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Everything posted by accinfo

  1. There is no paper that says a MLB team should sweep another in a 3 game series. Whenever you win 2 out of 3 that is a winning rate above any norm. The consistency the Orioles have been playing at is pretty special. The Angels are getting paid a lot of money to play the game. In whole more than the Orioles as a team are getting paid.
  2. Many posters here understand the struggle. Just read the game threads.
  3. Just hope JA is out of the picture when this has to be done.
  4. They read the game thread on OH in the dugout and heard they said they were tired and all consumed 3 red bulls.
  5. That is too bad but I don’t usually carry food in. I know he is going to go on sometime before 8:00 and leave 3 plus hours later. I will eat before the show and grab a soda at the show. I am going to have a good time anyway!
  6. Gunnar is such a stud. He will probably homer tonight also.
  7. At this point just sign the lease. Then let's worry about signing players.
  8. What is anyone going to do about the amount of money he spends or not? So far he is getting away with it.
  9. I wonder if more moves are made. Will Joey Ortiz get called up and someone else cut?
  10. Well I see they are taking the advice of the experts here on Colton Cowser. Don’t they know he can’t hit in the majors?
  11. Well they are playing Tampa this weekend so I hope they help them.
  12. No wonder you are so angry. If they win 105 and we win 104 it is time to tip your hat to Tampa.
  13. The Orioles are 7-3 in their last 10 games. Tampa just went 8-2. That is not on the any manager. If that holds up the rest of the season Tampa will win the division by winning 105 games or so. No ones fault. They have a tougher schedule in the last 28 games. If they win 80% they will earn the division. Lets see what happens.
  14. My ticket rep told me last week to expect playoff tickets in Mid-Sept. Maybe something will be resolved by then. I really never thought of the lease status until you mentioned this. I thought it was odd to wait until Mid-Sept but maybe that is why.
  15. I was there Saturday for the sold out Colorado game and the lines at the concessions were just stupid. I was on the club level and walked up to the 3rd level so I could get in a shorter line. Up there none of the concessions even sold fountain sodas. They said they never hooked them up all season. That was crazy. I don’t want a bottle soft drink when it is 90 degrees out. If I am going to pay $8.50 for a Pepsi I want ice damn it! It is obvious they don’t have enough people. I don’t know if that is the fault of the concessionaire or the team but it is not good. I will be there next Saturday for the Springsteen concert so we will see how that turns out.
  16. Frobby was just joking. If it said that it would be a headline topic with 100 pages on the hangout.
  17. I wouldn’t expect them to pack it in. I would have thought they hadn’t played this well but they are beating bad teams as the Orioles have. Lets see what September brings. They have a tougher schedule at least on paper.
  18. Ok Lol, I was going to say that should set off some people.
  19. It actually says that somewhere?
  20. Yes me too, I have some jersey’s I want to re letter and I heard that shop had closed.
  21. Cowser did nothing so we should just write off his career. This is why Elias makes these decisions and not any of us here at the Hangout. Thank God! I like Santander but these guys are going to try to get max back from him. If they can’t I guess they will wait.
  22. You can argue Cowser is banging the door down despite what he did in limited time in the big leagues. Look at his resume at AAA before and after he came up. They will evaluate that.
  23. Yes Hyde (The Manger of the Year) doesn’t know what he is doing.
  24. Also they keep winning and look up and gain ZERO ground. That may wear on them.
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