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Everything posted by Pickles

  1. Yeah, this team isn't going to win 105 games or whatever it was on pace to do so until very, very recently. A bit of a slump is inevitable. And Mullins' loss will hurt, as he is probably, outside of Adley, our most indispensable player. But this team is too solid 1-26, and that really extends 1-40, to just crash and burn.
  2. If it's a six week absence, it makes sense for Cowser to be up here in 10-14 days, after properly rehabbing himself. I will be interested to see his defense in CF.
  3. Thanks for that. Well, could be a two week thing, could be a six week thing. Let's hope it's the former.
  4. I think we would all agree that we don't have a true Ace. However, so far we've had 4 solid starting pitchers. As we saw in 2014, sometime's that can be enough.
  5. Coming into today, they were 10 out of 15 in the AL in attendance. And on pace to draw roughly 1.5-6 M fans. Of course with the way they're playing, and the presumption that crowds will be bigger in the summer than in the spring, it's not unfeasible to see them drawing 1.8 M fans. For perspective, they drew under 800 K in 2021 and 1.36 M last year. We've discussed it before, and we all acknowledge the Golden Days of 3.5 M a year aren't coming back, but a playoff appearance could put the organization in position to plan for 2+ M fans next season, and hopefully with continued good play, maintain 2-2.4 M attendance annually. That should allow them the financial wherewithal to maintain long-term competitiveness.
  6. He was pretty dominant the first 4 innings. HIs best piece of luck was Mountcastle making a good play to start a 3-6-1 DP.
  7. If you accept the premise, then they already do, as Bradish and Kremer have only been their 3rd and 4th best starters.
  8. And it will be Frazier. He was off today, and Gunnar got some experience against LHPs.
  9. Fourth outfielder at best.
  10. He did. I would be interested in an analysis of that deal, now that his money making career is largely over.
  11. I'd imagine they want to control his innings a little bit. I was wondering what their plans were in that regard.
  12. HIs back is fine? Oh, I didn't realize it was September 2030 and Trout was picking up his last 37.1 million dollar paycheck. You always conveniently leave that out of the equation. It was a stupid, moronic take. You were completely wrong then, and arrogantly crowed about how right you were. You are even more wrong now, and time will prove you wrong in an even more complete way. Virtually every single time, be it a proposal or be it an assessment of value, you are wrong. We could talk about more specifically moronic things you said in this thread. How about this one: Hays is a "fourth outfielder at best." That is a laughably stupid take. Mullins is "maybe a platoon player." That's slightly less stupid, but has been shown to be just as incorrect. You have had big, bold opinions throughout this entire rebuild. Good for you. You are certainly a main character on the board. However, most of those opinions have been critiques, and claims of what should have been done. And yet, when you have given specific examples of players' values, you have been almost universally incorrect. If you don't want me to rub it in your face, then you shouldn't mock me initially. Be a little more polite when you're being wrong about baseball.
  13. It certainly is frustrating. I support sending him down. I think the question is really what do you do with him at AAA?
  14. You were wrong. You're always wrong. Everything you ever propose makes the team worse, because you are a terrible evaluator of baseball and baseball players. Bask in it. Let it run all over you.
  15. Maybe. I'm not saying you're wrong but I have my suspicions. It's rare to see a guy with his raw stuff get hit as hard as he does.
  16. I think they can see his wrist.
  17. Honestly, I don't like the way he holds the ball way out in front of himself.
  18. Well, if you're going to mock me about saying something that was so clearly correct it would behoove you to be correct or I will remind you of it. It really is more of a general thing though. I think many have not appreciated how good some of our young vets are and have been way too motivated to replace them.
  19. Oh yeah. He's still a better player than Mullins straight up. This isn't a critique of Trout.
  20. Receipts. 2023 Mullins/Hays Combined WAR: 2.6 Trout WAR: 1.7 Mullins/Hays Combined Salary: 7.3 Million Trout Salary: 37.1 Million
  21. I didn't have to, but I used him as an example. I could have used DJ Stewart though.
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