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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. I would love Gunnar to do it but his agent tells me otherwise. I am going to root for him hard as long as he wears the Orioles uniform.
  2. Lol, but Bourbon Bob has Secretariat’s lead in the Belmont. At least JA has stayed sober enough to hire a real front office that has built a decent team. He hasn’t gone in the dugout to call any plays.
  3. Great article in The Baltimore Banner that kind of sums up all the John Angelos news of the day. https://www.thebaltimorebanner.com/sports/orioles-mlb/angelos-orioles-stadium-lease-goon-BKD5EDEC5NBABFE2OVV53JQIP4/?schk=YES&rchk=YES&utm_source=The+Baltimore+Banner&utm_campaign=e763edfa68-NL_PMSC_20230821_1856&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-e763edfa68-[LIST_EMAIL_ID]&mc_cid=e763edfa68&mc_eid=c989887d3a I have read a couple things written by Kyle Goon and have enjoyed them.
  4. John Angelos is typical result of inheriting wealth and position and not earning it.
  5. They might not have to sell the team if she gets it but she has expressed interest in not owning it going forward. She can take advantage of the step-up basis once he passes to reduce capital gains taxes to zero.
  6. I can see Irvin being slotted ahead of Gibson at this point. Irvin won’t run out of innings capacity and has been a more effective starter lately.
  7. At John Angelos’ request, Maryland officials considered filing antitrust suit against MLB to aid Orioles during MASN dispute https://www.baltimoresun.com/sports/orioles/bs-sp-angelos-orioles-mlb-masn-suit-20230821-jhbj7u3fcrhebgybiiizkz6wve-story.html I will throw this in this thread. This is in the Sun that Angelos asked the State of MD to sue baseball to aid him in the MASN suit. I will give him this he has big kahones. I give the state credit for not swatting at that hornets nest. We could be know as the state that tried to take its NFL team by eminent domain and sue Baseball in an antitrust suit.
  8. Don't attack me, I am just stating a fact not defending Angelos. I am 63 years old by the way.
  9. In 2016 the owner had a thriving law practice bringing in millions of dollars outside of the bottom line of the baseball team.
  10. The biggest reason is it is their main source of revenue now and they are basically waiting for the owner to pass away because of tax consequences of selling before he passes away. Until this resolves itself they are going to run this as cheap as they can.
  11. Yes but there will be end of the world posts after the next loss.
  12. Now you are getting silly. Rick Dempsey gets hot in a 5 game world series and he is the reason the Orioles won in 1983?
  13. By the way teams win World Series’s without great or even good catchers. 1966, 70, and 83 Orioles for a small example.
  14. It is no swipe against Adley. He is very good but if Henderson stays healthy he can be an all time great ballplayer.
  15. Look if your politicians don’t build new modern stadiums for these owners they are going to move their teams to where they are willing to do so. I lived it losing the Colts. If we had passed the building of our stadiums before they moved in stead of trying to take them with eminant domain the Colts would have never left. I am not saying it is right but it is the way things work. Tampa is going to soon find out unless they come up with a new stadium.
  16. That is hard to believe since triples are the toughest part and that park must see more than most.
  17. If you didn’t love Gunnar before you have to love him now. He wasn’t stopping at first!!
  18. His agent is Boros so the answer to the first question is no and I believe it is the same answer for question 2.
  19. Their lease runs through next year and I don’t think they have anywhere to play until Vegas builds their stadium.
  20. They have the best record in the AL as of today. As this ownership is made up now they aren’t going to spend big money on free agents or even their own players. It is what it is. If results matter then there isn’t much to complain about. Either you route for the team as it is or not. Constantly calling them a cheap organization doesn’t really help anything.
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