connaughton playing for the Bucks in the first round of the NBA playoffs.
  13. Was expecting Hunter Harvey news, not even kidding.
  14. I don't think they're the end all, be all, but I do value them. In a day and age where we're constantly measuring how hard batters hit pitches, I'd prefer it if we had guys that didn't provide the opportunity to do so. I do believe there are pitchers that can get by without striking out batters but I question how long that can last and how much margin for error they live on.
  15. Bleier is a guy that outpitched his stuff. Doesn't strike anyone out. I don't know if he's fully healthy or not, but I'm pretty sure he's not as good as he was during that stretch.
  16. Very true. The most intriguing thing about Wright is how he's managed to stick around for this long.
  17. Damn, that's terrible. I'm glad Nick and his family weren't there when that happened. Makes me think of Sean Taylor.
  18. I don't think he's wired that way either, but he might surprise us. Although I think you're right. I'd love to see him do it, I know you would, too. If he can maintain a .350 OBP and if the NL adopts the DH I think it increases his chances to stick around and do it.
  19. I think if you've got a chance...albeit a small chance...to do what a handful of major league baseball players have done over the course of 150 years...you do it.
  20. If it's true the Orioles didn't pay the Nats, that's a dick move.
  21. That's cool, but our pitching still sucks.
  22. Listened to the interview, sounds like a good dude. Definitely looking forward to seeing how he progresses this year.
  23. Jones always seems to start out scalding hot. I think everyone needed a breath of fresh air in that situation.
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