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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Cowser and Ortiz is an overpay, simply because they can't get that equivalent value on the market except for from the Orioles. It is bidding against yourself. Cowser and Ortiz is 2x, more than, what the Rays got for Glasnow. Is Cease 2x more valuable? He's not.
  2. This continues to suggest two of our 4-6 prospects is a serious overpay for Dylan Cease.
  3. I guess if I was projecting 2024, I'd take Mullins over Santander.
  4. Shouldn't Mullins be considered our third best player?
  5. I feel fairly certain McKenna and Hilliard won't both be on the OD roster.
  6. I hope they're wailing and gnashing their teeth in extreme agony.
  7. This. Although I thought Seattle might be a possibility. He wasn't going to Toronto. LOL.
  8. Actually, I bet ya John Angelos wouldn't mind having that cash right about now. What you're saying is indisputably true. Everybody knows that. And we'll have to see the final numbers and it might change the equation moderately, but we're still talking about an unprecedented outlay of money here that is really in another stratosphere than anything that came before it, and is going to require an athletic performance equally in another stratosphere to justify it. If he performs for the next ten years like he did in 2023 it's justified. If he doesn't, it's going to be hard to.
  9. Yeah, they had him on a rookie contract. They made out like bandits. They weren't paying him 70 million, more like 100 after luxury tax, annually for the performance of his 30s.
  10. That study was highly, highly questionable and that "broad revenue" was not pocketed by the club, far from it.
  11. You think people in China are going to root for a Japanese baseball player because he's Asian? You don't know what you're talking about. People watched the WBC before Ohtani and they'll watch it after Ohtani.
  12. I lived in Asia for almost a decade. Let me tell you something: Nobody gives a crap about Ohtani just because he's Asian. That's not how it works.
  13. We'll have to see much is deferred, but 700 million is 700 million. Does anybody feel better about the Davis contract because we only paid him 19 million in the first year, and he's receiving deferred payments? Edit: Don't forget the luxury tax implications. That 700 million is actually going to be a lot more than 700 million. Likely it will be north of a billionn.
  14. Right, but in six years when he's a DH with a 125 OPS+, millions of Asians won't be going to see him, and there will probably be a new Japanese Superstar drawing the crowds.
  15. Just by WAR numbers he'd need to average about 9 WAR a year for the next ten years. He had 10 this year in his best season, but can't pitch at least for the next year and is relegated to DH. The arguments about him opening unique revenue streams still depend on him performing in unique. A 150 OPS+ DH, while great, isn't going to captivate the world.
  16. I mean it's the Dodgers, but he's not coming anywhere near justifying that contract.
  17. So they're going to wait until Angelos dies to actually sign the deal? Then that isn't really a deal with an option to buy. That's a handshake agreement to make the deal after Peter dies. If I was Rubenstein, I'd want something in writing that legally enforceable.
  18. This makes sense. It means Angelos isn't outright lying to the Governor but that the rumours of the sale are still true.
  19. I suppose they could just write that into the deal: The option to buy comes after the death of Peter.
  20. You know I'm cautious and skeptical of Rubenstein as I've made clear, but John really is insufferable.
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